Muslim argument against Christianity

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Let me guess your source for this: the Koran/ahadith? :icon lol:
Are you stupid lol? Of course it's only considered blasphemy according to Islam. If you mean Paul's message, than is a historic fact and you can read up on it from a non religious point of view too. It's well known that Paul is the father or modern day Christianity and was the first to declare Jesus is the son of God.


Amr ibn Hisham
I said deified not defied. Also go learn your own religion I shouldn't have to tell you the role Paul played in modern day Christianity, and in declaring Jesus as the son of God.

Also I gave you him as an example of Christians who weren't followers of the false prophet Paul.

All the prophets preached the same message as Islam until Paul came along with his blasphemy
Deifled is not a fucking a word. f*ck man get a grip.


Amr ibn Hisham
Are you stupid lol? Of course it's only considered blasphemy according to Islam. If you mean Paul's message, than is a historic fact and you can read up on it from a non religious point of view too. It's well known that Paul is the father or modern day Christianity and was the first to declare Jesus is the son of God.
What's your obsession with Paul? Did you know Paul? How do you know he "corrupted" Christianity and didn't just convey the truth? Again, there is no great debate about the fundamentals of Christianity.
Are you stupid lol? Of course it's only considered blasphemy according to Islam. If you mean Paul's message, than is a historic fact and you can read up on it from a non religious point of view too. It's well known that Paul is the father or modern day Christianity and was the first to declare Jesus is the son of God.
Saying "are you stupid? lol" doesn't lend your inane argument any credibility. That "all the prophets preached the same message as Islam," is not a historical fact or a fact of any sort. It's a religious claim made only in Islam. It's fine to believe in what you want, as far as religion goes, but it's laughable to try and present it as a universally acknowledged and veritable truth. I'm getting the impression that you're not very bright.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
What a fool! Jesus a.s was a Prophet of God, he foretold his people of the final Messenger of God in the bible of the Paraclete who would guide mankind
Saying "are you stupid? lol" doesn't lend your inane argument any credibility. That "all the prophets preached the same message as Islam," is not a historical fact or a fact of any sort. It's a religious claim made only in Islam. It's fine to believe in what you want, as far as religion goes, but it's laughable to try and present it as a universally acknowledged and veritable truth. I'm getting the impression that you're not very bright.
I get the impression you don't know anything about religion. Ask any one who follows an abrahamic faith what Noah preached, what Abraham, David, Isra'el preached they all will tell you to call to the Lord of the Universe and even if they believe in some other jibber jabber, the Book will make it evident what that message was.

And yes it is a historical fact that Paul is the father of Christianity, and if you don't believe me then go do your own research or show me solid evidence to back up your point, don't expect me to spoonfeed you what should be common knowledge.

Malcolm X

The price of freedom is death
You don't view it as one god because that is what you chose to believe. It's not a carefully studied conclusion. Muhammad threw a monkey wrench into a thousand years of Christian belief to diminish what people thought of Jesus and installed himself as the most important human. I have a question for you: are you sure it's Christians that are polytheists when you have to proclaim La Illaha Ilallah Muhammad Rasuul Allah as a proclamation of faith? You literally associate a partner with Allah while complaining about Christians.

Partly yes because that's what I chose to believe, but if you explain the concept of trinity to an average person with no religious affiliation, and then you ask them whether Christianity is monotheism or polytheism, they're more likely to say it is polytheism.

Surely if you speak more than 1 language, you would know that it's not always good idea to discuss semantics of a translated word. Shirk has a specific meaning in Islam. I'll let this link do the work for you.

Everything happens with his permission. How do you know the Quran wasn't corrupted with his permission and that a thousand years later a new prophet will tell you that? After all, the Christians weren't told that the book would eventually be corrupted until Muhammad came along. They thought the word of god was eternal and incorruptible, just like you.

There is no real way knowing that Islam has not corrupted, this is what having a faith means.

