My PL MP Slams Constitution Changers

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I love that shot of farole with the constitution. PL are united on laws and agreements not tribe or race. Qabil laguma heeshin karo, sharci iyo dastur ayaa lagu heeshin kara. I hold that piece of document to all the enemies of puntland so they know this is a land of laws.

It's the Ancient Puntite Kingdom(Darwish sulanate, Majerten Sultanate, and Warsangeli Sultanate). We create penal laws from our ancient traditions and codified systems of our sultanates not from colonial laws, we don't need the british man system, we HAD OUR OWN. We don't need Siyad either manahin hawiye.

My MP burhan is talking at the 8:20 mark. He is my jifo hoose. We are anti changing puntland constitution, if you couldn't get a seat when we had the most respected elder among us alive islam mohamed, you aint going to get shit now waryaa. Sit back down.


Stop the Bililiqo reer puntland. Don't make the place a place where we are even looting the constitution. We are not known for this. Not a single majerten has looted anything from Somalis. No homes, businesses, no nothing from Somalis. In mogadishu even the mosque is looted and people shoot you as you come out of a mosque. Nothing was spared there homes, businesses, farms, metals, pipes, institutions, airports, you name it. All looted. They didn't even spare the mosque creating this shabab thing, xitaa quranki ayay bilqaysteen. They even kill imams, the last place you would think. Wild life ibnul wild life diin ma haysto waa show for him, his a wild life isma badelayo weligisa.
I love that shot of farole with the constitution. PL are united on laws and agreements not tribe or race. Qabil laguma heeshin karo, sharci iyo dastur ayaa lagu heeshin kara. I hold that piece of document to all the enemies of puntland so they know this is a land of laws.

It's the Ancient Puntite Kingdom(Darwish sulanate, Majerten Sultanate, and Warsangeli Sultanate). We create penal laws from our ancient traditions and codified systems of our sultanates not from colonial laws, we don't need the british man system, we HAD OUR OWN. We don't need Siyad either manahin hawiye.

My MP burhan is talking at the 8:20 mark. He is my jifo hoose. We are anti changing puntland constitution, if you couldn't get a seat when we had the most respected elder among us alive islam mohamed, you aint going to get shit now waryaa. Sit back down.

Sxb the issue at hand is corrupt Gaas engaging in constitutional changes in the tail end of his term.

Your MP is right its not on, but the question here is why would Gaas want changes just b4 elections :cosbyhmm:


The british sourced their common laws from their bible and ancient tribes. We must do the same as Puntland use the quran and our ancient kingdom practises. We weren't naked peoples. I am neo traditionalist, why do we need to inherit colonial laws? those are for people who never had kingdoms sxb and were basically wild life ibnul wild life. I believe in Puntite kingdom.
The british sourced their common laws from their bible and ancient tribes. We must do the same as Puntland use the quran and our ancient kingdom practises. We weren't naked peoples. I am neo traditionalist, why do we need to inherit colonial laws? those are for people who never had kingdoms sxb and were basically wild life ibnul wild life. I believe in Puntite kingdom.

Ok :nvjpqts:


Sxb the issue at hand is corrupt Gaas engaging in constitutional changes in the tail end of his term.

Your MP is right its not on, but the question here is why would Gaas want changes just b4 elections :cosbyhmm:

He is doing it because he know it won't happen but he wants a 'conflict' to happen so that no election can be held and therefore he gets a term extension as 'comprised'. Wuxu raba in aan lagu heeshin doorasho ma fahmaysid miyaa, hadi aadan ku heeshin doorasho isaga si joggayo weeye.


@AarLibaax jambalka uma jeedo miyaa? it's clear as day the tactic, reer puntland ha isku gabtan sidi dorashada uu dhacayso kadib adiga ayaa si joggayso illa ay ka xaliyan arimahooda. The longer he can drag out the is-qabqabsi the longer he stays. He is not gonna be vacated from the post when there is noone to pass it too ma garatay?
He is doing it because he know it won't happen but he wants a 'conflict' to happen so that no election can be held and therefore he gets a term extension as 'comprised'. Wuxu raba in aan lagu heeshin doorasho ma fahmaysid miyaa, hadi aadan ku heeshin doorasho isaga si joggayo weeye.

