New YouTube Video // Sheeko Sheeko

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Decca, not Becky (;
There's a lot of Somali about me. Like my whole life haha,
Born there and everything! My grandmother was even shot and hit while carrying me through gun fire.
We traveled a rough 15 days through Somalia to get to safety in Ethiopia. Where I then started speaking their
language. We didn't know if we'd be there forever or somewhere else, we lost our family, home, land, everything.
So excuse me if you don't understand my language very well.
I learned what I heard growing up... And I grew up around a lot of different speaking people.
Different Somali's, different English's, Spanish's, etc. My brain took in what it did. I'm grateful for what I know... So qabo afkaag aad
Wow that is an amazing story. You should talk about it in one of your future videos.
guuriiga daq, means clean the house! Another way to say it, prob in af-may is guuriiga narifee or whatever.
I can understand your Somali! I go back and forth, it's just hard for me to know which one is af-may I guess
i think maybe one is basic somali and the other is regional? idk. i can only understand the most basic words so your somali is probably waaaaay better then mine. if anything you just thought me new words lol
Decca, not Becky (;
There's a lot of Somali about me. Like my whole life haha,
Born there and everything! My grandmother was even shot and hit while carrying me through gun fire.
We traveled a rough 15 days through Somalia to get to safety in Ethiopia. Where I then started speaking their
language. We didn't know if we'd be there forever or somewhere else, we lost our family, home, land, everything.
So excuse me if you don't understand my language very well.
I learned what I heard growing up... And I grew up around a lot of different speaking people.
Different Somali's, different English's, Spanish's, etc. My brain took in what it did. I'm grateful for what I know... So qabo afkaag aad
don't pay any mind to that user, he's a troll. he can barely read english.
You never heard "miinka naareefii"? Like clean your home? or miinka e mow, "come home"

BTW, If you think my Somali is bad, you've now seen how I can't write in Somali. I can only read it

Do you say e mow, or coy, for the word "come"

I'm familiar with "guriga nadifi" (clean the home)


Southie pride
Abaayo, you look cute. 10 digit. Numberkaada iigu xad. *_-
Waa kusoo wacaa, waa ku shukaansanaa, waa kuxodxodanahaya. J/k


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Why have my comments been deleted? Knowthyycoon I'll catch you on the rebound, for now keep spreading your paganism & keep idolising the English language while you don't even know your mother tongue, keep grovelling & seeking other races acceptance.
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