My 23andme results


Soomaali waa Hawiyah Iyo Hashiyah
My condolences. I feel for those who aren’t atleast 90% somali
They say the Shanshi were originally Tajik Persians from Tashkent

His haplogroup is pretty common among somali benadiris cad cads, but can also be found in the general full Somali population at low percentage. I doubt the two are related though and will diverge from a very old age if you go more down stream. Since he scores Asian percentages, there is a possibility his J haplogroup is coming from his foreign side.
I've seen other Somalis who also got a small amount of Indian and Congelese, it is coming from their Ethiopian side.
Nope it’s not coming from the Ethiopian side the Ethiopian side should give you west African because omotics are related to west African. The dude just has Bantu in him