That seems plausible, do you reckon he will fail/succeed


It's silly puntlanders wanting more seats and don't see gaas is like thank you for coming to cause a conflict in the election process, it only means he gets to stay. War heedhe dasturkani puntland dhan ayaa ku heeshiyay, hadi la furayo puntland dhan waa inay ku heeshisa. Obviously all puntlanders are not agreeing to open the constitution are they? so it can't be opened. The only way you can open a shared constitution is get all puntlanders to agree to open it again because it ratified and signed by all puntlanders in 98. We all signed the constitution as one, if were going to open the constitution we all have to do it as one. Not a few bums saying kursi igu dara.

You cant just bring 2 people and say open the constitution. This isn't galmudug waryaa boys, go back to development and stop the games and feeding gaas another year or two because your arguments are weak.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@DR OSMAN It does not really matter until Puntland holds actual elections. These MPs should not be complaining when they have not pressured Gaas to make sure he holds elections. It has already been 20 years, and we have not had one election. Every year without an election the legitimacy of Puntland as a political entity declines.


@DR OSMAN It does not really matter until Puntland holds actual elections. These MPs should not be complaining when they have not pressured Gaas to make sure he holds elections. It has already been 20 years, and we have not had one election. Every year without an election the legitimacy of Puntland as a political entity declines.

Elections will make things worse look at Sland, I don’t think we’d want an armed group forming because they were completely shut out of the government. Our current system works well, we just need to refine it with more robust institutions.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Elections will make things worse look at Sland, I don’t think we’d want an armed group forming because they were completely shut out of the government. Our current system works well, we just need to refine it with more robust institutions.

You MUST have elections for parliament. You can keep the current system in which parliament selects the president and he then appoints the cabinet, but you HAVE to hold parliamentary elections. There is no way around that.


You MUST have elections for parliament. You can keep the current system in which parliament selects the president and he then appoints the cabinet, but you HAVE to hold parliamentary elections. There is no way around that.

People need jobs first and healthcare and the basics before you hand out voting papers niyahow. They need to actually be educated the population. You think democracies happen over night niyahow waa iska hadlaysa. Wax yaalo badan ayaa ka horeeyo doorasho. Horta dadku cunto ku filan, biyo ku filan, waxbarasho ku filan, iyo shaqo si kadib ha laga hadlo doorasho. Right now our institutions are weak as hell and rule of law is weak, how can we hold an election with weak rule of law and weak institutions? Come on bruv we don't want to be a banana republic. Even if we held an election with the institutions the way they are, it will get corrupted and cause civil war.


@Thegoodshepherd First rule of law that is strong and respected. Next institutions that are strong and respected. Then education, health, and homes, and the basics for the locals. Then elections, I will be up for that.

But not this nonsense in SL, that is not a democracy. We are only really 10 years old brother. We spent 1998-2009 in mogadishu under cade/abdillahi so hold your horses.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@DR OSMAN You keep bringing up SL as if it is worse off politically than Puntland, it is not. Somaliland is more stable, capable and legitimate in the eyes of outsiders than Puntland, that is a fact. This is entirely due to the fact they manage to hold free and fair elections where the biggest faction wins. The "Jeegaan" are MORE LEGITIMATE than Gaas' administration. Somaliland is a real democracy, with real institutions and real political legitimacy. You keep bringing up Somaliland as if it is behind Puntland in political development when it is clearly ahead of us.

Holding elections in Puntland will give the government the power necessary to raise more revenue and further develop its institutions which have been in deep freeze since 2014.


@DR OSMAN You keep bringing up SL as if it is worse off politically than Puntland, it is not. Somaliland is more stable, capable and legitimate in the eyes of outsiders than Puntland, that is a fact. This is entirely due to the fact they manage to hold free and fair elections where the biggest faction wins. The "Jeegaan" are MORE LEGITIMATE than Gaas' administration. Somaliland is a real democracy, with real institutions and real political legitimacy. You keep bringing up Somaliland as if it is behind Puntland in political development when it is clearly ahead of us.

