New TikTok Trend Consisting Of Bullying A WNBA Player Garners Millions Of Views

She's cute, with lovely skin and hair. And most importantly, Allah SWT's creation.

Stop insulting people based on their appearance before life humbles you, with a disease or some other disfigurement. You'd think people made themselves with the way they insult people's looks.

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The fact that you downvoted this message that aligns with the values of our deen shows your religiosity is nothing but performative that you whip out to show how conservative you are when your conservatism is only based on misogyny and hating on Allah’s creations.

No one is perfect and humans do habour racist sentiments but anyone who was raised right would know that’s not halal or right and if confronted with a moral Islamic message, they’d accept it to be true. But what do you do? You downvote it.
It’s misogyny.

Women can’t exist in online or social media spaces without men feeling the need to center women’s appearances.

If they’re very attractive, they’ll sexualize her.

If they deem her unattractive, they’ll mock and rebuke her.

Many men cannot help but dehumanize women and since we now live in a world in which women hold a lot of roles and titles, appearances is the best weapon they can use against women to uphold traditional forms of sexism.

Internet Nomad

Women get bullied for looking too masculine while men get bullied for looking too femine, the more strictly you define these arbitrary gender characteristics the more harmful it gets

You're never going to have a perfect divide of the two sexes, some men will have wider hips. Some women will have broader muscular shoulders, we should just accept that people are born different instead of insulting them.
While i agree we shouldn’t judge people based upon physical characteristics that they can’t choose you said something I believe to be incorrect.

You called “gender characteristics” arbitrary when its not as majority of gender characteristics are pretty obvious like a beard is a masculine trait and long nails is a feminine trait.

Your leftie gender abolitionist speak corrupted your good take.


Been there, done that
While i agree we shouldn’t judge people based upon physical characteristics that they can’t choose you said something I believe to be incorrect.

You called “gender characteristics” arbitrary when its not as majority of gender characteristics are pretty obvious like a beard is a masculine trait and long nails is a feminine trait.

Your leftie gender abolitionist speak corrupted your good take.
It's pretty arbitrary for the most part, even the stuff you mentioned, some women can in fact grow beards, it's mostly attributed to certain hormonal imbalances but it does happen

And your second example is like the peak definition of arbitrary ruling, there's no biological reasoning of long nails being "a girl thing", at least not in the same way a maternal womb is. Both genders can have long nails but it's something we haphazardly decided should be associated with females, like how high-heels jumped from men's fashion to women's

I'm not a gender abolitionist.

Internet Nomad

It's pretty arbitrary for the most part, even the stuff you mentioned, some women can in fact grow beards, it's mostly attributed to certain hormonal imbalances but it does happen
Just because their are exceptions to the rule doesn’t mean the rule is arbitrary it just means the rule is not a binary. We have societal standards for what we describe as masculine traits and feminine traits and most if them correlate with biological traits for men and women.

And your second example is like the peak definition of arbitrary ruling, there's no biological reasoning of long nails being "a girl thing", at least not in the same way a maternal womb is. Both genders can have long nails but it's something we haphazardly decided should be associated with females, like how high-heels jumped from men's fashion to women's
While i agree long nails is not a biological trait that is inherent to women. Its a cosmetic feature that is so commonly found in women and not men that we associate it solely with women. So its not an arbitrary judgement that someone says long nails is feminine its a life experience of seeing mostly women with long nails.


Been there, done that
Just because their are exceptions to the rule doesn’t mean the rule is arbitrary it just means the rule is not a binary. We have societal standards for what we describe as masculine traits and feminine traits and most if them correlate with biological traits for men and women.

While i agree long nails is not a biological trait that is inherent to women. Its a cosmetic feature that is so commonly found in women and not men that we associate it solely with women. So its not an arbitrary judgement that someone says long nails is feminine its a life experience of seeing mostly women with long nails.
There are always exceptions, and they shouldn't be ostracized and shunned, gender isn't completely binary, that we can agree on.

You can say long nails aren't arbitrary now since they became so culturally ingrained throughout the years, however, the initial concept is based on a whim, it's no different from colors like blue and pink being associated with boys and girls. I define arbitrary as something we randomly decided that's independent from biological reasoning.

The fact that you downvoted this message that aligns with the values of our deen shows your religiosity is nothing but performative that you whip out to show how conservative you are when your conservatism is only based on misogyny and hating on Allah’s creations.

