Liberalism in islam means that u get to do as u please provided u don't f*ck with the law. while western liberalism is similar it has one distinct difference witch is that it views religion as something negative. niggas will go out of their way inorder to paint ur god and religion as Bs. while making fitnah and other stuff that islam is against as the better thing. they will justfy it by using stupid logic. Like some trigger happy space clout nigga made the universe fucking, same sex is natural and people used to be fish and apes millions of years ago.
In conclusion liberalism in islam has it boundries while western one goes against. and actively tries fight these limitations because as that one german dude once said, god is dead and god remains dead and we have killed him.
a) To each his own religion, you do not worship what i worship & I do not worship what you worship
Western Liberal
a) Freedom to Worship or not Worship