Next Battle ground Konfur Galbeed

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@RoobleAlWaliid @miski is your dislike for jubbaland dir clan related?:what:i mean we both know there isnt alot of dir in jubbaland for you to get worked up about:umwhat:
rooble i remember you staning the clan inclave called sl even thoe 80%+ mps come from 1 clan and nearly all the positions:umwhat:
i also dont see you questioning the new hiraan+middle shabeele( this one is rumored to have all mps be from abgaal even thoe they only make up 50% of the population):umwhat:
also where were you when hg moryan from galgudud were receiving underserved mps in sw:umwhat:
talk about misplaced priorities:what1:

Where do you think the majority of dir's southern deegan is? Kulaha dir is low in numbers.

I'm not anti jubbland I'm anti blackie mcfattie. Why do you always bring up HG? It's so wierd, they don't control jubbas and and barely live there. This is why I call you a darodist because you inject hawiye into things where there not involved, this is south west state where some ogadenis are crying about not having enough representation and declaring WAR! Smh.all the while saying that jubbland is darod deegan and bs like this.

I think you can't see things past darods and hawiye because to you they are the only relevant people to you in somalia. I remember you even saying that eelays genocided darods. :eek:

I'm not from hiiraan but I find kinda funny youve never mentioned what happened to your hooyo's subclan there and even said you like hawaadles the most. I know why.:gnzbryw:

Edit: give me the info on HG having mps I never knew about this.
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Where do you think the majority of dir's southern deegan is? Kulaha dir is low in numbers.
lower shabeela:umwhat:
I'm not anti jubbland I'm anti blackie mcfattie. Why do you always bring up HG? It's so wierd, they don't control jubbas and and barely live there. This is why I call you a darodist because you inject hawiye into things where there not involved, this is south west state where some ogadenis are crying about not having enough representation and declaring WAR! Smh.all the while saying that jubbland is darod deegan and bs like this.
i inject hawiye because these fuckers get away with everything yet i never hear one word:stopit:why is your topic about jubbaland and no other states:russ:
I think you can't see things past darods and hawiye because to you they are the only relevant people to you in somalia. I remember you even saying that eelays genocided darods. :eek:
yes yes they did and we return the favor in 10 folds:ufdup:

I'm not from hiiraan but I find kinda funny youve never mentioned what happened to your hooyo's subclan there and even said you like hawaadles the most. I know why.:gnzbryw:


Also I remember @bandit how you were bragging about bimaal havering less representation than you and my clan having none.

to be fair you were asking for it by calling me qaldan and foriegner who didn't belong in the south:dead1:
tbh if i could i would give more seats to dir since were family:diddyswag:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!

No brother jubboyinka is where I'm from. thats why I don't like him as well as he's previous 'work history'.

Like a said you are a darodist and you'll help and ogadeni before you'll help your reer abti. :(

I thought this was about D&M I still don't get why Abgaal and HG have to do with ogaden and raxanweyne.o_O

Anyways f*ck them all for screwing over D&M in the 90s and now 25 years later. These people are masakin.
Lmao Dir subclans picked a fight with the government before the ONLF started to pick a fight. It is they that showed you to lift your guns.

The IGLF, The Ciise and Gurgura Liberation Front were making moves. , while your people were scratching their back wondering what to do.

I have nothing against Ogaden, but your people lack brain-cells and always have to wait and see and then copy others.

The IGLF was successful in removing the Derg along with other Liberation Fronts. Meanwhile the Dirs formed the earliest government for the regional state. A Ogaden man was just put in power to appease the other Ogaden. Don't get it confused

Dire Dawa is the second biggest capital in Ethiopia, of course some non Somalis there is normal. The Gurgura are a bilingual subclan, a portion speak Oromo the other Somali, that's why Ethiopian censuses show a bigger Oromo population than Somali, but the Dir clan is the biggest there. All the Gurgura wether they speak Oromo or Somali are united under 1 Dir Ugaas.

Meanwhile your talking about Tuulo, , Djibouti has finished its railway with Ethiopia. Your small brain will never reach such heights.

The notables are even Dir.

Can you see Ugaas Ciise and Ugaas Gurgura.

Now there is a big plot of Dir land still under Oromo region also a bit Hawiye, bit Ogaden and bit Sheekhaal. God wiling this will be added back.

I support Hawiye as banter. We are Irir of course. Southern Dir know how to stand their grounds.

Ogaden waa dad fiican, but those ones in Somalia are something else.

I'm a man of justice and hope the Rahanweyn win this.

