My take on Somalia-Kenya water dispute.

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That’s what makes the project more appealing to Kenya. They might throw in certain deegaan of NFD into the formation of the Republic of Jubaland.
Kenya would never do that as they would lose even more land and be landlocked as a country lol, also that country would be just the nfd as I've mentioned before half of it is the presidents clan and they wouldn't join that union pretty much barely any part of Somalia would be lost but Kenya would make a major concession losing nfd and even more water

How is Kenya landlocked?

The other thing is the newly created state of Jubaland would be a client state of Kenya. After a decade or so of wars between certain clans in the region and Somalis more splintered and their hatred towards one another has been highly elevated than a decade ago, a referendum will be announced and the citizens of jubbaland state will decide to join the Republic of Kenya. The madness of possibilities.



How is Kenya landlocked?

The other thing is the newly created state of Jubaland would be a client state of Kenya. After a decade or so of wars between certain clans in the region and Somalis more splintered and their hatred towards one another has been highly elevated than a decade ago, a referendum will be announced and the citizens of jubbaland state will decide to join the Republic of Kenya. The madness of possibilities.
with out nfd Kenya would be virtually landlocked due to Tanzanias maritime borders, also those in jubbaland Somalia aren't united lol like I said half is from farmaajos camp and won't join so Somalia would be losing very little land, Kenya would lose a lot of land and basically most of their water ways


@AussieHustler if kenya loses any more land in nfd its over they'll be landlocked like Ethiopia lol

their currently landlocked as is according to the official boundaries as only that small triangle belongs to them

Are Mombasa, Malindi and the coastal areas of Kenya part of NFD? Have they always been? Or, do you group them as religion. Anyway, this thread is just a bs based on our hunch and given the stupidity and deep clan hatreds among the Somalis, Kenya could manipulate the situation and get what it wants by other means than the ICC.



Are Mombasa, Malindi and the coastal areas of Kenya part of NFD? Have they always been? Or, do you group them as religion. Anyway, this thread is just a bs based on our hunch and given the stupidity and deep clan hatreds among the Somalis, Kenya could manipulate the situation and get what it wants by other means than the ICC.
nope they're not however those areas as shown by the map are nearly landlocked as is why would Kenya then lose major land in nfd to add to this, pretty much unrealistic, they really can't manipulate anything in Somalia lol, they may say they'll recognize SL but they don't gain anything from that, their puppet in jubbaland docent hold much land and then they would be met with farmajos clan at the border at gedo, basically they won't be able to do anything

You guys make it like the Somalis in NFD as a monolithic and united group. They are worse than Somalis back home and engage in never ending clan wars. If NFD wasn’t in Kenya, they would’ve wiped out one another.

Kenya can convince both major clans in Jubbaland to set up a sovereign republic and share its leadership. Let’s not make Somali clans as intelligent and people who are seeking unity with one another on a Federal level. They are led by corrupt and greedy bunch who hate one another and prefer to share their resources with foreigners just to get their cut/bribes. Corruption is embedded on the psychic of the Somali individual. We support our sub sub clan brethren to lead and then steal funds. If he does, we will rave about him how he built villas in Dubai and Doha and owns millions. One should analyse Somalis from that perspective.



You guys make it like the Somalis in NFD as a monolithic and united group. They are worse than Somalis back home and engage in never ending clan wars. If NFD wasn’t in Kenya, they would’ve wiped out one another.

Kenya can convince both major clans in Jubbaland to set up a sovereign republic and share its leadership. Let’s not make Somali clans as intelligent and people who are seeking unity with one another on a Federal level. They are led by corrupt and greedy bunch who hate one another and prefer to share their resources with foreigners. Corruption is embedded on the psychic of the Somali individual. We support our sub sub clan brethren to lead and then steal funds. If he does, we will rave about him how he built villas in Dubai and Doha and owns millions. One should analyse Somalis from that perspective.
like I said half of jubbaland is from farmajos family they won't leave the country and unite with madobes family for a Jubba nation lol
I just had an braingasm I fantasized Somalia winning ICJ court hearing. Eventually Kenya decides to invade by water air and land. Somalia getting invaded by Kenya the international community condemning it. Kenyan aggression on Somali territorial waters sparked outrage. All Somalis were enraged and ready to fight a war. Somalis were brothers for life again. Not only that.

The Arab League immediately held a summit where Arab countries pledged financial and military support to Somalia and even deployed many Arabs on the Somali border with Kenya. Our Arab brothers finally stepped in.

Midakale because of Somali region in Ethiopia increasing ties with Ethiopia their cushitic outcry was felt in Addis. Somali region is like the arms of Ethiopia it was in pain, and when a part of body is in pain whole body feels it like a Cushitic ummah our Cushitic brothers with PM Abiy Ahmed could not see Cushitic territorial waters get stolen by Bantus and als jumped inside Somalia to defend Somalia from Kenyan land and water grab. this finally sparked Somalia and Ethiopia becoming brothers for life again like old days of antiquity when word Somali was not even existing.

Last but not least Baba Turkey stepped in with their advanced military they destroyed Kenyan air and water military completely humiliating the Bantus.

After this ordeal Kenya was completely sucked dry like Somalia after Galbeed 1977 war NFD rebel group decides to go nuts and other angry Bantu rebel groups hungry at the dumb regime for failing. Then Kenya becomes new failed state while Somalia a emerging developing country with a bolstered experienced military and solidarity.
I just had an braingasm I fantasized Somalia winning ICJ court hearing. Eventually Kenya decides to invade by water air and land. Somalia getting invaded by Kenya the international community condemning it. Kenyan aggression on Somali territorial waters sparked outrage. All Somalis were enraged and ready to fight a war. Somalis were brothers for life again. Not only that.

The Arab League immediately held a summit where Arab countries pledged financial and military support to Somalia and even deployed many Arabs on the Somali border with Kenya. Our Arab brothers finally stepped in.

Midakale because of Somali region in Ethiopia increasing ties with Ethiopia their cushitic outcry was felt in Addis. Somali region is like the arms of Ethiopia it was in pain, and when a part of body is in pain whole body feels it like a Cushitic ummah our Cushitic brothers with PM Abiy Ahmed could not see Cushitic territorial waters get stolen by Bantus and als jumped inside Somalia to defend Somalia from Kenyan land and water grab. this finally sparked Somalia and Ethiopia becoming brothers for life again like old days of antiquity when word Somali was not even existing.

Last but not least Baba Turkey stepped in with their advanced military they destroyed Kenyan air and water military completely humiliating the Bantus.

After this ordeal Kenya was completely sucked dry like Somalia after Galbeed 1977 war NFD rebel group decides to go nuts and other angry Bantu rebel groups hungry at the dumb regime for failing. Then Kenya becomes new failed state while Somalia a emerging developing country with a bolstered experienced military and solidarity.
Funny VS cringe
But only slightly
You dodged a qashin barage
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