Muuse Biixi Crying about Hassan Sheikh only giving him 6.8% of the international fund allocated to Somalia


Everyone knows SL gets checks from the FGS and cooperate behind clothes doors.

It’s the politicians that spout the “soverign , independent nation” rhetoric that gets eaten up by the fanatics

Which checks have you seen? Anything that gets through would be in the form of projects (world bank etc). No direct cash payments except one time in the last few years. All projects are implemented by Somaliland government.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Man is complaining about Hsm while he truly knows ninka cadka was the one who allocated that much money for him. Can’t talk shit about your boss so you resort for the next best thing, the manager.


@Itsnotthateasy I will enjoy seeing you squirm in this thread as you try to explain Chief Caqil Muuse explain how the feds don't give him enough money.

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This topic has been covered numerous times. It's not a gotcha. The Somaliland authorities keep thier involvment with the FGS to a minimum but some projects are implemented by the Somaliland government that came via Somalia. It would be self-defeating to cut off all projects that the people can benefit from.

There's really no gotcha question in the wider topic of secession. Secession makes sense, the Somaliland authorities go about it in a manner that makes sense (at least to me) if people can benefit from certain projects then they should go ahead.

It's just in this forum (quite detached from reality) that secession is something controversial.
In terms of getting personal, this is a politics forum.

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Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
This topic has been covered numerous times. It's not a gotcha. The Somaliland authorities keep thier involvment with the FGS to a minimum but some projects are implemented by the Somaliland government that came via Somalia. It would be self-defeating to cut off all projects that the people can benefit from.

There's really no gotcha question in the wider topic of secession. Secession makes sense, the Somaliland authorities go about it in a manner that makes sense (at least to me) if people can benefit from certain projects then they should go ahead.

It's just in this forum (quite detached from reality) that secession is something controversial.
In terms of getting personal, this is a politics forum.

Your great at deflecting questions 😂

@daljirkadahsoon how long do you think he’s gonna keep up this facade 💀


Your great at deflecting questions 😂

@daljirkadahsoon how long do you think he’s gonna keep up this facade 💀

There's no deflection at all.

What this thread presents is a classic strawman argument: Somaliland authorities had some involvement with the FGS therefore Somaliland is not defacto independent or not a secessionist territory. I think that's the argument being made, tell me if I'm wrong.

What you don't appreciate is Somaliland chose to involve itself for its own benefit. It wasn't coerced into these projects. The Somali government has no presence is Somaliland and doesn't implement any of these projects.

Somaliland works with many governments, Somalia being one of those. I think the best case scenario would have been a continuation of the Somaliland Special Arrangement with Somaliland recieiving a proportional share the IC funds until the political settlement is complete.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
There's no deflection at all.

What this thread presents is a classic strawman argument: Somaliland authorities had some involvement with the FGS therefore Somaliland is not defacto independent or not a secessionist territory. I think that's the argument being made, tell me if I'm wrong.

What you don't appreciate is Somaliland chose to involve itself for its own benefit. It wasn't coerced into these projects. The Somali government has no presence is Somaliland and doesn't implement any of these projects.

Somaliland works with many governments, Somalia being one of those. I think the best case scenario would have been a continuation of the Somaliland Special Arrangement with Somaliland recieiving a proportional share the IC funds until the political settlement is complete.
You’re doing it again 💀 how many times have we had that conversation. Sick of explaining it to you. I’m talking about the question he asked you in spoilers. Speak Somali !


You’re doing it again 💀 how many times have we had that conversation. Sick of explaining it to you. I’m talking about the question he asked you in spoilers. Speak Somali !

I answered that too. I'm not playing your game.

If your arguments are weak then don't resort to this kind of deflection (which is what it is).


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
I answered that too. I'm not playing your game.

If your arguments are weak then don't resort to this kind of deflection (which is what it is).
Wallahi you should be a politician 😂

Listen I’m not looking to have this conversation again, Lord knows I’ve intellectually subjugated you more than a few times. Much like how my ancestors did to your people. Our “debates” are but a click away 😂 if you want a reminder, but something tells me you remember them well 😂.

You claim to be a Somali, but everyone here believes you are not. Why is it so hard for you to prove it, if your a SL speak Somali and tell us your Sub clans. If you really are Isaaq, I’m sure you’ll receive a bunch of apologies, including from myself.


Wallahi you should be a politician 😂

Listen I’m not looking to have this conversation again, Lord knows I’ve intellectually subjugated you more than a few times. Much like how my ancestors did to your people. Our “debates” are but a click away 😂 if you want a reminder, but something tells me you remember them well 😂.

You claim to be a Somali, but everyone here believes you are not. Why is it so hard for you to prove it, if your a SL speak Somali and tell us your Sub clans. If you really are Isaaq, I’m sure you’ll receive a bunch of apologies, including from myself.

I honestly don't care.


Tbh I think indefinitely
Threaten Breaking Bad GIF
Some more from the fake 'state' that is Somaliland

Chief Caqil Biixi meets with the rep for 'UN SOMALIA'

Now why would an independent country or even a secessionist region claiming sovereignty meet with an agency appointed to 'another country'.

Ethiopia conducting biological warfare against Somalis in Hargeisa

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Muse bixi is cooked man this is why khat addicts shouldn't run for president I'm tired of defending this man smh
The other day he said if Somalia had nuclear weapons they'd use it against us!!! I'm like is this guy for real? That's not presidential of you. Dude moving like he's still in SNM days, don't play victim you're the president of Somaliland act accordingly. You been president for 7 years, we should've weaned off the NGO aid by now. You demean yourself by asking for aid from Somalia when you claim to be a different country. The lack of self awareness by Somaliland politicians is infuriating.


The Mogadishu Mooryaan mafia use the sovereignty they hold on behalf of all of ex-Somalia to deny the states their foreign aid, scholarships, international trade (yes, they regularly threaten and prevent foreign companies that bypass the mooryaan and engage with the states), etc. The mooryaan are internationalising their isbaaro and mooryaanimo.

I fully support Somaliland and Puntland in seeking to get their aid, scholarships, etc independently from the Mooryaan Inc of Mogadishu. Waa dad aan dawladnimo rabin alifna aan ka aqoon, xishood iyo sarriigasho aan lahayn, axdi iyo islaannimo aan lagu ogayn, garasho iyo garaacasho midna aan lahayn. Hoog iyo halaag mooyee wanaag marnaba laga filan maayo shuftada Xamar ku habsatay ee dawlad ku sheegga ah
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