Keep spreading propaganda you crybaby.. I'm done here
Man of justice kulaha.
You simply cannot digest the truth.
Dir are irrelevant in Ethiopia a bunch of gypsies living scattered and ineffective.
Claimming that the dir liberation front contributed to their empowerment in Ethiopia nigga please:chrisfreshhah:Dir are known to be very submissive in Ethiopia.Brings IGLF kulaha:drakelaugh:.
War dire dawa the dir city is today Oromo and Amhara city.You guys are symbolic and as day goes by you lose more land to Oromos.Even Shinnile the dessert is shrinking with Afar and Oromo encrouchment.
Did you just mention.Djibooty:drakekidding:.I think you have some bolts missing in your peanut size brain .Djibouti is Ethiopias .oops but you folks are experiencing development you dont need to liberate your folks from Xabashi oppression. Nigga puliz:deargod:.
Tell me how the railway line will help boost local dir economy.There was a railway line linking Dire dawa to Djibooty even during Haile selasie do you think that the starving dir population will all over start experiencing a dubai kind of living standard.:hahaidiot:
Today with or without Gumeysi ana kutaliyo in Ethiopia be it ceremonial or otherwise.So me living in bondage while Dir living large in Ethiopia doesnt add up.:kobeok:.
You think that if we fail in Somalia and a strong HAG regime is established in Somalia.They can change the tides in Ethiopia giving your submissive kins an upper hand :lolbron:against Ogaden.:mjlaugh:
Keep dreaming of the railway line that will connect djibooty to xamar:pachah1:


No brother jubboyinka is where I'm from. thats why I don't like him as well as he's previous 'work history'.

Like a said you are a darodist and you'll help and ogadeni before you'll help your reer abti. :(
my family is surre and dhulos they come before darod:win:
I thought this was about D&M I still don't get why Abgaal and HG have to do with ogaden and raxanweyne.o_O

Anyways f*ck them all for screwing over D&M in the 90s and now 25 years later. These people are masakin.
why dont surre and biyamal just come to one region:confused: all your problems would be solved:vo3yidw:
right now your all divided between million states and every clan inclave will give you small numbers because of it:vo3yidw:
i dont like marginalization of any kind :rejoice: you dont have to be down the status quo never stays the same eventually they will implement some kind of clan voting and you'll get your fair share unlike certain people we dont take other people property perfect ex is the 90s as long as you live on the land hope exist:obama:

and no D&M arent masakin:ufdup:the eley fuckers are well known for praying on fleeing darod civilians f*ck them:ufdup:
they use to kill our people inhuman ways including burning them alive:pacspit:


Suldaanka Gobyare
Man of justice kulaha.
You simply cannot digest the truth.
Dir are irrelevant in Ethiopia a bunch of gypsies living scattered and ineffective.
Claimming that the dir liberation front contributed to their empowerment in Ethiopia nigga please:chrisfreshhah:Dir are known to be very submissive in Ethiopia.Brings IGLF kulaha:drakelaugh:.
War dire dawa the dir city is today Oromo and Amhara city.You guys are symbolic and as day goes by you lose more land to Oromos.Even Shinnile the dessert is shrinking with Afar and Oromo encrouchment.
Did you just mention.Djibooty:drakekidding:.I think you have some bolts missing in your peanut size brain .Djibouti is Ethiopias .oops but you folks are experiencing development you dont need to liberate your folks from Xabashi oppression. Nigga puliz:deargod:.
Tell me how the railway line will help boost local dir economy.There was a railway line linking Dire dawa to Djibooty even during Haile selasie do you think that the starving dir population will all over start experiencing a dubai kind of living standard.:hahaidiot:
Today with or without Gumeysi ana kutaliyo in Ethiopia be it ceremonial or otherwise.So me living in bondage while Dir living large in Ethiopia doesnt add up.:kobeok:.
You think that if we fail in Somalia and a strong HAG regime is established in Somalia.They can change the tides in Ethiopia giving your submissive kins an upper hand :lolbron:against Ogaden.:mjlaugh:
Keep dreaming of the railway line that will connect djibooty to xamar:pachah1:

Warya cagdheer. I'm a man of facts.

I tell you facts and the current situation at hand , but you just wail and make up lies.


Regional & Federal Studies

Volume 24, Issue 5, 2014
Special Issue: Federalism and Decentralization in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ethnic Decentralization and the Challenges of Inclusive Governance in Multiethnic Cities: The Case of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia

It's still a Dir city.
Since Oromo are only able to claim it by seducing the Gurgura, but they are genealogically Dir.
So the Dir classified as Oromo by a census are actually genealogically Dir.

Truth must be a . :pachah1:

Afar and Oromo encrouching?

You have no clue the Dir were expanding all the way to the Awash river and into the Afar region a century ago.


As you can see the old railway already expanded the Dir nation and the Dir zone of Shiniile was never in contention as the Issas and others have expanded into the Afar region. . The Patriot saaxibow, you have a lot to learn.


