Native word for mosque


HA Activist.
I genuinely don’t now Somali I’ve never heard of this in my life does it sound the same 🤔🤔
"ilmada ilmada ilmada, ilmada cisho baan ku idhi" "Told you to hold back your tears"
You probably heard this sentence from Maxamed BK's song called Noolosha cusub.

Child is masculine, so it becomes ilmaha. Masculine words always end in KA, or its derivates GA or HA.
Tears is feminine so it becomes ilmada. Feminine words always end in TA, or its derivates DA or SHA.
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Ilin is singular
but yeah its plural is the same as children
This is new one, I know of the following:
- Illin (double 'L' with hard emphasis on the front) is tears,
- Ilin (single 'L' with soft emphasis on the n) is entrance or door,
- Ilin ( single 'L' with no emphasis) is a colony, flock mostly used to describe camels.

Any literary reference of 'Ilin' being a mosque?


HA Activist.
We also have Malaaq used by some Maay speaking groups, refers to a tribal chief similar to garaad or sultaan if I'm not mistaken. Awfully resembles the semitic /mlk/

Debunking myself here. Not only used in Maay and actually from harari, with a different etymology.

