My 23 and me results jaamacatu DNA soo gala

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Ye, my dad said he is the darkest of the family yet is a light Somali so it's interesting.Many of my family (ancestors) were sailors so that could attribute the looks and ties to Yemen.infact my great grandfather died at seas
Always wondered why there are so few warsengalis in the diaspora I`ve never met one


Oberbefehlshaber der Somalier Genetik Gruppe
Come help me understand this stuff. I did it for free and it finally came today.

Sub-Saharan African 98.4%
East African 98.3%
Central & South African < 0.1%
Broadly Sub-Saharan African < 0.1%

Paternal Haplogroup E-M5021
Maternal Haplogroup L3a

E-M5021 is actually quite significant. It is basically E-M35*, meaning you don't belong to anything currently known under M35. IIRC, M35* is highest in Amharas at around 6%. Sorry to break it to you, but you're basically descended from raw meat eating Amxaaros.:mjhaps:


Puntland Youth Organiser
FKD Visionary
You probably have. The Somalis I know hardly ever talk about qabil. Most see it as bush talk.I never even mention it or I shrug it off when asked about mine.
Do you have any sisters looking to get married :hillarybiz:
E-M5021 is actually quite significant. It is basically E-M35*, meaning you don't belong to anything currently known under M35. IIRC, M35* is highest in Amharas at around 6%. Sorry to break it to you, but you're basically descended from raw meat eating Amxaaros.:mjhaps:
Can't be sxb. I eat my meat cooked and I am too tall for the midgets.
Why did everyone say my hablogroup was common among faaraxs?


Can't be sxb. I eat my meat cooked and I am too tall for the midgets.
Why did everyone say my hablogroup was common among faaraxs?
E1b1b1b generally found among loads of ethnic groups of horn of Africa. But certain sub-haplogroups are more common in certain ethnicities. What OG are you?
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