Muslim women most disadvantaged, new study.

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You've become one of those Atheist sympathisers as well.

In Turkey and Tunisia most women don't even wear Hijab, yet those countries are 99% Muslim. It's not the end of the world.

Anyhow, the data is clear. Hijab = lower prospects in job market.


I don't currently wear the hijab but surely this is discrimination in work practice if one is simply is not offered a job due to a religious belief is against the Equality Act (2010). And the employer would be prosecuted

Good luck proving that. 99 out of 100 cases they get away with it. They just come up with other excuses.


Queen of the light
Good luck proving that. 99 out of 100 cases they get away with it. They just come up with other excuses.
That's just rediculious absolutely rediculious. I have met a lot of good muslim women who are doctors who wear the hijab. So it's not uncommon however in the political realm I have yet to see a muslim woman who wore a hijab and stood infront of a camera as an MP, although in healthcare they dominate this field.


That's just rediculious absolutely rediculious. I have met a lot of good muslim women who are doctors who wear the hijab. So it's not uncommon however in the political realm I have yet to see a muslim woman who wore a hijab and stood infront of a camera as an MP, although in healthcare they dominate this field.

In healthcare there's shortage of workers, so they are less likely to be picky. But in other fields (esp. corporate world) I imagine the discrimination against Hijabis must be very high.


Queen of the light
In healthcare there's shortage of workers, so they are less likely to be picky. But in other fields (esp. corporate world) I imagine the discrimination against Hijabis must be very high.
Oh it is probably when climbing up the cooperate ladder. In fashion though a lot of muslim women are getting successful in opening shops of 'modest fashion'. Dominating the muslim market however, outside this market I have yet to see a muslim women in the technology sector or banking sector.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
UK has major issues besides that. 27% of all women are economically inactive. Which I can only take to mean they are heavily reliant on some external form of income.


Queen of the light
UK has major issues besides that. 27% of all women are economically inactive. Which I can only take to mean they are heavily reliant on some external form of income.
Inactive as in not in work ? Nonsense many people are forced to work now, this is not the golden age where one income was sufficient in handling all the families needs. Many parents now work in order to stay afloat in this inflated economy. Unless they are disabled or on benefits they cannot survive on one income alone without government aid and this goes for single parents as well.
nigga did you read your own article? it says the majority of them aren't even looking to work.

The report cited Demos's analysis of the 2011 Census which found that nearly half (44%) of economically inactive Muslim women are inactive because they are looking after the home; this compares with a national average of 16% of women who are inactive for this reason.

it also claims that most recruiters want a white sounding name, going by your logic they should change their names and everything else:bell:
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nigga did you read your own article? it says the majority of them aren't even looking to work.

Buffoon, in the article there are multiple anecdotal mentions of the Hijab interfering with job interviews. It's the main conspicuous characteristic that separates Muslim from non-Muslim women. It's the least Somali women can do to improve their prospects. Ditch the towel.


The trouble is, you think you have time
People are always going to get discriminated on for something. If it not for Hijab it will be skin colour or something else. So be proud of who you are and don't try to change yourself in order to fit in.


People are always going to get discriminated on for something. If it not for Hijab it will be skin colour or something else. So be proud of who you are and don't try to change yourself in order to fit in.

Islamophobia is a lot more common than racism based on skin color. Especially in Europe.


tfw no habesha gf
Ditch the hijab. We don't want Middle Eastern culture in Christian Europe. If a bunch of Christians moved to Somalia and demanded special rights, 99 % of this forum would want to genocide them or deport them, but if it's islam related and happening in the west, everyone in this site turn into a SJW, the thing everyone here hates. Hypcrites! Hijab = Oppression
Ditch the hijab. We don't want Middle Eastern culture in Christian Europe. If a bunch of Christians moved to Somalia and demanded special rights, 99 % of this forum would want to genocide them or deport them, but if it's islam related and happening in the west, everyone in this site turn into a SJW, the thing everyone here hates. Hypcrites! Hijab = Oppression
Christian Europe :chrisfreshhah:56% of brits are atheist:drakelaugh:
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