Muuse biixi for President!

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Why is this Kalnacasad responding to this thread,didnt I say Isaaq and Samarone only in my first post? :ayaanswag:
The only thing Muuse will force on your people will be death nayaa.Run to your cousins the MJ but god knows they cant even help themselves :cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:
Re-read your first post. You mentioned Dhulbahante. If you don't want me to respond to this garbage thread of yours, then keep magaca Daarod, specifically magaca Dhulbahante out of your train of thought. Miss Bixi cannot force anyone, let alone force death upon us. He's Sacad Muuse of all people. That says a lot. :lol:
Guys no need for the prejudice like comments towards our fellow countrymen....Muuse biixi is not a warmonger he will defend the unity of the JSL and break the nabadiidka maamul isku sheeg khaatumo and liberate border town of Buhoodle.....the darood civilians have as much as a right to SL as Isaaks.....but clan militas will be crushed:nvjpqts:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Re-read your first post. You mentioned Dhulbahante. If you don't want me to respond to this garbage thread of yours, then keep magaca Daarod, specifically magaca Dhulbahante out of your train of thought. Miss Bixi cannot force anyone, let alone force death upon us. He's Sacad Muuse of all people. That says a lot. :lol:

And since when is kalshaale harti land, fok outta here. You probably don't even know where it is on the map, let alone spent time there:drakewtf:
Guys no need for the prejudice like comments towards our fellow countrymen....Muuse biixi is not a warmonger he will defend the unity of the JSL and break the nabadiidka maamul isku sheeg khaatumo and liberate border town of Buhoodle.....the civilians have as much as a right to SL as Isaaks.....but clan militas will be crushed:nvjpqts:
:lol: Nice try there. Dhulbahante and Warsangeli territories are Daarod territories, thus they go underneath Puntland jurisdiction, since they built Puntland themselves. Cali Khalif's defunct "Khaatumo" project that YOU created in some marfish in Hargeisa's fucking street will not help you sleep better at night. Truth be told, Dhulbahante iyo Warsangeli don't want anything to do with you. If you leave Somalia, you're leaving with just your Isaaq territories (villages and towns) and if you stay in Somalia, you'll be the minority you've always been politically. :lol:
And since when is kalshaale harti land, fok outta here. You probably don't even know where it is on the map, let alone spent time there:drakewtf:
Kalshaale, Meygaagle, Hagoogane is all mine. Qorilugud WAS mine. Heck, Caynaba was mine. What makes you think Kalshaale, located south of Qorilugud isn't mine, when Qorilugud itself was mine not too long ago? WTF :lol:


Prince of East Africa
Re-read your first post. You mentioned Dhulbahante. If you don't want me to respond to this garbage thread of yours, then keep magaca Daarod, specifically magaca Dhulbahante out of your train of thought. Miss Bixi cannot force anyone, let alone force death upon us. He is Sacad Muuse of all things, they're known as "Fadhi ku qurxoon" as in they look beautiful while sitting down. That's it. :lol:
What does a dhulo know of Sacad Muuse,sit down nayaa! Secondly I will mention Dhulos as much as I want since it relates to Muuse Biixi he hates you niggas with a passion.Hopefully he has a more militant response then Siilanyo who preferred soft power.We will rout you and deport all hartis and make Somaliland homogenous nation of only Isaaq and Samarone(who are very loyal).Our lion is Muuse and Hartis are our prey! :fittytousand:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Kalshaale, Meygaagle, Hagoogane is all mine. Qorilugud WAS mine. Heck, Caynaba was mine. What makes you think Kalshaale, located south of Qorilugud isn't mine, when Qorilugud itself was mine not too long ago? WTF :lol:

And what happened to qorilugud, caynaba, Wadaamago, Oog, if it once upon a time was all yourssiilaanyolaughsiilaanyolaugh

cali geri baa tahay?
What does a dhulo know of Sacad Muuse,sit down nayaa! Secondly I will mention Dhulos as much as I want since it relates to Muuse Biixi he hates you niggas with a passion.Hopefully he has a more militant response then Siilanyo who preferred soft power.We will rout you and deport all hartis and make Somaliland homogenous nation of only Isaaq and Samarone(who are very loyal).Our lion is Muuse and Hartis are our prey! :fittytousand:
What does Dhulo know of Sacad Muuse? Absolutely nothing. No Daarod, Hawiye, southern Dir or Rahanweyn know anything about Sacad Muuse. They are irrelevant, insignificant little clan that border the Gadabursi in Waqooyi Galbeed. I have never met one. You are a very emotional girl. Leave politics to the men and try to go back to the kitchen and make tea for the men that will debate it out professionally.
Colonial bordesr are the only things that way is Somaliland going to be drawn along clan lines that's just not going to happen our destiny is tied together from lowyacade to Las qoray from Borama to Las anod and everything in for Khatuumo being our proxy......that's just laughable:lol: it was al-shabab before and know we apparently created khatuumo a tribal militita to destabilize us loool
And what happened to qorilugud, caynaba, Wadaamago, Oog, if it once upon a time was all yourssiilaanyolaughsiilaanyolaugh

cali geri baa tahay?
You see, Islamically speaking, you are on the wrong side. My dead die for righteousness and defending what is theirs, while your dead, died trying to take what is not theres. Furthermore, if I wage war on your to reclaim back my previous villages, I have every right to do so and the righteousness is upon me and not you. So, please, send more boys to die for Kalshaale which doesn't belong to them and we will happily give them one-ticket straight to Hell. :lol:

I lost Caynaba because the british forcefully evicted us in 1955.
We lost Oog and Qorilugud voluntarily which was a mistake and we will get it back.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Garowe iyo Bosaso?

