Does not like female body tho lol
Eeddo, at your age, you are considered an honorary man. Show him your moustache.
Does not like female body tho lol
Aaegal is adorable. He kinda reminds me of your internal spirits. My jiini tells me that
Eeddo, try these superstitious “jinns, spirits” on your folks and not on us. They will believe the flying carpets.
Are u denying u r Aaegal?
Reiko is a multi personality personality! The only thing I am sure about her is she loves food and is over weight. The rest I need a special investigator and mental health doctor for her multi names in the forum lol
Does not like female body tho lol
Say no to qanisnimo loool
Imagine a James Charles looking mf leading ur salatcouldn’t be me
Say what looolReiko is Lum.