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In fact, to put it in Somalicentric terms, we like to joke about Hutus and Mooryans ruining Somalia, when in reality it is US policy in the region that has relegated Somalia to an AMISOM controlled territory. It's not about a victim narrative, it is about understanding your position in totality and relating to the dominant culture that their fun and carefree appropriation can be insensitive.

In fact to put it in Sacidyo terms, we like to joke about our issues but in reality it is our own victimization and our neglect thats the cause. Its not about responsibility and raising your own standards & nobility, it is about understanding your low strata position in society in totality and relating to the dominant culture that their nursing and empathy for us is important.

Walahi i understand you saaxiib you are right! 100% :yousmart:


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I am sick of black people botching about everything. They're the most racist people on earth. They like to dish it but can't take it. As far as I am concerned as an AFRICAN, braiding hair is my culture, therefore BLACKS are appropriating my culture. They want to distant themselves from Africa but they want to take my culture and about it. FOH. I can't respect anyone who capes for AAs.

I feel the same way. I hate when AA's appropriate African culture, as if they have a claim to the entire continent. They wear our cultural attire, try to claim history they had no part in, steal our names but are xenophobic and abusive to actual Africans. :camby:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
There are a lot of xaqdaro against AA people for real and they have been handed a shitty card. There's no doubt that many cadaan people are some of the most vile barbaric savages mankind has ever seen.

I have no problem with AAs who point out real discrimination but they need to stop the victim mentality. Stop giving cadaan people so much power. If everything offends you then they got so much ammunition. And they need to sort out their internal sissies. Fatherless homes is a big problem.

AAs have been abused and mistreated so much but what's Somalis excuse in engaging in this SJW shit?
What happened to the confident somalis our mothers raised? We were taught to never put anyone on a pedestal much less 'gaal xun aan xarka iska dhaqin' or 'madow (insert stereotype)'.

These lessons were not really jabs at other people but rather to ensure that we were not mentally enslaved. For many years this is what has given us the defining resilience and determination. Its very sad to watch this new trend of somali kids adopting the black mentality or feminist movement or any other sort of calaacal group.
Did you redefine cultural appropiation to fit your I wanna claim victimhood fad?:cryinglaughsmiley: Did you forget about migration,interaction and trade. as well as the fact that you are raising a double standard. Madows cannot be cultural appropiators? but only cadaans can?

Deny theft? Everyone stole the culture of cadaan people, you eat their food as normal, wear their clothes like its normal.
Everything about cadaan culture is appropiated and has become ownership of everyone elses.

Soo can Terrorist only be arab by ur logic?

By the way explain to me how cultures are oppressed and what cultures are oppressed

Lool Saciid, so basically let em off the hook and give them excuses because they are miskeen martyrs? Amazing That you would want to lower their standards like that.

If our indifference to their situation make us cruel, then what would you call the Madow man's indifference to his own situation?:ufdup:

Redefine?:childplease: I thought I was using the word with a dictionary definition. Look it up when you get a chance brother.

No, you're way past indiffernce, and to claim you are is disingenuous. It means you can't separate rational thought from emotions. For fucks sake you believe Somalis were native to the entire horn when that isnt accepted by any credible historian/anthropologist Somali or not. Your bias clouds your judgment.

Id be curious to hear your opinion on the current lot of people's bred in marginalization and disenfranchisement all around the globe [eg Native Americans (North and South), Native Hawaiins, Inuit, Sami, Aboriginals Gabooye, etc]. Or is this just a race thing? An anti-Bantu thing? Because I'll tell you, all those peoples are deemed "undesirable" and many are "indifferent" to their plight. If youre one of those people then you're of no positive gain to humanity, you're another sheep born to the same fold that designed the inequality and injustices of this world. Youre of the same ilk of all those in the West that view Somalis and Muslims as dogs that deserve the lot they've been given.
Redefine?:childplease: I thought I was using the word with a dictionary definition. Look it up when you get a chance brother.

Sorry saaxiib i dont look up your ass, do it yourselves since you are soo good at it

No, you're way past indiffernce, and to claim you are is disingenuous. It means you can't separate rational thought from emotions. For fucks sake you believe Somalis were native to the entire horn when that isnt accepted by any credible historian/anthropologist Somali or not. Your bias clouds your judgment.

Really? with all your butthurt character assissinations you think you can seperate rationality and thoughts from emotions?

Nice story walaal, did somalis also create the moon and the earth as well?

Id be curious to hear your opinion on the current lot of people's bred in marginalization and disenfranchisement all around the globe [eg Native Americans (North and South), Native Hawaiins, Inuit, Sami, Aboriginals Gabooye, etc]. Or is this just a race thing? An anti-Bantu thing? Because I'll tell you, all those peoples are deemed "undesirable" and many are "indifferent" to their plight. If youre one of those people then you're of no positive gain to humanity, you're another sheep born to the same fold that designed the inequality and injustices of this world. Youre of the same ilk of all those in the West that view Somalis and Muslims as dogs that deserve the lot they've been given.

Wow Excellent!! you mentioned a Somali clan in your minority mascot victim pawn, i salute you:yousmart:, i guess its a first time for everything. This is where the #NotYourShield hashtag trending makes sense. :mjpls:

True freedom will come when the so called victims realize that their victimhood gives their oppressor power.

Rag waxaa u liita ma toshe, ma tashade iyo ma tashiishe
Sorry saaxiib i dont look up your ass, do it yourselves since you are soo good at it

Really? with all your butthurt character assissinations you think you can seperate rationality and thoughts from emotions?

Nice story walaal, did somalis also create the moon and the earth as well?

Wow Excellent!! you mentioned a Somali clan in your minority mascot victim pawn, i salute you:yousmart:, i guess its a first time for everything. This is where the #NotYourShield hashtag trending makes sense. :mjpls:

True freedom will come when the so called victims realize that their victimhood gives their oppressor power.

Rag waxaa u liita ma toshe, ma tashade iyo ma tashiishe

Bro you don't even know me, I stand up for Gabooye iyo Yibir all the time.

I think I figured you out. You believe in the myth of meritocracy. That if you work hard nothing but rewards will come your way. You believe that normal people - in the face of poverty and disenfranchisement - have the luxury to first analyze the social construct of their existence and then work to change something that has taken centuries to cement.

You probably don't understand the satire behind the phrase "pick yourself up by your own bootstraps." But that's fine. If you believe Somalis will rise from the ashes without the help of a super power, you're free to do so. If you believe Somalis going back home to contribute to a real estate bubble is going to bring Somalia back to glory, feel free.
Bro you don't even know me, I stand up for Gabooye iyo Yibir all the time.

Good for you!

I think I figured you out. You believe in the myth of meritocracy. That if you work hard nothing but rewards will come your way. You believe that normal people - in the face of poverty and disenfranchisement - have the luxury to first analyze the social construct of their existence and then work to change something that has taken centuries to cement.

Racial Equality: Meritocratic system gives everyone a chance


http:// Singapore

You probably don't understand the satire behind the phrase "pick yourself up by your own bootstraps." But that's fine. If you believe Somalis will rise from the ashes without the help of a super power, you're free to do so. If you believe Somalis going back home to contribute to a real estate bubble is going to bring Somalia back to glory, feel free.

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