No one is perfect and humans do habour racist sentiments but anyone who was raised right would know that’s not halal or right and if confronted with a moral Islamic message, they’d accept it to be true. But what do you do? You downvote it.
First 2 words.
I disagree with the statement “She’s cute” so I downvoted it. If you wanna takfir me then do that. The round about shit is underhanded and slimy.

Internet Nomad

There are always exceptions, and they shouldn't be ostracized and shunned, gender isn't completely binary, that we can agree on.

You can say long nails aren't arbitrary now since they became so culturally ingrained throughout the years, however, the initial concept is based on a whim, it's no different from colors like blue and pink being associated with boys and girls. I define arbitrary as something we randomly decided that's independent from biological reasoning.
Yeah both sex is not binary as intersex people exist but they really don’t matter when we are talking about general society as they are such anomaly. Sex in the general sense is a binary but not an absolute one.

Gender is a social construct but its not an abstract idea that is divorced from sex. Sex and Gender heavily correlate. Masculine physical traits tend to be produced by the normal male puberty and vice versa.

Cosmetic choices like long nails I agree at their onset were probably arbitrary but now its so heavily situated in the feminine category that a guy who has it is seen as abnormal.

I think we agree overall it was just a misunderstanding on the word arbitrary as you was meaning the initial concept and i was thinking about current society opinion on long nails being feminine.
I got a wife and a son I’m not worried about looks lol

You DEFINITELY should be concerned about your looks especially if you're married.
Not necessarily obsess over it but 💯 percent stay on top of your appearance.

You don't want ur wife growing distant over u developing man boobs - or if someone makes an attempt at ur family you not being able to effectively void the situation because ur breathing obnoxiously hard due to u having man boobs.

That ain't the move breh.. you've been warned.
You DEFINITELY should be concerned about your looks especially if you're married.
Not necessarily obsess over it but 💯 percent stay on top of your appearance.

You don't want ur wife growing distant over u developing man boobs - or if someone makes an attempt at ur family you not being able to effectively void the situation because ur breathing obnoxiously hard due to u having man boobs.

That ain't the move breh.. you've been warned.
I was obviously referring to facial ugliness. Fitness plays an important role in looks but even more important it extends your life.
I was obviously referring to facial ugliness. Fitness plays an important role in looks but even more important it extends your life.

You'd be surprised how many people value a well defined frame over facial aesthetics.
Even I do it.

A woman can be a 10 in the face to me but if her body not right it's a hard pass for me.
😑😔 I'll take a 7 to me body with a 5 face with not a 2nd thought😅 it's just the way some are wired.

Gotta pick ur poison breh
You'd be surprised how many people value a well defined frame over facial aesthetics.
Even I do it.

A woman can be a 10 in the face to me but if her body not right it's a hard pass for me.
😑😔 I'll take a 7 to me body with a 5 face with not a 2nd thought😅 it's just the way some are wired.

Gotta pick ur poison breh
Now I’m confused cause I was basically saying I do well for my self because I’m married and have a son. Which is the goal for many Muslim guys. Then you give me a warning that fitness is important for looks which I agreed. Then you go on to talk about your personal preferences. So I’m struggling to find the relevance.
Now I’m confused cause I was basically saying I do well for my self because I’m married and have a son. Which is the goal for many Muslim guys. Then you give me a warning that fitness is important for looks which I agreed. Then you go on to talk about your personal preferences. So I’m struggling to find the relevance.

*Financial competency - Good
*Having a grounded belief system - Also Good
*Understanding primal human drive (Physical attraction) - Imperative

I only inserted my own preferences because the vibe u originally gave was one of facial aesthetics being the only thing that mattered, & to sort of highlight how vastly different that take among other human men could be.For all I know maybe u were okay with developing man boobs because u already have a family & didn't have anything to worry about.

Basically just wanted to know why you had that take.
You clarified your position so keep bossin up breh.
*Financial competency - Good
*Having a grounded belief system - Also Good
*Understanding primal human drive (Physical attraction) - Imperative

I only inserted my own preferences because the vibe u originally gave was one of facial aesthetics being the only thing that mattered, & to sort of highlight how vastly different that take among other human men could be.For all I know maybe u were okay with developing man boobs because u already have a family & didn't have anything to worry about.

Basically just wanted to know why you had that take.
You clarified your position so keep bossin up breh.
Alright g
I think we agree overall it was just a misunderstanding on the word arbitrary as you was meaning the initial concept and i was thinking about current society opinion on long nails being feminine.
Sexual dimorphism has always persisted across time and space for humanity. Nothing was ever arbitrary. Women tend to do things based on biological wiring and cultural dimensions, which I admit can vary greatly, and men make sure not to reflect that to signal away from weaknesses that compromise the symbolic image of being a reliable man for reproductive reasons as those guys get picked less. It's "relative" and quite explanatory, not arbitrary.

I can off the top of my head easily explain why long nails were a reflection of feminity. Because you cannot be a warrior, holding weapons while maintaining pretty long nails. It reflects a feminine beauty care and calm life. A man had to since he was sent here be durable and chip nails constantly to survive; bodily stress is common. So when Drake says, "boy, don't make me have to chip a nail," the guy was basically saying, I have been living lavishly like a feminine woman without the societal stressors the average man has to struggle with to prove and live his manhood but I will chip these nail-polished fingers I have been cultivating like a shordy if you keep playing.:mjlol:

The high-heeled shoes were initially a practical masculine addition to horseriding in Persia. It was appropriated and modified away from its first context by out-of-touch, decadent elite men who were reaching too far to look drippy in Western Europe and quickly stopped wearing them when women said, "Pretty, I want them too.":dead:

All in all, we have our tendencies hard-wired. Pick any culture 30,000 years ago that has archeological comprehensive study and you will see marked sexual differences in wear and behavior, no matter where. When men do something similar to women, it usually has a very different meaning than women when they do the same act. It is a significant addition. Because it underscores how different we are.

One study, for example, showed that women wear high heels because it makes them look more attractive when their lumbar curvature is maximized- i.e., their ass is arching. All to accentuate their bodies toward feminine ideals. That has absolutely no association with the initial reasons why men wore it in Persia; to ride the beasts better for war. It was designed for better footing.


So, it is very much not arbitrary, even in culture-specific and macro. There are strong rationales for these behaviors that have nothing to do with one another when they align.

We've often heard the random person say the Scots wear kilts, as an example of boundaries broken to emphasize that expressions by men and women in a certain culture have no masculine or feminine traits. Well, one has to go into why kilt is a thing among men in Scotland. It was not because they wanted to look pretty whatsoever. Similar to Persian men with heels, Scotsmen wore kilt in war conditions.


I know it looks hilarious from our point of view LMAO. But it was never used by men to signal what women do when they wear a skirt. The kilt initially was actually more than a skirt:

It used to protect them and at night, covering themselves with it to keep their whole body warm as a blanket. It had a very practical original. Later it was banned, but now it is an identity thing, a cultural practice.

There is a very strong difference between saying, men and women wear the same to make a claim of arbitrariness when that is never the case; there is always a strong dimorphic rationale. Scottish women don't wear kilts because of masculine associations and their initial history among Highland Scottish men. Some might break tradition and do today but that was never the case during the initial early modern period.

Now, I have to say, that just because a culture has certain practices that are even strictly masculine in its roots, it is not necessarily right. Same reason why being half naked is not correct. It's important to separate analysis and explanation for promotion and justification. I would imagine it would be wrong to wear a kilt that does not sufficiently cover the knees. And it would be necessary for women in Minoan culture during the Bronze Age to cover their bare-chested bodies despite their culture calling it a symbol of fertility, instead taking care to cover their ankles completely because it was ceeb to show it.

Ignorance is rife among humans often. You have these men in India who never cut their nails ever until their hands became deformed as a way to practice their so-called spiritual paths. Or in the premodern Chinese very common custom of foot binding where the feet of girls had to be folded.

These are extremes showing how humans can go too far in these attempts to signal certain sexual-related traits through lifestyle pronounced commitments. So I don't believe in this cultural relativistic assessment as a way to justify human mistakes. It's just a tool for understanding and parsing out one thing from another, effectively. People often conflate things for quite ideological reasons, as a means to call that out when they attempt to blur lines to imply that human behavior in the cultural sense has whimsical non-alignments from a broad perspective by pointing to practices that have separate roots anthropologically that have deep associations with sexual dimorphism, one can easily explain them. Even strong deviations can clearly be traced to root ignorance and faulty mythology and strange traditional excuses.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

The joke seems to be that she has masculine facial features. Idk 🤷‍♂️ just seem like the standard Bantu phenotype to me.

This specific one already has 2.5 million views

Every time i see a masculine sport loving woman- i get cringe worthy hives.

The same with feminine men in drag