MY NIGGA TRUMP GOES ABE ON ILHAN on TWITTER ; tells her to go back to the shit hole you’re frm

They’re not centrists. A centrist would be a John McCain, Kerry, Bush type of politician. Someone who respects capitalism but also creates a bunch of taxes and regulations and spending. The liberals have been to the left of that, and Nancy Pelosi has always been a traditional liberal and even SHE rejects Socialism, which is apparently all the rage now with AOC and Ilhan and that entire crew.
No, they were all moderates (center) and were part of 'New Democrat Coalition.' Just because you're a democrat or republican doesn't mean you differ fundamentally in many things.

They are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. It is right-wing ideologies rebranded as 'moderate.'
Only in America is Ilhan Omar considered a socialist. Place her in several European countries and she becomes a moderate.

I'm sure you also think socialism is the cause of the Holocaust because they were called the National Socialist German Workers' Party right? You're too far gone in the reactionary rabbit hole, I will not entertain you any further.

That’s how I know you’re too stupid to understand the nuances of a welfare state with actual real-life socialism. Ilhan is a blatant socialist, she’s affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America who wish to abolish the stock exchange, abolish profits, create worker collectives out of the massive corporations, taxing people and companies 100% of their income past a certain point, and instituting crippling income and wealth taxes in the economy.

Don’t compare what she’s advocating with what’s going on in Denmark you half-wit. Don’t give us the pretence of you being intelligent when you know nothing.
No, they were all moderates (center) and were part of 'New Democrat Coalition.' Just because you're a democrat or republican doesn't mean you differ fundamentally in many things.

They are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. It is right-wing ideologies rebranded as 'moderate.'

That’s the whole point that you can’t seem to understand. You’re literally saying it front and centre.

There’s very little fundamental difference between Trump and Obama and Bush and Clinton. All of them kept taxes within the same 5% range, they allowed private businesses to expand, and they instituted high government spending and a bunch of different programs.

There wasn’t much difference between Democrats and Republicans on policy so most Americans could afford to not give a shit about politics. Didn’t really make a difference who was President. But nowadays, you have AOC and Ilhan and they’re pushing politics so far to the left that it forces traditional moderates to go for the other side.
That’s the whole point that you can’t seem to understand. You’re literally saying it front and centre.

There’s very little fundamental difference between Trump and Obama and Bush and Clinton. All of them kept taxes within the same 5% range, they allowed private businesses to expand, and they instituted high government spending and a bunch of different programs.

There wasn’t much difference between Democrats and Republicans on policy so most Americans could afford to not give a shit about politics. Didn’t really make a difference who was President. But nowadays, you have AOC and Ilhan and they’re pushing politics so far to the left that it forces traditional moderates to go for the other side.
No, you claimed that Clinton and Obama were liberal, and I said they weren't and never have been. Which is factual.

We don't need to push the conversation any further. Reason being I'm not interested in lecturing you about how things work because seem to regurgitate Fox News talking points.

You sound like a libertarian conservative. Tools like you are the reason things are bad in America. You are pushing the status quo when there are fundamental flaws in the system both socially and economically.

wOaH! sHe iS ChAnGiNg tHe cOuNtRy. WaS ShE ThE OnE ThAt bUiLt tHiS NaTiOn 400 yEaRs aGo? WhO DoEs sHe tHiNk sHe iS, aN AmErIcAn cItIzEn?:cryinglaughsmiley:
The problem is that you think the status quo is something that I like....maybe if you had a modicum of intelligence you’d know that we’ve been complaining about the ridiculous government spending and regulations, subsidies as well as the existence of Central Banks for years.

Don’t pretend like you can engage in the conversation when you don’t even halfway understand libertarian reasoning
Barack Obama is an outright Republican if you objectively look at the standards set by AOC and Ilhan and Bernie Sanders.

These people have no respect for the market and now you think that they’re stupid socialist ideas (which have failed in every country it’s been tried) will gain traction in the USA. It won’t
No, you claimed that Clinton and Obama were liberal, and I said they weren't and never have been. Which is factual.

