Si xun baa noo inkaartay. Magti hadda iska bixii
Somalia haa nolaato,
One nation of Brotherhood,
One religion of Brotherhood,
and one republic of sisterhood supporting their Brotherhood,
Somalia haa nolaato!
Si xun baa noo inkaartay. Magti hadda iska bixii
i offer Reiko for slaughter sacrifice
Somalia haa nolaato,
One nation of Brotherhood,
One religion of Brotherhood,
and one republic of sisterhood supporting their Brotherhood,
Somalia haa nolaato!
You have redeemed yourself for now. but the blood scarifice will still go ahead.
Sounds boringSomalia haa nolaato,
One nation of Brotherhood,
One religion of Brotherhood,
and one republic of sisterhood supporting their Brotherhood,
Somalia haa nolaato!
And white, dont forget that part.Oh Arabs you lucky devils,
Lucky to have Mecca & Medina,
Lucky to start Islam in Mecca & Medina,
But just like the Lucky Jews,
Once upon a time,
Today, you are nothing but fat farting big futos!
Happy dear atheist?
Interesting choice of adverbThis is a true poem i wrote efficiently for my honorable Arabs. I don't do baits.
Shukran akhi for letting it slide LMFAOPoets and poetry xaal qaata. @CaliTedesse if you weren’t the cousin of @sophisticate I would’ve recommended that you should be charged with crimes against poetry. I will let it slide this one.