My Tim Hortons love story (a March 2025 special)

I ❤️ Syrians now

This story is in progress imma keep yall posted … omg :banderas:i only have been talking to this man since Monday but im convinced he’s perfect omfg

Soooooo I’ve been going to Tim Hortons a lot lately and almost everyday I would run into this mediterranean looking man who coincidentally would always sit in front of my fav spot (window seat with the only electric outlet). On one or two occasions we made awkward eye contact like it was obv we recognized each other at that point…. And Imma be honest I thought he was cute from the jump. He looks freakishly similar to young Al Pacino WALLAHI BILLAHI especiallyyy in the godfather if yall watched that….

anyways…. What happened on Monday was this Maadow lady was throwing the BIGGESTT tantrum ever at the timojileec employees (I recorded the audio for proof but I can’t attach videos from my camera roll here tff). She was throwing shit, calling them dirty etc etc it was a spectacle to say the least and it shouldn’t be hard for yall to imagine how this struck a conversation between this man and I who was only one seat in front of me… Turns out he’s from Syria he’s only a few years older than me and we went to the same high school tff. Long story short he invited me bowling, we went to Timmies again and i think I love him now :damedamn:shoutout to that Maadow lady throwing a tantrum… butterfly effect is so real omfg
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Btw yall say whateverrrr you want ab me not fasting but don’t come at him miskeen my bae can’t cuz of reasons I won’t disclose….. I just wanna gush ab him okay. He’s sooo sweet and miskeen tffff I didn’t even think men like him really existed… i hate how attracted i am to him too Helpp cuz why does it have to turn out he’s really fit tooo

im screaming cuz tell me why this old lady was gushing over us while we were talking at Timmies too :damedamn:So now I know we def look cute together…. It’s meant to be atp:shaq:
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What happened to the other dude. The store worker.
He’s in a diff city and btw lets be real I know how timojileecs roll that would’ve never worked so am I missing out…? Not really.. timojileecs are borderline incestuous when it comes to serious relationships they will not take u serious unless you are the same caste and everything as them… I can admit when a timojileec is cute but I’m not gonna waste my time tff cuz ik them mfs only ever want to keep it in the family :damn:

I like how this Syrian man acc serious too it’s really endearing cuz at some point we were walking home together and I asked if his parents would be confused if they happened to see me (we live in the same neighbourhood :dead:) and he said he already told them about me and told them to wait a little while before he introduces me OMGG?? :dead1::deadmanny: im so weak over this helppp
How do you already love him after only a few days of knowing him? He is lovebombing you hard so he can sleep with you. He's young and Ayrab, don't be naive lol.
LOVEBOMBING WHEREEE??? :drakewtf::mindblown: This nigga took me bowling once and every other occasion we’ve been meeting up at Tim Hortons.

Trust me tho I KNOW about the bum horny Arabs but he’s not one of them, he’s actually genuinely miskeen and sweet asf:deadpeter::dead1:if he was one of those bums I wouldn’t have even went beyond our first conversation trust me
He’s in a diff city and btw lets be real I know how timojileecs roll that would’ve never worked so am I missing out…? Not really.. timojileecs are borderline incestuous when it comes to serious relationships they will not take u serious unless you are the same caste and everything as them… I can admit when a timojileec is cute but I’m not gonna waste my time tff cuz ik them mfs only ever want to keep it in the family :damn:

I like how this Syrian man acc serious too it’s really endearing cuz at some point we were walking home together and I asked if his parents would be confused if they happened to see me (we live in the same neighbourhood :dead:) and he said he already told them about me and told them to wait a little while before he introduces me OMGG?? :dead1::deadmanny: im so weak over this helppp
You said he went to your HS right? There’s probs people who might have known him so try getting his info just in case.
You said he went to your HS right? There’s probs people who might have known him so try getting his info just in case.
What are u implying :browtf:ummm i should reiterate that although the Syrian guy went to my high school… thing is he’s a few years older and ngl I don’t mean to boast but… we were in different streams cuz i was in this advanced magnet program:damedamn: that’s another story tho. my point is almost everyone in my high school circle came from the other side of the city and this man is from my neighborhood sooo the odds of anyone i talk to knowing him is quite low… there’s more to it but imma stay quiet cuz I really like this man..


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