Muslim ajnabis piling on Somalis in Ramadan.

He’s wants attention and you’re giving it to him by posting it here, some of you guys are so reactive, stop wasting your precious type on stupid things, and go do something productive.
As the last ten days of Ramadan approach, we must make the most of this blessed time, focusing on deepening our worship, seeking forgiveness, and striving for good deeds. This is a time to draw closer to Allah and engage in acts that will benefit us in the Hereafter. However, it’s easy to fall into distractions, especially when we get caught up in race wars, nationalism, or arguing on platforms like Twitter. These distractions not only waste our valuable time but also lead to sin. Allah warns us in the Qur'an: "And those who, when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind." (Qur’an 25:73). Arguing over worldly matters, especially those that divide us, is something Shaytan loves because it takes us away from the worship of Allah.

Let us also repent for any wrongdoings we may have committed, including insulting entire nations or people over the actions of a few. This is not the way of a believer. When someone speaks negatively about Somalia or any other nation, remember that they do not represent the entire nation. Every person is accountable for their own actions, and we should not judge an entire people based on the behavior of a few. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught us: "A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe." (Sahih Muslim). So, let us direct our energy during this blessed month toward what unites us—our worship of Allah and the unity of the Ummah—rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric that only leads us further from our true purpose. Let us repent and seek forgiveness, focusing on the mercy and guidance of Allah.
You’re always crying about my messages, clearly can’t tell what a harmless joke is. Stop watching me ignore button is right there just press on my name 👌🏾
Huh? I just respond to whatever its a forum after all. If anyone else said that comment I would have said the same thing. Also Idrm when I last commented on your stuff tbh. Are you tallying it? Cuz I have no recollection tbh. But you can block me if you want idrc since you think I'm watching you 😂
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LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
He’s trolling for the attention cause he knows the Somalis will give it to him I doubt he seriously believes the shit he’s saying when there’s groups like the Turks who are proudly cultural Muslim’s only claiming Islam by name with a good amount of them fully disowning the deem and turning to atheism. Difference is the Turkish people wouldn’t give this troll the time of day if he where to call them out as the worst Muslim’s cause it’s not that offensive to most of them so making up some bullshit about Somalis is a much better move in terms of getting quick clout.

It’s publicity 101 all publicity is good publicity want quick clout just say a lie that’s so outrageous people will run to cuss you out and prove you wrong. When you say something that is true and people agree with they’ll just brush over it cuz it’s obvious it’s arguments and hot takes that gets people commenting.

His fellow Moroccans are just as bad as us they’re responsible for tons of crimes and gang activity in France and Spain and their women are notorious for being dhilòs the whole world wants to take turns on a Moroccan ting.

It’s funny cause in a way the Moroccan diaspora in countries like France are literally the North African version of Somalis
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He’s trolling for the attention cause he knows the Somalis will give it to him I doubt he seriously believes the shit he’s saying when there’s groups like the Turks who are proudly cultural Muslim’s only claiming Islam by name with a good amount of them fully disowning the deem and turning to atheism.

His fellow Moroccans are just as bad as us they’re responsible for tons of crimes and gang activity in France and Spain and their women are notorious for being dhilòs the whole world wants to take turns on a Moroccan ting.

It’s funny cause in a way the Moroccan diaspora in countries like France are literally the North African version of Somalis
They are absolutely NOT alike somalis in any sense, they are more of a nuisance than somalis could ever be. Please look into how vicious morroccan criminal networks are in France/Belgium/Netherlands.. our criminals are literal saints in comparison.

their online trolling is even worse, the only difference is they speak french so ceebtooda is more hidden, they of all people should never point the finger at another community tbh.
He’s trolling for the attention cause he knows the Somalis will give it to him I doubt he seriously believes the shit he’s saying when there’s groups like the Turks who are proudly cultural Muslim’s only claiming Islam by name with a good amount of them fully disowning the deem and turning to atheism.

His fellow Moroccans are just as bad as us they’re responsible for tons of crimes and gang activity in France and Spain and their women are notorious for being dhilòs the whole world wants to take turns on a Moroccan ting.

It’s funny cause in a way the Moroccan diaspora in countries like France are literally the North African version of Somalis
The worst of Somali is not even equal to how this North Africans move


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
The worst of Somali is not even equal to how this North Africans move
They are absolutely NOT alike somalis in any sense, they are more of a nuisance than somalis could ever be. Please look into how vicious morroccan criminal networks are in France/Belgium/Netherlands.. our criminals are literal saints in comparison.

their online trolling is even worse, the only difference is they speak french so ceebtooda is more hidden, they of all people should never point the finger at another community tbh.
Y’all give Somalis way too much credit maybe I’m biased cause in my country we make up half the most wanted list but trust me even if we are better it’s not by a lot.


Angry The Rookie GIF by ABC Network

Victim card user detected

He insult the Somali youth and when he lose he call us Arab-Pakistani haters.
Alhamdullah, I've made a right decision to unfollow him couple months ago. He gave me such arrogance vibes behind his posts eventually. I used to view him as a someone who envisioned many good ideas in Muslim world. May Allah protect us from such enemies. Beware.


Burtinle - Galkayo Puntland
As the last ten days of Ramadan approach, we must make the most of this blessed time, focusing on deepening our worship, seeking forgiveness, and striving for good deeds. This is a time to draw closer to Allah and engage in acts that will benefit us in the Hereafter. However, it’s easy to fall into distractions, especially when we get caught up in race wars, nationalism, or arguing on platforms like Twitter. These distractions not only waste our valuable time but also lead to sin. Allah warns us in the Qur'an: "And those who, when they are reminded of the verses of their Lord, do not fall upon them deaf and blind." (Qur’an 25:73). Arguing over worldly matters, especially those that divide us, is something Shaytan loves because it takes us away from the worship of Allah.

Let us also repent for any wrongdoings we may have committed, including insulting entire nations or people over the actions of a few. This is not the way of a believer. When someone speaks negatively about Somalia or any other nation, remember that they do not represent the entire nation. Every person is accountable for their own actions, and we should not judge an entire people based on the behavior of a few. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught us: "A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand the Muslims are safe." (Sahih Muslim). So, let us direct our energy during this blessed month toward what unites us—our worship of Allah and the unity of the Ummah—rather than engaging in divisive rhetoric that only leads us further from our true purpose. Let us repent and seek forgiveness, focusing on the mercy and guidance of Allah.
May Allah bless you for this reminder.


Burtinle - Galkayo Puntland
Alhamdullah, I've made a right decision to unfollow him couple months ago. He gave me such arrogance vibes behind his posts eventually. I used to view him as a someone who envisioned many good ideas in Muslim world. May Allah protect us from such enemies. Beware.
There is a shred of truth in what he says an extremely vocal part of Somali society have the worst manners when it comes to online interactions. This trait is present in diaspora and fobs and we need to eradicate it. We barely surpass 30 mil and we got a bigger internet presence than ethnicity's who have our entire population in a single region of their country. This wouldn't be a problem if we used our over representation for a good thing but we don't.

Obvs its not nice to hear this from an ajanabi but if a Somali were to say this you would all agree.
I think it is partly because we have a big diaspora and the majority of said diaspora speak English or grew up in a country with good English education. I see a lot of social media from the diaspora. I think Somalis back home have a big Internet presence too but they stick to their own circles since they use Somali predominantly.


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