Muslim senator in Australia banned and intimidated by her circle for her pro-Palestine stance, Muslim Party was formed

2 embarrassing news came out this week that went nationwide because the headlines riled up the population.

Once upon a time, Fatima Payman is a senator who was praised for...
Senator Fatima Payman had once been held up by her Labor colleagues, praised for representing a modern face of both Australia and the party she had been elected to represent as Labor's first Muslim senator and first to wear hijab in the parliament.

And now, she was indefinitely suspended for being vocal of Palestine statehood. Crucified by her peers in the parliament.
In an interview with SBS News, Western Australian senator Fatima Payman has spoken about feeling intimidated by members of the Labor caucus and a focus on her religious identity in the lead-up to her resignation from the Labor Party.

Payman resigned from the Labor Party on Thursday, saying her conscience had left her "no choice" and she would sit as an independent senator.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese indefinitely suspended the senator from the Labor caucus on Sunday after she vowed in an interview to
continue crossing the floor of parliament
in support of Palestinian statehood.

Then afterward, a Muslim vote movement was formed as an aim to drive the Muslim voters away from Labor over the Palestinian issue. Considering the timing, banning Fatima was also the reason.

Those people have difficult time accepting the fact the West (especially 5 eyes) will never publicity support Palestine over Israel
The convenor of a "teal-style" Muslim Vote movement targeting federal Labor seats says he plans to announce the first candidates for two Western Sydney seats next week.

The safe Labor seats, held by Education Minister Jason Clare and Employment Minister Tony Burke, also have the largest Muslim constituencies in the country.

The Muslim Vote campaign, whose website said it was "empowering Australian Muslims in the electoral process", began last year in the aftermath of the October 7 attack on Israel.

How Aussies think of her now. :mjlol:
graduate the Australian Islamic College as head girl

become a WA state senator and make $200k a year

fight against the country that gave you everything, insisting white people owe everything to the aborigines because you're against colonialism
advocate for, not the girls in Afghanistan that aren't allowed to go high school there because of sharia law, but for sharia law in Australia

protest for islamic terrorists that hold the same ideology that your dad ran away from, because it means Muslims and those with white-guilt will vote for you
advocate for, not the girls that face torture in the middle east for dressing immodesty, but for normalisation of the hijab in Australia

abandon the party which gave you your platform and leave it for an even more radical islamo-marxist one so you can spend even more time winning votes eventually turn Australia into the country you ran away from
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Minister of Propaganda
To any non-Australians, this political story is a huge embarrassment for the government and to understand why, will take some explaining.

The current government is the Labor Party, they said prior to the election in 2022, that they will “urgently recognise a Palestinian state” if they form government.

They got elected and a Muslim hijabi senator was one of the parliamentarians elected. We have other Muslim politicians in parliament but this lady is younger and seemingly more “in touch”.

The government initially took steps towards recognition, moving the embassy away from Jerusalem, calling it “Occupied Palestine” and providing aid.

Then Oct 7 happened. The government took the line of the US but also refused to visit Israel or provide military aid. Then videos circulated of the prime minister at pro-Palestine protests and quotes from his ministers describing Israel as an apartheid state.

This Muslim senator stayed silent throughout this but two other Muslim politicians who were ministers made statements stating that the Muslim community demands action.

For context, Australia is facing a wave of independent politicians being elected instead of major parties. Labor’s safest seats are in areas that are majority Arab or Muslim in Sydney and Melbourne.

——— Part 2 next
idk why you people expect to win in a place where jews are the eteral victims. like i will never understand politicions who are muslim lol. They will ALWAYS work against you like tf you working there anyways lol.
The Jew is the eternal victim in the collective west, now matter how many decibels you scream will forever be overshadowed.
The white man is irrelevent lol, he goes where the money is. In the west, money speaks yiddish.
Put effort in your own country. Im losing sympathy with these folks. What did you expect lol. Yahuud control everything over there and you expect to make a break through


Minister of Propaganda
Now we’re in 2024 and the Muslim senator has spoken up. She’s now a seasoned politician, having been in her third year and can now make a mark.

She calls what’s happening a genocide and criticises her party leader, the PM directly.

Important to note, the Labor party isn’t a conscience party. You have to toe the party line or get expelled. There is no room for personal opinion if it doesn’t align with the collective. (There is a historical reason dating back to unionism but tldr)

Anyways, the Greens call a vote in the Senate to recognise Palestine. The government request that they add some language to not put a time frame on it, they refuse and Fatima Payman joins the Greens on their motion.

Normally she would be expelled but the PM realised that he would be cooked. Muslims almost exclusively vote Labor and so do Christian Arabs and they are a very big group in Labor strongholds. Kicking her out is to say that he rejects her and by extension them.

So he gives her a warning. She goes on television and is asked if she would do it again and says yes. So he suspends her from taking part in party processes until she “agrees with party policy” but doesn’t expel her.

This basically threw Australian politics into chaos, the prime minister, his ministers all started getting questioned in the media, their socials started getting a lot of comments supporting the senator and it looks like they missed the mark.

Then media reports came out that a Muslim group is planning on targeting the government in many of their safe seats.

The PM claimed in parliament that the senator has plotted this stunt to set up a Muslim Party and hit job articles about the senator are now swirling.

Long story short: She has now resigned from the party, everyone is pissed at the government because they see them as hypocrites and the government is oblivious to how mad everyone is rn.


Minister of Propaganda
Important to note: Muslim Party isn’t being registered. It’s a group that wants to promote independent candidates over traditional major parties.

