Myron from fresh and fit coming at Somalis

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Somalis are like the biggest boggie man for right wingers, we are African/Black and we take our Muslim religion seriously, we stick together, unlike many Arab/Iranian Americans who drop their faith and distance themselves from other Muslims so they can avoid getting racist backlash from it.

It's funny how Sneako had to check them on this, because the Somalis he met when he converted are clean wash themselves 5 times a day & are friendly and the guy had no real reason to think we are dirty so he says that ''It must be hot under all that garment they wear''.

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You guys need a new hobby, stalking accounts like that makes you just as crazy. Let them say what they want it shouldn't affect Somali going forward. They complain about Ilhan Omar with all kinds of crackpot conspiracies since 2017 yet she is still gets elected and gets supports from her democratic constituency.
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That’s nothing. This man said QURAN isn’t useful for today’s time. He said its solutions don’t help men today, meaning the words are not timeless, as Allah intended. After he said this , nothing else really matters.
Tate, Fresh & Fit, Sneako, and the whole redpill movement have been detrimental to many men of below-average intellect. The fact that a rapist (Tate), a self-hating black man (Myron), a soon-to-be deadbeat dad (Walter), and a cuck (we all know who this one is) have been influential voices for young men is a bad sign for society.
LOL sneako is coming for Somalis as well.

When will Muslim men in general particularly the Somali men who were defending these revert redpillers realize that these men are simply hateful and will do and say anything for clout? These lot believe in a hierarchy and in their world paradigm it’s men above women and it’s white men above you lot as well.
LOL sneako is coming for Somalis as well.

When will Muslim men in general particularly the Somali men who were defending these revert redpillers realize that these men are simply hateful and will do and say anything for clout? These lot believe in a hierarchy and in their world paradigm it’s men above women and it’s white men above you lot as well.

Lol when it was only Myron that came after us .

Sneako and a bunch of other redpillers are sitting around laughing at Somalis.

Never took these idiot’s seriously in the first place . May Allah deal with them

Tate, Fresh & Fit, Sneako, and the whole redpill movement have been detrimental to many men of below-average intellect. The fact that a rapist (Tate), a self-hating black man (Myron), a soon-to-be deadbeat dad (Walter), and a cuck (we all know who this one is) have been influential voices for young men is a bad sign for society.
Working class men who also tended to not be educated in the past still had some sort of leverage in society since working class women would usually have even less money and even less education than them. Since they’d have a bit more resources at their disposal, compared to their female counterparts, women of their class would still feel compelled to marry them. Now we live in world in which Xalimo from the estate can study hard, get into a Russel group university and get paid double what they’re earning and try her luck at a richer guy or if not possible just stay single. What incentive is there for a working class women who can pull herself out of the trenches to get with a working class man who has even less resources than her? If you’ve noticed, amongst redpill practicing Muslim men, they’ve been heavily advocating for women not be educated because ultimately, this is about access to women. All of their grievances is due to lack of access to women and even the married men cannot be mistreat their wives anymore with the guarantee she’ll stay due to needing the husband for resources. The epidemic of male loneliness is a testament to this and it’s mostly impacting a particular class of men.
Tate, Fresh & Fit, Sneako, and the whole redpill movement have been detrimental to many men of below-average intellect. The fact that a rapist (Tate), a self-hating black man (Myron), a soon-to-be deadbeat dad (Walter), and a cuck (we all know who this one is) have been influential voices for young men is a bad sign for society.

The redpill/incel movement are just composed of bitter losers that don't want to introspect and take account for their own failures.
The redpill/incel movement are just composed of bitter losers that don't want to introspect and take account for their own failures.
I think that they’re well aware of their loser status but the bitterness is coming from the fact that in the past, their grandfathers who were probably in the same position as them could attract a wife without having to put that much work in simply because women have less. These men can’t accept that the position of women has changed and so has the expectations of women. Notice that’s why they advocate for traditionalism for women.
That man has clear psychological problems and suffers from a serious case of self hate (not to mention a deep hatred and resentment for women).

He doesn’t even want to be called by his birth name (Amir Fudl) and changed it to Myron Gaines so he could be received better by gaalo. He also let a girl trash talk Islam on one of his podcasts without saying a word, just smiling like a doqon. While claiming to be Muslim.

Who cares what a mentally broken person like this thinks?
He hates women, hates madows and hates himself. Thats how you sum up this man’s character.

In this day and age anyone that is racist and hates women will be given a platform.

Many Muslim men supported Tate and Fresh and fit but they’re the first to cry when these men turn on them and racially abuse them. I’m sorry that these men couldn’t stick to the script of only hating women 😂😂
How can I send this to my cousin who likes fresh and fit and is subscribed to their patreon


Didn't he have an online discussion with Johnny Habesha? He must have gave him the blueprint, and now he's running with it.

If this clown is coming after us, then we must be doing something right, because he has embarrassed himself on the Internet numerous times. A lot of people see him for the loser he is. He tanked his own channel because of his stupid antics of trying to appear to these alt-right losers. He had to get a hair transplant because his clown ass was balding.