New Program to Sponsor Refugees in America

Unfortunately a lot of muslim countries still banned. Many of my family memeber applied for refugees status in ethiopia and kenya. i think a lot of somalis back home did as well knowing about the ban. give program a shot while gate still open they wont give chance to IDPs which is also unfortunate

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A lot of Somalis prepared themselves for this and went to Uganda to get refugee cards (they were giving out Ugandan refugee passports) and then went back to Kenya or wherever they live.


Hearing some people who fled las canood stayed on Ethiopia and taking advantage of program. Lots of people in Minneapolis taking advantage iA more people from Somalia come over. Our biggest economy diaspora kkk


Has anyone had luck with program thinking it’s more to bring Ukrainians in than Somalis as I have yet to see any somali people bought here since program


I also realized that the Somalia travel ban never got lifted with Biden. Don’t think it will be lifted anytime soon either.even with people getting refugee cards in Ethiopia Uganda and other places they still put 2+2 together on who Somali

A have been hearing of this programme, I think they just got to its phase 2.

People have been telling me its been causing all sorts of messs, such as Indian going all the way to the Kenyan/Ugandan refuugee camps to falsely secure a refugee status and then applying for the US programme, these people can just bribe their way into the long waiting lines and just shack at a hotel accomodation (as you need to stick around for some weeks before you get your refuugee status).

Fleeing Somali people are essentially cut out or consigned to the back of the que.
@Rationale Ironic under Darod we were proud, strong, respected, no refugee, thru the SYL system created by Majerten and then Siyad Socialism. Under HAG everyone is fleeing n seeking sponsorship isn't that enough evidence it's best u stand down from politics.

@Libaax-Joore I think that's what the world wants. HAG leadership, they know the nation will rott and eventually oromos will replace us as we all flee for sponsorship.

Replace Salamanca with Darod lol


A have been hearing of this two phase programme, people have been telling its been causing all sorts of messs, such as Indian going all the way to the Kenyan/Ugandan refuugee camps to falsely secure a refugee status and then applying for the US programme, these people can just bribe their way into the long waiting lines and just shack at a hotel accomodation (as you need to stick around for some weeks before you get your refuugee status).

Fleeing Somali people are essentially cut out or consigned to the back of the que.
Phase 2 started like a year ago. Feeling I get as well, so many people applied and getting hopes up for family members back home. I have yet to see 1 somali family but thousands of Ukrainians in Minnesota and other races
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At least with democrats there is slight chance some make it who have paper trail in places like Uganda Kent and Ethiopia. With Trump will be 0% and probably a lot of folks who hopped over border getting deported. Crazy times Somalis in for rough time if Donald comes back


runta ayaan kugu qarxin
I shall seek asylum as I was born and raised in the hellhole war zone of the Islamic Republic of New Londinstan.
At least with democrats there is slight chance some make it who have paper trail in places like Uganda Kent and Ethiopia. With Trump will be 0% and probably a lot of folks who hopped over border getting deported. Crazy times Somalis in for rough time if Donald comes back
Yes, I have heard of similar sentiments too. A friend of my cousin was planning on going through that route but got frustratred while in Kenya waiting for his refuugee status, and eventually decided to just settle in Kenya, alhamdulilaah he is doing well and last I heard was at least going to school.

The situation is bad in Jubaland, I just keep hearing people leaving.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Yes, I have heard of similar sentiments too. A friend of my cousin was planning on going through that route but got frustratred while in Kenya waiting for his refuugee status, and eventually decided to just settle in Kenya, alhamdulilaah he is doing well and last I heard was at least going to school.

The situation is bad in Jubaland, I just keep hearing people leaving.
Forget about Jubaland and regional states

every village and corner in Somalia has had an exodus


Yes, I have heard of similar sentiments too. A friend of my cousin was planning on going through that route but got frustratred while in Kenya waiting for his refuugee status, and eventually decided to just settle in Kenya, alhamdulilaah he is doing well and last I heard was at least going to school.

The situation is bad in Jubaland, I just keep hearing people leaving.

Forget about Jubaland and regional states

every village and corner in Somalia has had an exodus
The new people that are in city are mainly young men who hopped border. Basically flew to South America and trekked to Mexico border and asked for asylum. Many have paper work for now and are working but ain’t looking good for them if Trump wins. Lots of uncertainty.

But yes everyone trying to leave and it’s hard. Only avenue lately seems marriage. Families should do more arranged marriages because I see so many people single in 30s and even 40s. It’s win win more families with closer roots to Somalia that won’t be white washed and also more people can send money back home.


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