The whole Muslim Party story seems to be Aussie media hysteria. Not saying there won’t be one but the one that is currently being reported have said they’re not registering.
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No, he is right. You just need to take one hard look at the US where they're (AIPAC) buying politicians left and right. The very same thing is happening in Western Europe.

Historically, Australia is seen as a lapdog of the US and a pro-Israel country. On top of that, those countries were the foundation of creating Israel so nothing will ever change. What the average Joe says is irrelevant when it comes to those issues.
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No, he is right. You just need to take one hard look at the US where they're (AIPAC) buying politicians left and right.

Historically, Australia is seen as a lapdog of the US and a pro-Israel country. On top of that, those countries were the foundation of creating Israel so nothing will ever change. What the average Joe's says is irrelevant.

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im just saying it as it is. You wont win here. Its as simple as that. She went against these yahuud contolled cadaans and she got jumped for it. What did she think was going to happen? She was practically asking for it. You cant say things that they dont want you to say or you will end up like assange or McBride who himself was a whistleblower.
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Dont be scared about what these niggas say :deadpeter:
You have to understand that life isnt all blue skies and soft clouds, it is much more then that. This australian woman put herself to the firing squad. Cadaans are helpless mf's lol, If you talk shit bout them they dont do anything but if you talk to their yahuud masters they will call you a islamist, terror sympathasier. You wont win here, dont expect to. Shes better off helping her own people rather then trying to change the opinions of enslaved people


Minister of Propaganda
You wont win here, dont expect to. Shes better off helping her own people rather then trying to change the opinions of enslaved people

I don’t know what you are looking at but Senator Payman is definitely winning the PR right now.

Most registered members of the Labor party agree with her stance, the media are grilling the PM, social media are cussing out Labor and the government has its safest seats threatened.

Don’t be surprised if Labor folds to pressure soon.
I don’t know what you are looking at but Senator Payman is definitely winning the PR right now.

Most registered members of the Labor party agree with her stance, the media are grilling the PM, social media are cussing out Labor and the government has its safest seats threatened.

Don’t be surprised if Labor folds to pressure soon.
shes winning the pr online. Doesnt change the reality on ground.
Same with the palestinian protests, it didnt do shit. Just wasted peoples times.

Labour could fold to the pressure but will lose big time behind the scenes. Look at biden lol, he is probably a tad more civlised them trump and actually questions yahuuds and their motives, Now look at the media!. The pendulum swung to the republican side. The democrats are losing big time and are the center of all the laughter and mockery. Labour will face similar shit.
im just saying it as it is. You wont win here. Its as simple as that. She went against these yahuud contolled cadaans and she got jumped for it. What did she think was going to happen? She was practically asking for it. You cant say things that they dont want you to say or you will end up like assange or McBride who himself was a whistleblower.

Dont be scared about what these niggas say :deadpeter:
You have to understand that life isnt all blue skies and soft clouds, it is much more then that. This australian woman put herself to the firing squad. Cadaans are helpless mf's lol, If you talk shit bout them they dont do anything but if you talk to their yahuud masters they will call you a islamist, terror sympathasier. You wont win here, dont expect to. Shes better off helping her own people rather then trying to change the opinions of enslaved people

Of course I won't win here.

You can't "win" an argument against a mindless drone who only espouses superficial platitudes about how politics works and is arrogant enough to lecture an Australian on the magnitude of Senator Payman's troubles. So, I won't bother.

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Minister of Propaganda
shes winning the pr online. Doesnt change the reality on ground.
Same with the palestinian protests, it didnt do shit. Just wasted peoples times.

Labour could fold to the pressure but will lose big time behind the scenes. Look at biden lol, he is probably a tad more civlised them trump and actually questions yahuuds and their motives, Now look at the media!. The pendulum swung to the republican side. The democrats are losing big time and are the center of all the laughter and mockery. Labour will face similar shit.

The opinion polls on this topic are very clear.

Also, the electoral map regarding the Muslim vote is clear.

Furthermore, this is election promise of the government to recognise Palestine.

So Labor will fold, question is if it will be before or after the election.
2 embarrassing news came out this week that went nationwide because the headlines riled up the population.

Once upon a time, Fatima Payman is a senator who was praised for...

And now, she was indefinitely suspended for being vocal of Palestine statehood. Crucified by her peers in the parliament.

Then afterward, a Muslim vote movement was formed as an aim to drive the Muslim voters away from Labor over the Palestinian issue. Considering the timing, banning Fatima was also the reason.

Those people have difficult time accepting the fact the West (especially 5 eyes) will never publicity support Palestine over Israel

How Aussies think of her now. :mjlol:
There’s like 3 percent of Muslims in Australia, uk is double that and they don’t even have one, get your numbers first
Of course I won't win here.

You can't "win" an argument against a mindless drone who only espouses superficial platitudes about how politics works and is arrogant enough to lecture an Australian on the magnitude of Senator Payman's troubles. So, I won't bother.

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Why would i put spoilers to the truth :deadpeter:
You care too much what other people think.
Shes better off putting that 200k to support her people. Its a lose lose situation in with these gaalo so theres no point in trying
The opinion polls on this topic are very clear.

Also, the electoral map regarding the Muslim vote is clear.

Furthermore, this is election promise of the government to recognise Palestine.

So Labor will fold, question is if it will be before or after the election.

This guy's British, not even Australian, but has the audacity to barge in with his baseless doom-and-gloom arguments even going as far as calling me out for being naive when I'm older than him, kulaha "You have to understand that life isn't all blue skies and soft clouds, it is much more than that"
