My Cousin divorced his wife 4 days into their wedding and he is PISSED OFF!

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Look you can't tell if someone is a virgin or not this poor girl could've still been a virgin is all I'm staying.

I was talking from the lying stand
Point. I wouldn't want to be with
A liar.

Obviously there's no way to tell Someone's virginity unless, their examined by a doctor, But this isn't
the dark ages And I've posted this
on Other threads.

You're literally arguing with me for
The sake of it. I'm inclined to think
It could be about something else?



I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
What the actual f*ck are on about... you can tell if a girl is virgin Or not just by looking her nacnac with naked eye.. i wonder what kind of planet you live in.:gucciwhat:

Hahaha why do these faraxs think they are experts when it comes to our lady parts? You sound fucking retarded. You know there is a way to tighten your vagina? Or she can just pretend it's painful. Or if she is really committed she can get fake blood. There are ways. If she is that deceptive she will fool her husband into thinking she's a virgin.
Hahaha why do these faraxs think they are experts when it comes to our lady parts? You sound fucking retarded. You know there is a way to tighten your vagina? Or she can just pretend it's painful. Or if she is really committed she can get fake blood. There are ways. If she is that deceptive she will fool her husband into thinking she's a virgin.
No matter how much you tighten your nacnac is still different from a natural tight samira! Caspici!

I wish it was allowed to post it i would have shown you the difference


cismaan maxamuud
@Duke of Bohol This disgusting who sexually assaulted me in DM (I have witnesses) is now attacking me on threads.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I was talking from the lying stand
Point. I wouldn't want to be with
A liar.

Obviously there's no way to tell Someone's virginity unless, their examined by a doctor, But this isn't
the dark ages And I've posted this
on Other threads.

You're literally arguing with me for
The sake of it. I'm inclined to think
It could be about something else?


Of course there would be a little stain of blood...Ive broken some :trumpsmirk: Plus, a sure way one can tell is your dick comes out smeared with dhiig:manny:
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I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
I was talking from the lying stand
Point. I wouldn't want to be with
A liar.

Obviously there's no way to tell Someone's virginity unless, their examined by a doctor, But this isn't
the dark ages And I've posted this
on Other threads.

You're literally arguing with me for
The sake of it. I'm inclined to think
It could be about something else?


Umm no? You're just being stupid and judgmental when it comes to this issue. Also don't flatter yourself.


Your cousin is a muppet, pure and simple. He seems like an insecure fragile individual.
Umm no? You're just being stupid and judgmental when it comes to this issue. Also don't flatter yourself.

Stupid? How because I said if you start off a marriage with a LIE than you have
A right to divorce that said person?

You're being emotional, not once did
I say he has a right to divorce her
Because she's not a virgin.

Let that be clear, only one being stupid
Is you for attacking me for no reason.
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This place (& social media) makes you think that 90% of men and women have committed zina at least once before subxaanak ya cadhiim.
:ohno: :nahgirl:
May Allah protect us from trash
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