This is basically what Ethiopia is doing by emulating China. Russia is too poor and too far to be interested in such a relationship, it is no longer the superpower it was. Our best bet is a close relationship with China starting with infrastructure contracts and loans for rebuilding. The return on infrastructure in a place like Somalia is gigantic. Imagine if the Chinese built for us a road from Kismayo to Dolo linking to the paved road Ethiopia just completed to Dolo-Bay, Kismayo would have a hinterland of tens of millions instantly. Or a single track of standard gauge from Berbera linking to the already existing Addis-Djibouti line gaining access to even more millions. There are at least 4 such projects that we could take out loans for from the Chinese that would double Somalia's gdp in less than one decade.
Being Russia's little brother would help deter predators like the U.S who'd otherwise eat you up quiet easily. With Russian on your side, they'd think a few times before they make a move. Besides, I don't mind Russia being our masters if it meant we get a very strong government with strong and highly trained military because at least in Africa, we would be kangz.I agree everything you're about, but we have to able to do this without having a master (russia or any other nation), I know it's gonna be tough and hard but it's doable.
Xisbiga Hantiwadaagga Qaranka SoomaaliyeedSxb, ma in la i xidho baad doonaysaa lol. Waxyaabaha qaar carabka laguma dhufto ee si kale baa loo tilmaamaa.
Somali Nazi, gaaladu way yaabi lahayd lol.
If I was a billionaire I would go to Moscow and have a private meeting with Putin and propose a mutually beneficial arrangement between Russia and Somalia. I'd ask for Russian military help (similar to their role in Syria) to help me pacify the country and to crush all resistance to my rule. Russia would get some concessions and favourable deals from us in return. I would destroy Amisom, al-shabaab, the so called Somali government and armed tribal militias with the help of the Ruskis. Once the country is firmly in my hands I would create a one party nationalist government. Russia would train and arm the Somali military and makes us a force to be reckoned with within a short decade.
The following crimes in Somalia would be punishable by death; Opposition to the new nationalist Somali party (all other parties would be outlawed), treason, corruption/embezzlement by government officials and civil servants, incitement to clan wars, murder and rape (false accusations of rape would also be harshly punished, possibly by a very long prison sentence).
The focus of the nationalist government would be the following areas: quick industrialization and economic development, state-sponsored propaganda to combat clannism and promote ethnic nationalism, provision of quality healthcare and education, revival of Somali culture and language, and the creation of a strict meritocracy where one advances as a result of intelligence, hard work and loyalty to the cause and not because of lacag, family name or clan.
The party would make sure to protect Somalis and Somalia from the following; The evil machinations of Ethiopia and Kenya, predatory multi-national corporations who wish to exploit/enslave Somalis under the guise of investment and job creation, Wahhabism and Arabization of Indigenous Somali Islam and culture, Foreign NGO's and their nefarious agendas, and Jew-inspired destabilizing Western leftism/Marxism (feminism, LGBT, class struggle/revolution).
Our economic policy would be a socialism based on ethnic solidarity, where the Somali government, the Somali businessman (private business and property would be allowed) and the Somali workers would all work together for the common good of the Somali people. It would be a voluntary and fair redistribution of wealth. Not like the evil globalist Socialism that pits people from the same ethnic group against each other along class lines and forcibly confiscates and/or redistributes wealth.
Can someone lend me a billion dollars?
Inb4 you get the Lumumba treatment.
The problem in Africa is there will always be individuals working on behalf of other nations who will kill you and reverse all your progress at a moment's notice.
Not if we kill them first. Also, if this vision/fantasy ever did come into fruition, who ever assinates me or any other members of the party will be at odds with an angry Russia.Inb4 you get the Lumumba treatment.
The problem in Africa is there will always be individuals working on behalf of other nations who will kill you and reverse all your progress at a moment's notice.
No our dear @jugjugwacwac will lead the nation from exile. His runners like me will fulfil his vision and carry out his orders in somalia. Then after 2 decades tirelessly on his grand plan, he shall return with his family from exile victorious from to a somalia unrecognizable, strong, independent and developed.
The key is to not have a personality cult. The masses should be more loyal to the Party than the leader.Inb4 you get the Lumumba treatment.
The problem in Africa is there will always be individuals working on behalf of other nations who will kill you and reverse all your progress at a moment's notice.
This is racist.
Elavating your people & nation is not racist. Stop mis-using the word.This is racist.
Read the first paragraph...If I was a billionaire I would go to Moscow and have a private meeting with Putin and propose a mutually beneficial arrangement between Russia and Somalia. I'd ask for Russian military help (similar to their role in Syria) to help me pacify the country and to crush all resistance to my rule. Russia would get some concessions and favourable deals from us in return. I would destroy Amisom, al-shabaab, the so called Somali government and armed tribal militias with the help of the Ruskis. Once the country is firmly in my hands I would create a one party nationalist government. Russia would train and arm the Somali military and makes us a force to be reckoned with within a short decade.
The following crimes in Somalia would be punishable by death; Opposition to the new nationalist Somali party (all other parties would be outlawed), treason, corruption/embezzlement by government officials and civil servants, incitement to clan wars, murder and rape (false accusations of rape would also be harshly punished, possibly by a very long prison sentence).
The focus of the nationalist government would be the following areas: quick industrialization and economic development, state-sponsored propaganda to combat clannism and promote ethnic nationalism, provision of quality healthcare and education, revival of Somali culture and language, and the creation of a strict meritocracy where one advances as a result of intelligence, hard work and loyalty to the cause and not because of lacag, family name or clan.
The party would make sure to protect Somalis and Somalia from the following; The evil machinations of Ethiopia and Kenya, predatory multi-national corporations who wish to exploit/enslave Somalis under the guise of investment and job creation, Wahhabism and Arabization of Indigenous Somali Islam and culture, Foreign NGO's and their nefarious agendas, and Jew-inspired destabilizing Western leftism/Marxism (feminism, LGBT, class struggle/revolution).
Our economic policy would be a socialism based on ethnic solidarity, where the Somali government, the Somali businessman (private business and property would be allowed) and the Somali workers would all work together for the common good of the Somali people. It would be a voluntary and fair redistribution of wealth. Not like the evil globalist Socialism that pits people from the same ethnic group against each other along class lines and forcibly confiscates and/or redistributes wealth.
Can someone lend me a billion dollars?
The key is to not have a personality cult. The masses should be more loyal to the Party than the leader.
If the leader dies the party would be able to select the successor without a problem. The transition should be as smooth as possible.
Read the first paragraph...
Your Rule is Dictatorship and power hunger. Count me in on your opposition saaxib.