Nacalaa: Faarax Loses to a Paki.

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He would have won the fight if he had a little bit of head movement. You can't keep your head in the same position and expect not to get hit:mybusiness:
I always kept my head in the same position, and I came out on top majority of the time. Alxamdulilah, I have been blessed with a madax adag.
The most successful Somalis in the diaspora. We work in the government, Hollywood, own businesseses, in the medical field and we still have time to do Fadhikudiriir in Starbucks,
I think UK has the most qashin and successful at the same time, name me one successful well known somali from usa/canada/scandanavia. All I can think of is K'naan and barkhad,that speaks for itself.


He'll get his revenge i assume it was Birmingham we're the pakistanis are the african american's of british pakistans they are the hood verisons but in brum malis are respected so i assume the asian will be rushed by October 7th


Without reer Holland, U.K. Somalis would truly be lost. They are pound for pound the meanest faraxs in the bloody queens country. :gaasdrink:


So you're telling me top5, Robin banks and co are > than good looking, educated faraaxs?

Canadian faraaxs have hard faces, only a mother could love them.
Why are we using Toronto rappers as a representative for all Candian Faaraxs? :ayaanswag:
Even so, Robin Banks isn't rly Somali, and Top5 is prob the main unattractive one. Frenchy and Slugz are alright :zhqjlmx:
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