My psychoanalysis of somali people

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Bob Marley

Nah bro i dont i only use one account.

oh alright its cool, hopefully they open back up soon.

Lol I argee some of the somali people made themsleves look bad but I was surpised to see the people there going so hard on Somalis.
That one dude started posting pics of Somalis on boats immgrating to Europe, talking about "this is your culture". Smh.

Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
oh alright its cool, hopefully they open back up soon.

Lol I argee some of the somali people made themsleves look bad but I was surpised to see the people there going so hard on Somalis.
That one dude started posting pics of Somalis on boats immgrating to Europe, talking about "this is your culture". Smh.
Of course the few went hard on somalis im thinking some of em had bad exp with one or just clapped back since they found out that alot somalis tend to look down on AA cause of there slave background so of course there gonna get defensive about it.

Internet is filled with people who will go overboard im immune to it by now..

Bob Marley

Of course the few went hard on somalis im thinking some of em had bad exp with one or just clapped back since they found out that alot somalis tend to look down on AA cause of there slave background so of course there gonna get defensive about it.

Internet is filled with people who will go overboard im immune to it by now..

Yeah most definitely bro.
The racism from whites is already high enough - it's another thing when Africans look down on them too.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
oh alright its cool, hopefully they open back up soon.

Lol I argee some of the somali people made themsleves look bad but I was surpised to see the people there going so hard on Somalis.
That one dude started posting pics of Somalis on boats immgrating to Europe, talking about "this is your culture". Smh.

Every ethnic group are assholes online. If I judged an ethnic/racial group based on my online interactions I'd end up hating everybody.
There are no people more arrogant, deluded and self obessesed than somali people, you have literally no reason to act all high and mighty but somehow you find a way to look down on other races for trivial things such as looks. You are truly a cursed people, I can understand why Somalia is a shithole.

Honestly in all these drug talk, I am thinking of your parents and hard journal they had gone through it to bring to safe Sweden (the money, sea, long trip on foots) all to be safe kid away from glue stiffer in Somalia and here you are doing same shit they tried to escape from it.


future pirate king
Honestly in all these drug talk, I am thinking of your parents and hard journal they had gone through it to bring to safe Sweden (the money, sea, long trip on foots) all to be safe kid away from glue stiffer in Somalia and here you are doing same shit they tried to escape from it.

Eedo it's ok l

Bob Marley

Every ethnic group are assholes online. If I judged an ethnic/racial group based on my online interactions I'd end up hating everybody.

Lol I guess you're right. On Youtube there's alot of videos made by AAs where they claim other people's history. This one indian guy got so upset he confronted them in person:

The only problem was they weren't claiming to be the original natives, but rather acknowledging an African presence in Mexico.
He ended up making himself look like an ass:damn:
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