A laangaab idoor should watch what he says, Burco iyo Berbera Majeerteen ya ka celinaya hadi aan wadada soo qabsano?
Gardafu Galaadi iyo Garacad hadaan socod ooga imaado oo aan haruurka Gabiley dhadhamiyo, ya laabo igu oran kara?
Colonial bordesr are the only things that way is Somaliland going to be drawn along clan lines that's just not going to happen our destiny is tied together from lowyacade to Las qoray from Borama to Las anod and everything in for Khatuumo being our proxy......that's just laughable:lol: it was al-shabab before and know we apparently created khatuumo a tribal militita to destabilize loool
Colonial borders are something that benefits you, but my friend Somalia's territorial integrity is here and until Daarod and Hawiye agree upon it's fate, you're not going anywhere. :lol: You are a property of combined Daarod-Hawiye domination of Somalia's political stage. Run all you want, call Papa Britannia all you want, but in the end of the day, if Somalia disintegrates into different clan fiefdoms, then you my neighbor will only have your own Isaaq territories, while I have my Daarod territories. :obama:
Garowe iyo Bosaso?

A laangaab idoor should watch what he says, Burco iyo Berbera Majeerteen ya ka celinaya hadi aan wadada soo qabsano?
Gardafu Galaadi iyo Garacad hadaan socod ooga imaado oo aan haruurka Gabiley dhadhamiyo, ya laabo igu oran kara?
Waa gardaro garab og. British, Ethiopia and Djibouti support them financially and militarily.


Prince of East Africa
@KalNacasad Sacad Muuse alone have more wealth then all Harti combined.Know your place women!

As for Somaliland policy to these harti minorities,the best option would be ethnic cleanse but we are in the modern age so i think the best option is deport every anti Somaliland harti or any other harti without Somaliland I.D.Time to show these bastards what we are made of,we should deport them on masse while we deport the Hawiyes,Marexan,Raxanweyne at the same time and drop them in Garoowe/Boosaso.Those who accept Sland domination shall be spared but those who try "fighting" will be dealt with :gunsmiley::gunsmiley::gunsmiley:
Colonial borders are something that benefits you, but my friend Somalia's territorial integrity is here and until Daarod and Hawiye agree upon it's fate, you're not going anywhere. :lol: You are a property of combined Daarod-Hawiye domination of Somalia's political stage. Run all you want, call Papa Britannia all you want, but in the end of the day, if Somalia disintegrates into different clan fiefdoms, then you my neighbor will only have your own Isaaq territories, while I have my Daarod territories. :obama:

I'm dead just by reading your Darood-ism sxb dhulbahante wuxu aha gob la jabiyey oo maanta guun ah. Nimanka majeerteen ficil kooda Iska daa :dead:
@KalNacasad Sacad Muuse alone have more wealth then all Harti combined.Know your place women!

As for Somaliland policy to these harti minorities,the best option would be ethnic cleanse but we are in the modern age so i think the best option is deport every anti Somaliland harti or any other harti without Somaliland I.D.Time to show these bastards what we are made of,we should deport them on masse while we deport the Hawiyes,Marexan,Raxanweyne at the same time and drop them in Garoowe/Boosaso.Those who accept Sland domination shall be spared but those who try "fighting" will be dealt with :gunsmiley::gunsmiley::gunsmiley:
What wealth? Money made from prostitution in Djibouti? :lol: Don't embarrass yourself. Sacad Muuse are incapable of mixing in with the big boys. Go isolate yourself in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco (roughly 100km apart). I don't even know why you're mentioning Gadabursi. Awdal Isaaq ma dego, so don't claim it son.
I'm dead just by reading your Darood-ism sxb dhulbahante wuxu aha gob la jabiyey oo maanta guun ah. Nimanka majeerteen ficil kooda Iska daa :dead:
Gob indeed they are. Something you aren't. My Daarodism is as true as your Isaaqism. Ka nax oo nafta waa. Majeerteen waa tolkay, may they live long and prosper. :obama:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
You see, Islamically speaking, you are on the wrong side. My dead die for righteousness and defending what is theirs, while your dead, died trying to take what is not theres. Furthermore, if I wage war on your to reclaim back my previous villages, I have every right to do so and the righteousness is upon me and not you. So, please, send more boys to die for Kalshaale which doesn't belong to them and we will happily give them one-ticket straight to Hell. :lol:

I lost Caynaba because the british forcefully evicted us in 1955.
We lost Oog and Qorilugud voluntarily which was a mistake and we will get it back.

Ah yes you lost it all because the British. And voluntarily, wallahi dhulos are a funny species. How about naaleye ahmed losing ceerigaabo and most of their land in sanaag to gadhweynta :ftw9nwa:...It was intentional yes?

Every time you guys get karbashed waxaad tidhaahdan "Abtiyaal nadaaya", just like when we completely occupied buhoodle and the Hy gadhweyn karbashed you all the way to laascaanood. siilaanyolaugh

Dhuloska marabno inaan wada dhameyno waayo,waa magantayadi siilaanyolaugh now behave


Prince of East Africa
What wealth? Money made from prostitution in Djibouti? :lol: Don't embarrass yourself. Sacad Muuse are incapable of mixing in with the big boys. Go isolate yourself in Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco (roughly 100km apart). I don't even know why you're mentioning Gadabursi. Awdal Isaaq ma dego, so don't claim it son.
I cant believe a Dhulo is talking about wealth,you niggas just learnt to read yesterday and dont even have a single major city or province to your own.Which is why you try piggyback ride MJ who are also worthless desertfucks although slightly more important then your landlocked ass.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Mj talking about dagaal, war ya Alle yaqaana. Wallahi jilib kamid ah Hy ayaa harti oodhan ufilan. Sacad gave you guys nus qiyaamo, nus iskaba ilow anaku qiyaamo hal jeer baan idiin rideyna.
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