We don't need to push the conversation any further. Reason being I'm not interested in lecturing you about how things work because seem to regurgitate Fox News talking points.

You sound like a libertarian conservative. Tools like you are the reason things are bad in America. You are pushing the status quo when there are fundamental flaws in the system both socially and economically.

wOaH! sHe iS ChAnGiNg tHe cOuNtRy. WaS ShE ThE OnE ThAt bUiLt tHiS NaTiOn 400 yEaRs aGo? WhO DoEs sHe tHiNk sHe iS, aN AmErIcAn cItIzEn?:cryinglaughsmiley:
Perception is reality. Obama rethoricly was very liberal. Thats how he wanted you to see him even though he governed from the center. But then trump is also right center in most things but want to be seen as real conservative. Since most people dont have the knowledge to look at how they govern.....we go by their word
Barack Obama is an outright Republican if you objectively look at the standards set by AOC and Ilhan and Bernie Sanders.

These people have no respect for the market and now you think that they’re stupid socialist ideas (which have failed in every country it’s been tried) will gain traction in the USA. It won’t

America is already mix of socalist and capitalist. They dont want to make america fullblown socalist. Thats scaremongering right wing talk. Every first world is already mix of socalist and capitalist. Some more on one side than the others. All they want is little bit more socialism and little less capatilism like Scandinavia
Ilhan blatantly promoted that the USA gets involved in a “Green New Deal” where she gets the Government to spend all this money rebuilding the 160 million buildings in America to make them “energy efficient”, put entire fields full of solar panels and windmills, and put rail-lines all across the country while banning gasoline cars and replacing them with electric vehicles.

How much manpower do you think that would take buddy? You don’t think the average person is now working 18 hours a day 7 days a week just to get something of that impossibility a reality?

And then this fucking idiot says we can pay for it, as if money alone can solve the issue of massive manpower shortage and reduction of the standard of living.

Even if you raise taxes on the rich massively, it will only raise about $75 billion dollars annually...which is absolutely NOTHING. Where do you think the rest of the massive tax increases are gonna come from genius?

She thinks we can replace oil entirely and start powering an industrialized economy with solar panel batteries. She thinks that we should subscribe to MMT economics, in which the government “creates money” to pay for unlimited spending and that there are no checks to an increase in how much the Federal Reserve can print. She thinks printing trillions of dollars to fund these ambitious proposals is feasible, you can read it online. The Green New Deal isn’t that long and she was the first endorser of it, so I have full right to tie her to this atrocious bill. Even Nancy Pelosi laughed when she looked at it
This idiot talks about World War 2 as if it was a massive boom for the USA economy, and that if we implement a Green New Deal, the US will have a similar jobs boom and economic prosperity.

World War 2 was one of the worst times to be alive as an American that century. Everything was rationed, things were scarce, taxes were high, inflation was high, and you couldn’t buy anything. Women had to come out of the workforce to build missiles and tanks, and the men who weren’t fighting the war were at home working 18 hour days. Yes, everyone has jobs...but how the f*ck is that good for an economy? Why is she saying that we should live a similar shitty quality of life and then claim that it’s an economic benefit? If any of her ideas get through, and they might, it will spell an end to the comfortable standard of living that Americans currently enjoy
I was partial to Ilhan and didn’t pay much attention to her, but this Green New Deal nonsense has forced me to call her out. She’s batshit insane, on the same level as Bernie Sanders


I was partial to Ilhan and didn’t pay much attention to her, but this Green New Deal nonsense has forced me to call her out. She’s batshit insane, on the same level as Bernie Sanders
I agree that Bernie is insane, and the Green New Deal is not feasible, but at least the GND is addressing a true crisis.

What about the billions on Trump’s wall that is his actual plan? :icon lol:
I was partial to Ilhan and didn’t pay much attention to her, but this Green New Deal nonsense has forced me to call her out. She’s batshit insane, on the same level as Bernie Sanders
Do you believe global warming is man made and if yes should something be made about it?
I agree that Bernie is insane, and the Green New Deal is not feasible, but at least the GND is addressing a true crisis.

