Negative consequences of skin bleaching

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A somali girl?

Wow. I just thought about it and this is no different to plastic surgery (for non medical reasons). Wa haraam.
Some haram things are acceptable to us. Wa yaab.
Haa she is somali. She was getting ready for her wedding and she used almost every kind of skin bleaching toxics in the world. Can u believe she only used for one month? She used it nonstop though. When she went to the hospital she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Doctors asked her what she used because there were variety of toxic chemicals in her body such as mercury. She died within a week they couldn't save her.
You girls should help make dark skin sexy again, then these insecure ones won't feel the need to bleach.

I heard bleaching can cause girls to grow a moustache too. I noticed it once on a Somali girl but it was tiny and you could only notice if you were very close up. Somali women never have hairy body problems, so was it maybe due to her bleaching? She was light skinned
You girls should help make dark skin sexy again, then these insecure ones won't feel the need to bleach.

I heard bleaching can cause girls to grow a moustache too. I noticed it once on a Somali girl but it was tiny and you could only notice if you were very close up. Somali women never have hairy body problems, so was it maybe due to her bleaching? She was light skinned
Lol, you mean guys should make them feel sexy lol.
btw there's a local Somali in public health who does a lot of anti-skin-lightening activism; talks and papers etc

Amira Adawe, she's doing good work
I don't think guys like girls who bleached themselves however most guys prefer light skinned girls. Isn't that true?

wallahi I think it's only women who think this

if your choice in a partner comes down to shallowness like skin shade, then you have bigger problems lol


it's because of colonization f*ck white people they did this.
:kanyehmm:take a look at persians, who prized having a beautiful olive skin tone and now they adopted western beauty standards
it's because of colonization f*ck white people they did this.
:kanyehmm:take a look at persians, who prized having a beautiful olive skin tone and now they adopted western beauty standards

My persian boy was telling me they have the most nose jobs in the world. Somali'smay be bad with bleaching but they could be worse


qofba idhi...cadaanka"skin bleaching" wa la iibsan kara lakin madownimada/natural skin camal is priceless.


On Hiatus
No it's Iranians definitely. Some Iranians put casts on their nose to look like they had a nose job because it's associated with being from a higher class.
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