not so sad after all
have you recognized it?Why do I need to pray for something out in space when God is kept inside me? God is inside us all, once you recognise this you become strong.
have you recognized it?Why do I need to pray for something out in space when God is kept inside me? God is inside us all, once you recognise this you become strong.
have you recognized it?
The only thing inside you is the excremental matter that's been building up inside. You're even a bigger foul than I thought if you believe there's not a superior being who created all that exist. If I say to you a BMW whip just appear out of nowhere without anyone creating it you would look at me like I am crazy, yet the universe hasn't got a creator? That absurd to say the least.Why do I need to pray for something out in space when God is kept inside me? God is inside us all, once you recognise this you become strong.
then why do you call yourself strong? From your other thread it seems like you're a wreck. Doesn't seem like you've 'dealt' with anything thus farGrowing up lonely I had to comfort my self, I had to tame my own conscious everyday bullying from school , there's no one else except (i) deals with it. That's how I recognised Allah.
Are you really going to make me share your luuq with him? Smh...If you want someone to talk to just write to me!! You will get through this. Just pm me yohan I'm here for you <3
Fucking age of sensitive pussyholes.
Everyone suffers, running around like a headless chicken drinking yourself to death isn't going to get you empathy from me, ever stared at the corpse of your best friend? I didn't resort to wailing like a woman who lost her husband in war. Life goes on, shut the f*ck up and learn that life isn't meant to be a walk in the park, abaha miskiiinka tahay was.Some of us has been socially neglected since childhood.
^^^Keep twerking nigga