MuslimGirl and Friends Wage Ideological War on the Muslim Community

In 2008, both Dalia Mogahed and Michael Chertoff spoke at the 2008 Aspen conference and each had an article published in the Harvard International Review.[34] Chertoff’s was titled “Preventing Terrorism: A Case for Soft Power”. The next year Mogahed was added to Obama’s Advisory Council.[35]

For over a decade, Mogahed has shared the Aspen Institute’s stage with reformers like Reza Aslan, Irshad Manji, Shadi Hamid, Maajid Nawaz, and others like them.[36] Usually her participation is framed as the scarf-wearing conservative counterpoint to the progressives, but that is problematic because aside from giving credibility to these figures by sharing the stage with them, much of what she actually says in her appearances is wrong and harmful.


In 2018, Aspen launched a book called “Pluralism in Peril: Challenges to an American Ideal.”[37] The book and event was the culmination of a seven-year effort led by Meryl Chertoff and Co-Chairs David Gergen and Madeline Albright.[38] Yes, Madeline Albright, the witch who infamously said US interests are worth more than the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children. On pages 66-67, in a subsection entitled, “Muslims and the LGBTQ Community,” Mogahed states:

“While often singled out as “anti-LGBTQ,” Muslim Americans resemble mainline Protestants in their views on the LGBTQ community.
a. Muslims do not include an anti-gay agenda in their political platform. Muslim political priorities are economic growth and job creation, pluralism, and education, rather than social issues. Muslim piety resembles more the religious left than the religious right.
b. The majority of Muslims (52%) say homosexuals should be accepted by society, identical to 52% of Protestants who say the same and far higher than 34% of white evangelical protestants.”[39]

Finally, in 2019, the El-Hibri foundation’s Farhan Latif (also a panelist in Meryl Chertoff’s 2018 “Pluralism in Peril” book launch) awarded Dalia Mogahed the Peace Education Prize.[40] Present at the award ceremony and specially recognized was Meryl Chertoff. And, who was sitting front and center next to Dalia? It looks like it could be Michael Chertoff himself. Actually, it is Fuad El-Hibri himself.

Now, consider the few examples of Mogahed’s activities and statements above in the context of the following critically important facts about the Chertoffs. In 2001, Michael Chertoff co-authored the Patriot Act — yes, the Patriot Act — and from 2005 to 2009 he was the Director of the Department of Homeland Security. Chertoff’s wife Meryl worked in the Office of Legislative Affairs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) participating in the agency’s transition into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, two years before her husband became Director where he “led the country in blocking would-be terrorists from crossing our borders or implementing their plans if they were already in the country”. Currently, Michael Chertoff is the Chairman of the fourth largest defense contractor in the world, BAE Systems. He is also Chairman of the Chertoff Group, a global security advisory firm.


The true extent of the negative impacts on the Muslim community of Mogahed’s whitewashing engagements with bad actors is hard to overstate. Rubbing shoulders for years with the creators and promoters of the Patriot Act itself is more than enough for her to answer for. But consider also any one of the threads of batil radiating from her appearances with any of the other deviants she collaborates with. Take her appearances with Reza Aslan, for example, which started at least ten years ago.[41] The Islamic Scholarship Fund, for which Aslan was a board member in 2015, used Aslan’s 2015 Aspen panel appearance with Mogahed to legitimize and promote their organization.[42] And Dalia obliged and promoted them as an antidote to extremism.[43] As a result, many well-meaning Muslims have become a part of it.


At the same time, in October 2019, ISF awarded a 15K film grant to lesbian actress and LGBT activist Fawzia Mirza.[44] Yes, an Islamic scholarship for a lesbian actress who has spent a decade making lesbian movies and was recently writing queer characters for CBS.[45] Then in November 2019, the Muslim Public Affairs Council put Mirza on a panel, and put her image alongside the community leader they were supposedly honoring, Dr. Ahmed Soboh.[46] Today, we find both Dalia Mogahed and Dalia Fahmy actively promoting ISF as it scouts out 2020 grantees.[47] What did they know about Mirza and what do they think about her work? Why did ISF promote her? Why do they promote ISF?

Yaqeen’s Dalia Mogahed is the patron of all of this. Will she clarify? Will she disassociate? Or will she stand by her misguiding, pro-LGBT allies like she has stood by Amani al-Khatahtbeh of Muslim Girl?[48] This accolyte of Mogahed is now, astoundingly, making a fool of the Muslim community by running for Congress in NJ, USA.[49] Is this the example of women’s empowerment which Yaqeen advocates for?