I believe that, over time, people will find pieces of evidence collaborating the religion. One example is Qur'an manuscript found and held at University of Birmingham. If you go there to read Qur'an you'll see that it is exact same Qur'an we read today.
If god entered his creation who was doing god's other duties? He's god. He's capable of appearing as a man and doing everything else god does.

Why did Jesus say "why have you forsaken me?" The story of Christianity is god acting like a man and experiencing what a man experiences. Like a man being murdered on a cross, he cried out like a man would. God, according to you and others, can do many things at once. He CAN appear as a man and at the same time torture that man he appears as. You claim to be a believer in god and yet this flies over your head.

I know everything about the crucifixion of Jesus. Yes his disciples did run away when they saw him being murdered. Hundreds of people saw that same guy that was murdered three days later and dozens of people met him. It is to these people that he claimed deity, ruled over and lived a sinless life. If you are going to make dumbass claims, do research.

Yes, the bible is in effect what the Quran is talking about. It's dozens of books with over 40 authors. If you don't know, the Quran claims to be the word of god but was written down and organized by men.

There were Unitarian churches? These churches never doubted the death, deity and resurrection of Christ. They just had a bone to pick with the framing and the whole trinity talk. Under NO circumstance did they say that Jesus wasn't killed, didn't rise from the dead and claim deity. That's just not true. You can't make things up to feel better.

you can tell this guy is a christian a poor dumb atheist. If i create a TV set i do not need to become a TV to know how a TV works. God can do many things. But appearing as a homo sapien is above what God does. God does not go to the toilet. How pathetic and low do you have to be to bring down God who created everything to coming out of a woman's vagina? Have you got no shame?

And you still haven't answered my question? was God praying to the God in heaven or himself? Its one ot the other.
You know nothing about the crucifixion because if you did you would know jesus disciples all abandoned him and the next time they saw him was because they thought he died in the cross. Jesus said i am still alive.

Jesus never showed his face to the jews or the romans again. wonder why that is considering according to you he was resurrected. Resurrected bodies you christian atheist wannbe do not die twice. jesus was scared of being caught. That's why he was hiding

As for unitarian christians you are wrong as usual

As for what the quran was talking about, i suggest you go take some arabic classes before you humiliate yourself. The word injeel in arabic is Gospel and the gospel was given to jesus. Now since we all know that you are a christian or a wannabe masquerader atheist. you will know that there is no such thing as a gospel of jesus in today's bible. Sorry mate no one can help you on that.

The quran has been written by man alright but it was revealed by divine inspiration. That's the difference. What was revealed to our prophet through his mouth is still with us. You're bible on the other hand are nothing more than witness accounts that differ amongst each other written hundreds of years after jesus vanished in a language not spoken by jesus himself LOOL How sad.

The real founder of christianity is paul. Not jesus. Jesus has nothng to do with what christianity is all about
And yes it is a historical fact that Paul is the father of Christianity, and if you don't believe me then go do your own research or show me solid evidence to back up your point, don't expect me to spoonfeed you what should be common knowledge.
You need to learn the difference between your religious beliefs and historical facts.

All the prophets preached the same message as Islam before Paul ≠ historical fact.

Paul's influence on Christianity is not in question. This particular claim is. Back it up.

You need to stop learning your history from shit sites like
You need to learn the difference between your religious beliefs and historical facts.

All the prophets preached the same message as Islam before Paul ≠ historical fact.

Paul's influence on Christianity is not in question. This particular claim is. Back it up.

You need to stop learning your history from shit sites like
Paul is the real founder of christianity

where jesus said i am here to uphold the law, meaning jewish law, paul threw everything out. Even eating pork became okay.

In other words paul who never met jesus in his lifetime basically constructed the entire ethos of the religion itself
You need to learn the difference between your religious beliefs and historical facts.

All the prophets preached the same message as Islam before Paul ≠ historical fact.

Paul's influence on Christianity is not in question. This particular claim is. Back it up.

