What is this bullshit "Daaroodism" that you Marehans are trying to bring to Somalispot?

Gabiley in my opinion looks better than Hargeisa. I'm talking natural jaw dropping locale
There was no Italians protectorate in Jubbaland in 1905.Sxb the gaaljecel sheikh barsane fought your amxaar overlords in the battle of gumar sheer (1905) which ended in a decisive victoru for the Somalis against the habeshi.He was allied with the great sayid and fought against Italians to his death. These records donβt mean nothing, Jubaland historically referred to both sides of the border including NFD so donβt come to me with that nonsense.
Walahi your a clueless guy, you are telling me that OG live in raas kambooni. It is xaram to claim places your kin do not have 1 qoys.
Everyone knows that Siad barre resettled his kin from galmudug and shilabo to Gedo. And he went even further for the OGs who were resettled in hiiraan, the jubbas and even toogdheer.
What Omar Ghelle allegedly thinks doesn't change the reality on the ground either.![]()
The godfather of IRIRism said this in regards to your claims:
DAS Yamamoto told Guelleh that the principal question now is how to reconcile the differences that exist in Somalia. He spoke of Guelleh's closeness to members of the influential Ayr clan, and asked if the President's personal approach to this clan might be a starting point in a reconciliation process. Guelleh responded that in his view, the Ayr do not have much influence. They originate from the poorest and most desolate region of Somalia and derive much of their authority from their affiliation with the Marehan. When Said Barre's regime collapsed, he continued, the Ayr were targeted by the Hawiye and kept a low profile. After Abdiqasim came to power, the Ayr re-emerged and many became businessmen. Guelleh stated that some Ayr are Islamists, such as Dahir Aweys, the head of Al-Ittihad. Yet without the Marehan, the Ayr are nothing and remain close to them.
I wouldnβt even go as far as that their simply isnt enough Gaaljecel alive to fill all these lands these kids are talking about.There was no Italians protectorate in Jubbaland in 1905.
Sh Bursane was not from Jubbaland and was from Shabeloyinka and most of his soulders were Madow.
Galjecel were brought by MJs in the 60s for votes.
There was no Galjecel mp in JL from 1960-1991 and were all under MJ.
The Galjecel in Middle Jubba were brought by Bartire .Galejecel were never a stand alone qabil in juboyinka no record do they have in Jubbaland either fighting British or Ogaden or Harti who lived in Juboyinka even though even boni clans are mentioned.
Galjecel came in flocks especially during JVA and their sole profession was burning charcoal and have reduced the landscape into a desertification.
Raskambooni was never a Galjecel nor is it a Galejecel degan.The only coincindience you might find migrant Galejecel is because it is mostly forested area and has trees for Galjecel to cut down and burn as charcoal.
The area from Raskambooni to Kentan border of Laamu is the only place that is now fully forested and it's where most of Galjecel have migrated to.They should be shot at sight.