In November 2019 Mogahed presented Omar Suleiman the ISPU Research Making an Impact Award.[50] What instances of impact specifically is the pro-LGBT ISPU happy about?


Why is Dalia Mogahed, someone who has a long history deeply involved with government counter extremism efforts, an advisor to Yaqeen? Isn’t this alarming that an institute dedicated to shaping Muslim understanding of Islam has a “de-radicalization” official advising it, awarding its founder, and being a means of Yaqeen working with ISPU scholars who are pluralism advocates and not scholars of Islam? To what extent does Mogahed’s involvement with CVE, etc., inform the work of Yaqeen and what Yaqeen decides to publish?

Beyond merely an advisory role, Mogahed has her ISPU directly collaborating to create Yaqeen content (called “toolkits”).

“ISPU works to strengthen American Muslim communities by injecting research into conversations. To advance that goal, ISPU partnered with the Yaqeen Institute to integrate ISPU research into a series of Talk Toolkits developed by Yaqeen, allowing communities around the country to receive evidence-based and inspiring talks.”[51]

What kind of “research” is ISPU “injecting” into Yaqeen? Is it the progressive “moderate American Islam” research Mogahed developed with the Aspen Institute and Obama’s CVE racket?

Interestingly, Mogahed’s boss, the executive director at ISPU, Meira Neggaz is a major promoter of abortion. As we reported last year on MuslimSkeptic:

“Before joining ISPU, Neggaz worked at Marie Stopes International. Marie Stopes International is one of the biggest promoters of abortion, birth control, and sexual “freedom” in Muslim countries and the rest of the world. They are at the forefront of pushing demographic war on the Muslim world and spreading fahisha in the name of “women’s choice.” So it is quite telling that a former official of that major organization is now executive director of ISPU and is the person Dalia Mogahed answers to.”[52]


Interestingly, Yaqeen includes in their essay on abortion in Islam a glowing endorsement of Planned Parenthood, the largest promoter of abortion and LGBT fahisha in the US. Could Mogahed and her progressive connections have had a hand in making sure that endorsement made its way into an article about the fiqh of abortion?
good work by the work but you need to be careful or put warns on some images bro,

do you have to show us a disgusting tampons with blood /red crap on it?

uff, you put me off lunch :holeup:
Last edited:
I just took a quick metric on a tool i use for stats, they seem to be growing after raising ther first funding,

Gary V is Ukrainian yahuud by the way, so keep that in mind ,

should we be concerned? lets hope they dont corrupt somali halimos, i really dont care for other races , just our halimos, other races like arabs and indians at times produces the most maqnuud creatures

Thank you, @AMusee for exposing this to the Ummah here on S-Spot. Many Muslim girls and women like me are looking to these organizations for supposed "comfort" and "understanding". As a 16-year-old, in school I already feel pressured into conforming to the Western ideal even if it doesn't match my religion. I would basically be pressurized into saying that I support the LGBTQ+ community when I do not and if I was to say that I don't agree (and the teacher isn't Muslim) then I would be subject to detentions, calling home, etc. And me going through this based on my beliefs just makes me even more sickened when so-called "Muslim influencers" promote it and encourage it to the Muslim Ummah. I feel like everything I have worked hard for with regards to standing my ground and not fearing anyone except Allah has been crumbled because of filthy organizations like this. Hopefully the people who promote it and run it will realize their mistake and repent, because this is disgusting. This is the exact reason why I am not raising children in the West. I don't want them to feel inferior to others because of the truth that they rightfully believe in.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
@AMusee this is nothing knew theyve been pushing these progressive so called Muslims for decades but now seem to finally being gaining some traction.
Now, consider the few examples of Mogahed’s activities and statements above in the context of the following critically important facts about the Chertoffs. In 2001, Michael Chertoff co-authored the Patriot Act — yes, the Patriot Act — and from 2005 to 2009 he was the Director of the Department of Homeland Security. Chertoff’s wife Meryl worked in the Office of Legislative Affairs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) participating in the agency’s transition into the Department of Homeland Security in 2003, two years before her husband became Director where he “led the country in blocking would-be terrorists from crossing our borders or implementing their plans if they were already in the country”. Currently, Michael Chertoff is the Chairman of the fourth largest defense contractor in the world, BAE Systems. He is also Chairman of the Chertoff Group, a global security advisory firm.

