My Life Goal Is To See Somalis Looking Up To Jews





1650% rate of over representation is wild 😳


Somalis are stunned at what to do do at the scale of the problem plus Jews do blame Africans for anti Semetism due to ancient Egypt pharoahs starting it who are E1B1 till today even with the modern Egyptians. They know Hitler DNA is E1B1. They know that DNA marker is behind their misery πŸ˜‚ but what's weird is E1B1 DNA is inside 20% of their Jewish Ashkenazi and 40% with Sephardic πŸ˜‚ so they know your deep inside them. They know Einstein DNA was E1B1 also.

Face these men Somalis for once in your life

mel brooks rabbi GIF


They went around various countries during exile and even before, that's how they created kosher diet. It's quite simple really. Just make it Haram to eat anything eaten by another culture, add it to kosher rules, spend 4000 years doing that U eventually think hey Jews r special, we got our own diet laws, god must love us crapola. Heck it's a simple rule they observe U and anything U do by default, they exclude in kosher, to make themselves distinct at all times.
And mine is For Somalis to only worship Allah the creator of the heavens and the earth, instead of the clan church and it’s fake prophets.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I don't like Jews personally but sometimes you disregard what U like or hate if their is benefits to be gained. Jews dominate this world, it's not a conspiracy either. You can look at any major company world wide, it was either founded by a jew or the investing class is largely Jewish. This is across all industries even that google you use was founded by them which has then bought out many online spaces. But what's scary about them and don't act like some huge tough guy cause it looks so cheesy, is the control they have on wall st thru investment bankers(they create corporations), investment banks hold the most wealth not corporation even tho they own heaps even the ones not owned by them has investment banking firms as great shareholders.

If you just look at the top ten billionaires in your western country doesn't matter where and look at his profile his Jewish. Heck even the majority of Russia Oligarchs are Jewish. They have an edge in business due to being money lenders all the way back to the Torah time, something not done in the rest of the world till much later like only a century or 2 ago. So competing isn't the best idea due to how much of a head start they have in known or unknown(secret) tactics thru can employ.

The academic world is also their playground and as you can see 25% of nobel prizes is them, what's under reported is the non Jewish prizes also study under Jews. They are great thinkers or founders in many fields studied. Even the nuclear bomb was created by them through Oppenheimer giving America the edge in WW2. Even Einstein is the father of classical physics who is them. This all can't just be coincidence either or random, it's to systemic. I've put it down too, their time in exile 2000 years ago, they would travel the known world and accumulate and store knowledge from various countries but centralised it to themselves which other areas didn't get that opportunity as they rose or fell cycle.

One of the biggest reasons why Somalis are doing so unwell is looking up to third world countries like Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. If you look up to someone who maybe even two Jewish corporations can buy out forget their investment bankers, someone who has all the greatest minds in its arsenal vs someone like the gulf, you can see why Somalis will never rise above such narrow ceiling. You narrowed your own potential due to looking up to failures like the Gulf.

Heck it's better U report to Jews rather then report to their slaves like the Gulf, why be a slave of another slave why not at least be an independent slave answering to Zionism directly just like the west and gulf does?

Jews are blessed with Intelligence tho. That is there birth right. Now granted in the african sphere we come first, but beyond the african continent we r confined to 68

Jews blessed with brains

Christians with compassion of a heart

Muslims bravery of the heart

Garaad Awal

War is coming.
You are already a gaal, why don’t you convert to Orthodox Judaism? You can abandon your failed clan & ethncity and join God’s Chosen people


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The most bravest and craziest people I met were Cadaan gaalos. There’s a reason they explored the world and conquered it, it requires bravery just as much as intelligence.

I agree with u. But that comes to them naturally. Cadaans are at the top in the human race pyramids. Obviously they are top. Ukraine bravery is amazingg

