New Somali Doc On The BBC

Emir of Zayla

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I heard climate change was good for Africa? Whatโ€™s going to happen to Somalia?
Climate change, seems interesting. At least itโ€™s not politics or FGM for once
I suspect this might be a ruse far more damaging to us than the politics they imposed on us, or the FGM tragedy they constantly reduced our entire nation to.

I can see how a foreign movement like this can become so entrenched or imposed upon us, that we will never begin to take advantage of our natural resources, because they are not "clean" or "sustainable", essentially locking us out.

And for those that will inevitably cry "believe le science", I care about the enviroment and I certainly dont want my country to become the toxic waste that is China. But imagine China today, if some foreign arbiter had dictated to them they could not use "dirty energy" to build their industries. This is exactly what is happening to poor countries, who are reaping what others have sown. Not only are they not being compensated for this, they are also being told they cannot use their recourses to better themselves.
If you are going to tell us to leave our resources in the ground, then you must be prepared to offer sufficient compensation, but I donโ€™t think anyone has yet come out to make such an offer
- Maggy Shino (Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia)