She spoke nothing but stone cold facts. What they do in Somalia is the same thing they do across Africa they target the most remote, desolate rural communities or displaced people, but instead of actually providing real solutions, they cripple people’s ability to provide for themselves and make them dependent.
Rather than strengthening domestic markets, production, and initiatives, they block local supply chains that would allow communities to help themselves. Cross-communal trade pathways, which could integrate economies and create self-sufficiency are deliberately undermined.
Take seeds, for example. The ones they provide are not adapted to African soil, often ruining local agriculture instead of helping it. Africans historically supplied their own seeds, carefully preserved from one season to the next, ensuring better yields. Now, reliance on foreign-provided, faulty seeds creates long-term dependency.
And at the end of it all, NGOs exploit these misfortunes by creating poverty p/corn with a p, taking pictures of displaced families in makeshift tents just to raise money for themselves. They’re the first on the scene, not to help, but to snap a photo, slap a "Please Donate" caption on it, and plaster it on billboards for their own benefit.
Yet, when I look at the billions of dollars being funneled into domestic and diaspora-driven Somali investment, it becomes clear that organizations like USAID contribute almost nothing in comparison. They are not filling major gaps at all, it’s all a lie. Most of Somalia is already self-reliant.
This reminds me of the Somali diaspora experience. In Europe, systemic employment barriers push Somalis out of the workforce, forcing them into welfare dependency. Meanwhile, in the U.S. and other countries with fewer employment restrictions, Somalis thrive in self-employment, showing high employment rates and self-sufficiency. When people are given the space to support themselves, they do.
She also pointed out that African leaders are celebrating the downfall of USAID , we’ve seen this firsthand with Somali parliament leaders openly rejoicing.
And honestly? They’re right.
The Somali government doesn’t need that tiny "aid" money at all. They can recover the same funds through local investment and reinvest it into actual services. Somalis don’t need world agencies to “fill gaps” because Somalis can fully provide for each other.
Somalis already provide everything for one another from education, water, infrastructure, electricity, banking, food, employment, housing and rely on private sector and community ventures/services/financing.
All they do with that foreign funding is empower illegitimate political stakeholders.
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