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The true extent of the negative impacts on the Muslim community of Mogahed’s whitewashing engagements with bad actors is hard to overstate. Rubbing shoulders for years with the creators and promoters of the Patriot Act itself is more than enough for her to answer for. But consider also any one of the threads of batil radiating from her appearances with any of the other deviants she collaborates with. Take her appearances with Reza Aslan, for example, which started at least ten years ago.[41] The Islamic Scholarship Fund, for which Aslan was a board member in 2015, used Aslan’s 2015 Aspen panel appearance with Mogahed to legitimize and promote their organization.[42] And Dalia obliged and promoted them as an antidote to extremism.[43] As a result, many well-meaning Muslims have become a part of it.

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At the same time, in October 2019, ISF awarded a 15K film grant to lesbian actress and LGBT activist Fawzia Mirza.[44] Yes, an Islamic scholarship for a lesbian actress who has spent a decade making lesbian movies and was recently writing queer characters for CBS.[45] Then in November 2019, the Muslim Public Affairs Council put Mirza on a panel, and put her image alongside the community leader they were supposedly honoring, Dr. Ahmed Soboh.[46] Today, we find both Dalia Mogahed and Dalia Fahmy actively promoting ISF as it scouts out 2020 grantees.[47] What did they know about Mirza and what do they think about her work? Why did ISF promote her? Why do they promote ISF?

Yaqeen’s Dalia Mogahed is the patron of all of this. Will she clarify? Will she disassociate? Or will she stand by her misguiding, pro-LGBT allies like she has stood by Amani al-Khatahtbeh of Muslim Girl?[48] This accolyte of Mogahed is now, astoundingly, making a fool of the Muslim community by running for Congress in NJ, USA.[49] Is this the example of women’s empowerment which Yaqeen advocates for?

In November 2019 Mogahed presented Omar Suleiman the ISPU Research Making an Impact Award.[50] What instances of impact specifically is the pro-LGBT ISPU happy about?

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Why is Dalia Mogahed, someone who has a long history deeply involved with government counter extremism efforts, an advisor to Yaqeen? Isn’t this alarming that an institute dedicated to shaping Muslim understanding of Islam has a “de-radicalization” official advising it, awarding its founder, and being a means of Yaqeen working with ISPU scholars who are pluralism advocates and not scholars of Islam? To what extent does Mogahed’s involvement with CVE, etc., inform the work of Yaqeen and what Yaqeen decides to publish?

Beyond merely an advisory role, Mogahed has her ISPU directly collaborating to create Yaqeen content (called “toolkits”).
They are desperate to corrupt Islam, as they successfully corrupted the Jewish and Christian religions, which reminds me of a hadith;

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
You would tread the same path as was trodden by those before you inch by inch and step by step so much so that if they had entered into the hole of the lizard, you would follow them in this also. We said: Allah's Messenger, do you mean Jews and Christians (by your words)" those before you"? He said: Who else (than those two religious groups)?

Omar del Sur

to me it seems like you can get a bunch of support from the West if you are either a liberal sellout or a terrorist lunatic...... there is all this evidence connecting both of these to Western backing..... truly I think they are ok with it if you adopt a khawarij mindset.... you serve as a tool of destabilization for them..... they want that! one extreme or another extreme they are ok with but if you just want to be an ordinary Muslim who believes in what Islam says and you're not some lunatic kharijite they can prop up as a boogeyman.... or liberal behind-kisser.... then they have a problem


Ragna qowl baa xira, dumarna meher baa xira.
Thank you, @AMusee for exposing this to the Ummah here on S-Spot. Many Muslim girls and women like me are looking to these organizations for supposed "comfort" and "understanding". As a 16-year-old, in school I already feel pressured into conforming to the Western ideal even if it doesn't match my religion. I would basically be pressurized into saying that I support the LGBTQ+ community when I do not and if I was to say that I don't agree (and the teacher isn't Muslim) then I would be subject to detentions, calling home, etc. And me going through this based on my beliefs just makes me even more sickened when so-called "Muslim influencers" promote it and encourage it to the Muslim Ummah. I feel like everything I have worked hard for with regards to standing my ground and not fearing anyone except Allah has been crumbled because of filthy organizations like this. Hopefully the people who promote it and run it will realize their mistake and repent, because this is disgusting. This is the exact reason why I am not raising children in the West. I don't want them to feel inferior to others because of the truth that they rightfully believe in.
May Allah keep you steadfast & ease your trials