You need to stop learning your history from shit sites like
war cunug saqiir ah oo caano la siinaayo matihide, go do your own research


Rag waa shaah dumarna waa sheeko.
The argument goes something like this: Christians are blasphemers because they associate partners with Allah. How could Allah have a son when he created everything? The Quran maintains that Jesus was never actually crucified and it only appeared that way to people at the time. Not only was he not crucified, he never rose from the dead or claimed deity.

The only problem (s) are these
- Christians believe that God entered into his creation in the form of man and not that god had a biological son. So the argument about partners with Allah is invalid.
- The Quran claims that the word of god cannot be corrupted, and yet Muslims claim his word in the bible has been corrupted by man. By this logic, the Quran could've easily been corrupted.
- There are literally no Christians or people that lived in Jesus' time that believed he wasn't crucified, rose from the dead and claimed deity. If no one knew that Jesus WASN'T crucified, Allah intentionally misled hundreds of millions for millennia only to tell them in the 7th century that they were wrong.
- So, the "corrupt book" argument is invalid for the reason I stated and the non-crucifixion story says something really bad about Allah

This is coming from an atheist who doesn't believe in Christianity by the way. It's just pathetic how you Muslims bought Muhammad's propaganda hook line and sinker.

The argument is more than what you're willing to concede as it isn't limited to merely associating partners but also about attributing human attributes to Allah and vice versa. Surah al ikhas beautifully summarises the concept of God in Islam

"Say! He is God, the One!
"The Eternally Besought of all!
"He does not beget, nor is He begotten.
"And there is nothing comparable to Him."

In islam shirk isn't limited to associating partners with Allah but also encompasses a wide range of other things like giving Allah's attributes to His creation and vice-versa, declaring similarity between Allah and His creation etc.

God and man are 2 distinct beings with different characteristics and attributes. As such it's logically impossible for one to become the other while at the same time maintaining the distinct and unique features of each being. To elaborate further lets take the example of geometric shapes, in our case a triangle and a square.

By definition alone we know that they are different but once you start transforming one shape to the other they immediately stop being what they were before the changes were made. That's why you can't claim a triangle is triangle even after you changed it to a square. This is what the christians are doing when they claim that God came down in human form, they don't realise that they are actually negating the uniqueness of God. Once He takes on human attributes He stopped being God.

In addition to this christians believe that Jesus is the actual son of God and not simply that God took on a human form. There's a unique relationship between God the father in heaven and Jesus the son God, it's similar to the relationship between a father and his son. Even the bible confirms this take a look at the famous john 3:16 .

New International Version
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

King James Bible
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Darby Bible Translation
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believes on him may not perish, but have life eternal.

World English Bible
For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Young's Literal Translation
for God did so love the world, that His Son -- the only begotten -- He gave, that every one who is believing in him may not perish, but may have life age-during.

From the above verse jesus is without a doubt according to their scripture the biological son of God. If i told you that i'm the begotten son of my father what does that tell you ?

Secondly that promise about quran's preservation mentioned by Allah only applies to the Quran not any other scripture. It's only the Quran that will be preserved. The Quran says that the word of Allah can't be changed meaning no one can stop any of the decrees of Allah from happening.

There are literally no Christians or people that lived in Jesus' time that believed he wasn't crucified, rose from the dead and claimed deity. If no one knew that Jesus WASN'T crucified, Allah intentionally misled hundreds of millions for millennia only to tell them in the 7th century that they were wrong.

How did you come to that conclusion? you weren't there nor have you brought proof to support your claim and you expect us to simply to take your word for it? The quran was revealed so as to correct the misguided teachings that mankind was upon after they started to follow their own whims and desires even though revelations were sent to them.

Before jesus the message of the bible is one of monotheism where only God is worshipped but after jesus the message changes. Why would God command to worship Him alone to all the other prophets and nations but tell them to worship a human being during and after the coming of Jesus peace be upon him ? It simply doesn't add up

I suggest that you reflect on your own biases before commenting on issues that you've no knowledge of.
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