New Maamul/Admin of Baraawe, Beesha GM were given the Deputy Mayor and Head of Security.

Lower Shabelle borders Banadirs they're right nex to one another. You're right that ain't many RX present on media like Darood Isaaq & Hawiye.

Hawiye are shooting themselves on the foot like you said because the more they land grab RX & other minorities territory the more they're increasingly pushed to the arms of Al Shabaab. LS is next to Mogadishu which is itself a major security threat to the entire Somali government and only strengthening Al Shabaab as majority of recruits are RX who will slip through to Mogadishu enforcing Al Shabaab capabilities preventing a real progress to end the civil war.

Hawiye must ask themselves if these prime farmlands are worth destabilizing Mogadishu and recurring suicide attacks, murder, extortions and all calamities brought upon by Al Shabaab.
Hawiy thrives on anarchy and they will stay put in Lower shabelle.
He is trying to be Humble, when HG has

90% but your the deputy

Since their arent many online Rx fkd users these guys will spout endless faan about “expansion”.

What they dont realize is they shot themselves in the foot by claiming themselves as foreign invaders as D&M + Minorities are now slowly and unashamedly removing them little by little from what was possibly one point the Benadir coast.

Your in Kismayo because of 5, 000 Kenyan troops. I am in Lower Shebelle because I am a native and I liberated it without myself despite Farmajoo doing all his best to side-line me and empower minorities.. Shebelle Hoose is majority Hawiye. Mirifle live no where near it and Digil live in just walanweyne.
Your in Kismayo because of 5, 000 Kenyan troops. I am in Lower Shebelle because I am a native and I liberated it without myself despite Farmajoo doing all his best to side-line me and empower minorities.. Shebelle Hoose is majority Hawiye. Mirifle live no where near it and Digil live in just walanweyne.
Amisom and AS is protecting your ass in Lower Shabelle.
Lower Shabelle borders Banadirs they're right nex to one another. You're right that ain't many RX present on media like Darood Isaaq & Hawiye.

Hawiye are shooting themselves on the foot like you said because the more they land grab RX & other minorities territory the more they're increasingly pushed to the arms of Al Shabaab. LS is next to Mogadishu which is itself a major security threat to the entire Somali government and only strengthening Al Shabaab as majority of recruits are RX who will slip through to Mogadishu enforcing Al Shabaab capabilities preventing a real progress to end the civil war.

Hawiye must ask themselves if these prime farmlands are worth destabilizing Mogadishu and recurring suicide attacks, murder, extortions and all calamities brought upon by Al Shabaab.

You are a fool. There are majority Digil in Gedo but none in Shebelle Hoose. Shebelle Hoose was always part of greater Benedir and always Hawiye majority since the days of the Ajuraaan.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
He is trying to be Humble, when HG has the Deputy Mayor post, S/hoose Deputy Governor and all the High Political and Military posts (Head of SNA in S/hoose is HG), its common to sense to be polite and say Hawiye and not HGs only, isha Bani aadam waa xaasid.

We are heading that way, we already infiltrated their Gole deegaans, so in a few years we will get the Deputy and another few years thereafter we will get the Gudoomiyaha Cabduwaaq, waa step by step process sxb.
You wish, no HG in Cabuudwaaq gole. Stop spreading fake news the one named was wholly rejected
Amisom and AS is protecting your ass in Lower Shabelle.

AMISOM do nothing for me. Farmajoo since the day he got elected and all minorities try to be exterminating me and I am still standing. My people are waking up now and we are done with this Somalimo nonsense. Any dog that stands in our way we will crush.
You are a fool. There are majority Digil in Gedo but none in Shebelle Hoose. Shebelle Hoose was always part of greater Benedir and always Hawiye majority since the days of the Ajuraaan.

You're the fool if you're denying Digil's majority in LS despite the mounting evidence.
Are you honestly debating that Digil is larger than Hawiye in S/hoose?

Perhaps the fool is non other than you who believe in this delusions.

Give me your evidence. Squatting over farmlands with SNA units doesn't mean you're the majority. I can provide a source thay says 50% of LS are Digil, what do you have?
Give me your evidence. Squatting over farmlands with SNA units doesn't mean you're the majority. I can provide a source thay says 50% of LS are Digil, what do you have?

Why should we proof anything evidential to you, when we all ready rule S/hoose by right of might, the Burden of Proof is on you to show us otherwise that HAG are minority in S/hoose?!?

Might makes right



Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Give me your evidence. Squatting over farmlands with SNA units doesn't mean you're the majority. I can provide a source thay says 50% of LS are Digil, what do you have?
Digil are definitely the majority otherwise these Hawiyas wouldnt celebrate Deputy position :hemad:


Why should we proof anything evidential to you, when we all ready rule S/hoose by right of might, the Burden of Proof is on you to show us otherwise that HAG are minority in S/hoose?!?

Might makes right

If amisom evacuates lower shabelle then the entire region would be captured by digil and dir al shabab who support these terrorists only to stop mooryaan like yourself from taking their lands.
Digil didn't get anything because they do not live in Shebelle Hoose. Minority Tumaal got mayor and majority HG Deputy mayor. We still run the city because security is in our hands.
Why should we proof anything evidential to you, when we all ready rule S/hoose by right of might, the Burden of Proof is on you to show us otherwise that HAG are minority in S/hoose?!?

Might makes right

You guys talk with great confidence I'm just asking for evidence beyond Moryanimo. At least you admit that you use Somali National Army to land grab territory in Lower Shabille. OK we can agree to that.
If amisom evacuates lower shabelle then the entire region would be captured by digil and dir al shabab who support these terrorists only to stop mooryaan like yourself from taking their lands.

What nonsense. Digil don't live in the region. The Al Shabaab are Hawiye and the dowland troops are Hawiye
If amisom evacuates lower shabelle then the entire region would be captured by digil and dir al shabab who support these terrorists only to stop mooryaan like yourself from taking their lands.

Are you joking sxb or are you really joking, kulaha alshabaab will stop HG :mjlol:

Not to spoil your dreams but Alshabaab was created by HGs and all their Heads are HGs.

You guys talk with great confidence I'm just asking for evidence beyond Moryanimo. At least you admit that you use Somali National Army to land grab territory in Lower Shabille. OK we can agree to that.

You are dumb as a brick stone, where in gods name did i say HG uses SNA army, waryaa dont put words on my mouth, i wrote clearly that HGs are there by their own xoog, and as for proofing who is majority, the Burden of Proof is on You since we HAG already rule S/hoose.
"Historic migrants include Somalis of all clans who relocated to the region to take advantage of employment and livelihood opportunities from the 1920s to 1990. This made the Lower Shabelle an unusually cosmopolitan part of Somalia. Many in this group were forced to flee during the civil war, but some remain.556 Armed settlers arrived in the region in 1991-92, in the form of strong clan militias and their families. They settled in the Lower Shabelle, occupying abandoned farms, plantations, and state farms, and taking up residence in larger towns such as Afgooye, Merka, and Baraawe. Most of these settlers were from the Habir Gedir (Hawiye) clan, but other Hawiye clans have joined them as well. 557 Security expert I states that the relative weight of these clans, in terms of population composition in the region, can be roughly approximated as follows: Digil 55-60 %, Hawiye 30%, Biyomaal 10%"


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