The recent misunderstanding the Issa had with the Federal Government of Ethiopia concerned how some of their territories in the Afar Zone along the Awash River were to be possibly leased out to foreign investors. This is conquered land of Beesha Direed.

Afars are no match for Ciise.

Djibouti is proof of that and Ethiopia.

The_Patriot I could throw a lot of insults at you with a lot of sources and facts attached to it, but it will only be a waste of time.

I am not here to sling mud at you. I'm here to educate you.

Also Irir cooperation is going strong and if their is conflict I can guarantee you the Southern Dir know how to stand their ground and have caused severe karbaash.

I am a staunch supporter of growing economic ties between Irir.

Just months ago . Djibouti started cargo flights to Mogadishu.


Djibouti is part of the AMISOM contingent. We have power internationally. We Dirs can lobby.. You can only lobby under someone else's authority.

You think about a tuulo. We think about the future.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ


Y'all don't even belong to da same haplogroups all y'all clans fake af


Ogaden dis, Dir dat my nikkas its all fake


Fake fake fake fake fake

Wat did you show an cadan document to proove.:mjlaugh:
War you guys Oromadha ba idhin wasta we all know the facts.

Another plane of Djibooty landing in Ugandishu with weapons.:umad:This weapons were meant to kill Darood but they were uaed to karbash Dir ouch so much love for irirsm.:damn:

Dir are irrelevant in Ethiopia even Guelle wants to incoporate The inhabitable french port to Ethiopia.
As for fighting nigga please:comeon:
We Karbashed Gatsan in Ethiopia they thought they were superman.:chrisfreshhah:.
We are looking forward to fight the bantu biyomaal i.e if they are going to survive HAG karbashid.
i hope eelay eliminate them and send them bak to ethiopia
Elay say All Gedo belongs to them.Nacas kan bal firi infact Axmed Blackie and Sh Sakin fell apart.
Did you think that it will lead your Gaajobaharey folks quick to victory to Kismaayo? Wat a waste of qulle:hahaidiot:.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Yes and caqdheer say Bardhere is theres too, if wishes were horses you would be a beggar


Suldaanka Gobyare
The_Patriot is as delusional as they come wallahi.

Facts and sources will always beat >>> fake claims and mumbo jumbo

:damedamn:Nigga argues for the sake of arguing. He doesn't care about the truth.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
kkkkkkk kulaha ilkoyar freezone this is not nairobi my , marehans have a large presence in kismayu whether u like it or not. KDF boys imported from Jigjiga and garissa wont survive forever.

Kenyan economy will collapse when Dulyadeen pulls another Garissa :drakekidding:
The_Patriot is as delusional as they come wallahi.

Facts and sources will always beat >>> fake claims and mumbo jumbo

:damedamn:Nigga argues for the sake of arguing. He doesn't care about the truth.
Delusional is claimming Dir are living large in Ethiopia while we are in bondage.:hahaidiot:
Dirku horumar bey gareen kulaha while Ogaden have to fight on.:drakekidding: fight gumeysi:mjlaugh:.Do you want to fill our positions.
Nigga Jigjiga ba laidhinka mamula by C.Iley. We know wats happenning in the ground.:mjohreally:.
You are unhappy with the status quo.Go cry to the fat Guelle who has made Djibooty more inhospitable even Cawke aun mentioned it .:stevej:
kkkkkkk kulaha ilkoyar freezone this is not nairobi my , marehans have a large presence in kismayu whether u like it or not. KDF boys imported from Jigjiga and garissa wont survive forever.

Kenyan economy will collapse when Dulyadeen pulls another Garissa :drakekidding:
If Kenyan Economy collapses do you think Ilkoyar economy will boom?
As we speak KDF and EDF operate in Gedo they are in Celwaaq, Beled xaawo, Dollo, Garbaharey and Bardheere tell me who is the dabodhilif.They also have large bases in Gedo.They have more men in the ground than even in Kismaayo or J/hoose talk about how useless ilkoyar are they believe KDF and EDF in Gedo are juffo Marexan.:sheed:


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Yes we are being occupied and invaded by KDF EDF, there was an incident just few weeks ago when Kaliil was getting arrested by EDF but Marehan troops karbashed them in Garbarharay

i am n ot proud of this occupation and humiliation,

Patriot let me ask you question? What happened to the fierce OG warriors like Sayidka or even Maxamad Mursal, they are rolling in their graves now if they knew their kin had submitted.

atleast we are still resisting.

inshallah we will win
Wat about MSB he is rolling in his grave hearing the foot steps of Ethiopians in Garbaharey.Tell me exactly how ilkoyar are resisting occupation?
By having a press conference after press conference in Xamar?:comeon:
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