Holding elections in Puntland will give the government the power necessary to raise more revenue and further develop its institutions which have been in deep freeze since 2014.

How is Sland more stable politically when they have a literal armed faction that formed due to their elections that wants to take full control of western Sanaag? I get elections sounds good on paper but would PL be more stable if we had elections and an armed faction formed capable of taking control of all of Bari?


Seeker of knowledge and truth
@DR OSMAN You keep bringing up SL as if it is worse off politically than Puntland, it is not. Somaliland is more stable, capable and legitimate in the eyes of outsiders than Puntland, that is a fact. This is entirely due to the fact they manage to hold free and fair elections where the biggest faction wins. The "Jeegaan" are MORE LEGITIMATE than Gaas' administration. Somaliland is a real democracy, with real institutions and real political legitimacy. You keep bringing up Somaliland as if it is behind Puntland in political development when it is clearly ahead of us.

Holding elections in Puntland will give the government the power necessary to raise more revenue and further develop its institutions which have been in deep freeze since 2014.
I believe all the federal states should aim for something like SL I really respect that they are able to hold free and fair elections parliamentary and presidential PL is the safest federal state in terms of security it’s should be able to hold elections I don’t see why not


@DR OSMAN You keep bringing up SL as if it is worse off politically than Puntland, it is not. Somaliland is more stable, capable and legitimate in the eyes of outsiders than Puntland, that is a fact. This is entirely due to the fact they manage to hold free and fair elections where the biggest faction wins. The "Jeegaan" are MORE LEGITIMATE than Gaas' administration. Somaliland is a real democracy, with real institutions and real political legitimacy. You keep bringing up Somaliland as if it is behind Puntland in political development when it is clearly ahead of us.

War horta ma dasturkeena wixi ku qoran aan soo celino oo taas laga adkaado intanan doorasho iyo balaayo ka hadlin. We haven't even achieved the things on our constitution.

Holding elections in Puntland will give the government the power necessary to raise more revenue and further develop its institutions which have been in deep freeze since 2014.

I prefer we have a proper house in place before we throw out the ballot papers. Right now with the way things are, no-one will respect the results of the elections claiming this and that institution is rife with is-dabamarin and crap. It's to risky. Besides it is in our constitution, we were always going to move towards a democracy, we had this planned in 98. We need to secure our borders, how can we hold elections when las anod is not there and they are listed as apart of the state?

But we have to help the aborigines in the south, that's where the capital is. We won't be taken serious in the world if the capital isn't operating and the federal government. I am just shocked how long it took to get mogadishu up and running not so much if we should've done it or not. It was the right policy to get mogadishu up and going, but as you can see there is hiccup problems cause the aborigines are still aborigines.

So the system we have was a comprise system to keep things stable in our house. BTW I am no fan of democracies in general but I respect the fact the puntlanders agreed to move towards that system. Democracy in the 3rd world isn't feasible in my opinion untill a number of things are done.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
I believe all the federal states should aim for something like SL I really respect that they are able to hold free and fair elections parliamentary and presidential PL is the safest federal state in terms of security it’s should be able to hold elections I don’t see why not

It is because we have people who accept remaining a fucking tribal state when we can have an actual state. Somaliland held free and fair election in 2003, 15 years ago. Puntland is more than capable of holding elections today. The problem is that some Puntites have deluded themselves into thinking that our incapability of holding elections is a good thing! It is a sign of political failure that we have clan elders electing our MPs 20 years after Puntland's creation. We should have started to democratize 10 years ago, so that we would have had 10 years of experience by now. But instead our political leaders are content with mediocrity.

@DR OSMAN keep running to Mogadishu. Kulaha Mogadishu is getting to its feet lol! If Amisom left tomorrow, the khawarij would be entering Galkacyo in 4 days at the most. Somalia no longer exists, it died in 91.
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