What about the billions on Trump’s wall that is his actual plan? :icon lol:

No one cares about some stupid wall. It’s several billion dollars which is a drop in the bucket compared to how much the Federal Government currently spends. What Ilhan is proposing would cost tens of trillions of dollars. It’s all about perspective. America can afford to throw a few billion at Pakistan or Israel or Egypt or random countries, but they CANNOT afford what Ilhan is proposing
Do you believe global warming is man made and if yes should something be made about it?

It’s a stupid question and an absolute deflection.

Let me ask you a question: I’m presuming you’re a young man, so are you cool with ruining your 20’s, 30’s, and possibly 40’s to implement this ridiculously ambitious proposal? You’re okay with working ridiculously long hours, not having much leisure, and not being able to consume as much. You want to sacrifice the one life you have in this Dunya to indulge in their Socialist dreams?

Yes or No?

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Transformation of the economy is gonna require a very painful decades long process...and none of you pussies are actually up for it if it really came down to it. You just want to vote to pretend like your virtuous, but deep down you care about your interests and the interests of your family and community.


No one cares about some stupid wall. It’s several billion dollars which is a drop in the bucket compared to how much the Federal Government currently spends. What Ilhan is proposing would cost tens of trillions of dollars. It’s all about perspective. America can afford to throw a few billion at Pakistan or Israel or Egypt or random countries, but they CANNOT afford what Ilhan is proposing
The conservative estimate is 25 billion dollars, which is not a drop in the bucket, and has no real benefit.

I’d sooner huff and puff about that over GND, which although ambitious, at least has a legitimate end goal and concerns its addressing.
The conservative estimate is 25 billion dollars, which is not a drop in the bucket, and has no real benefit.

I’d sooner huff and puff about that than GND, which although ambitious, at least has a legitimate end goal and concerns it’s adressing.

One time cost and it’s nothing close to how much the Government spends on fighter jets annually. Trump’s wall is like a speck in the dust compared to how much they propose on spending.

Green New Deal would cost at MINIMUM $50 trillion dollars. There aren’t enough rich people in the country to cover that. Where do you think it’s going to come from?
It’s a stupid question and an absolute deflection.

Let me ask you a question: I’m presuming you’re a young man, so are you cool with ruining your 20’s, 30’s, and possibly 40’s to implement this ridiculously ambitious proposal? You’re okay with working ridiculously long hours, not having much leisure, and not being able to consume as much. You want to sacrifice the one life you have in this Dunya to indulge in their Socialist dreams?

Yes or No?

There is no such thing as a free lunch. Transformation of the economy is gonna require a very painful decades long process...and none of you pussies are actually up for it if it really came down to it. You just want to vote to pretend like your virtuous, but deep down you care about your interests and the interests of your family and community.
Its not a stupid question. And you deflected it by using typical right wing tactics. Now whatever ilhan is proposing is far from final and green solution is at early stage. You havecone side who is not even acknowledging global warming is a problem never mind coming to the table and sharing ideas on how to tackle it in a financially sound way. Instead they come with scare stories like do you wanna work 18 hours in your 20s and 30s. Do you want trillions spentbon this and that. Now answer you believe global warming is man made and is it a threat to mankind in the future.


One time cost and it’s nothing close to how much the Government spends on fighter jets annually. Trump’s wall is like a speck in the dust compared to how much they propose on spending.

Green New Deal would cost at MINIMUM $50 trillion dollars. There aren’t enough rich people in the country to cover that. Where do you think it’s going to come from?
Now I know you don’t know what you’re talking about.

It’s not a 1 time cost. It’s billions to maintain annually as well

GND will always make more logical sense than Da Wall, unless you’re a climate denier. I simply don’t think it’s feasible.
Trump isn’t an angel himself. He also spends way too much money and needs to cut spending by the very least.

My main worries were about Trump having the integrity to rescue the US’s horrible finances and massively cut government spending. He is a typical politician who spends money frivolously, and runs big debts. So I’m no fan of him, but I’m DEFINITELY no fan of the Bernie Sanders-style Democrats who are even MORE careless with their spending