@RoobleAlWaliid @miski is your dislike for jubbaland dir clan related?i mean we both know there isnt alot of dir in jubbaland for you to get worked up about
rooble i remember you staning the clan inclave called sl even thoe 80%+ mps come from 1 clan and nearly all the positions
i also dont see you questioning the new hiraan+middle shabeele( this one is rumored to have all mps be from abgaal even thoe they only make up 50% of the population)
also where were you when hg moryan from galgudud were receiving underserved mps in sw
talk about misplaced priorities![]()
Where do you think the majority of dir's southern deegan is? Kulaha dir is low in numbers.
I'm not anti jubbland I'm anti blackie mcfattie. Why do you always bring up HG? It's so wierd, they don't control jubbas and and barely live there. This is why I call you a darodist because you inject hawiye into things where there not involved, this is south west state where some ogadenis are crying about not having enough representation and declaring WAR! Smh.all the while saying that jubbland is darod deegan and bs like this.
I think you can't see things past darods and hawiye because to you they are the only relevant people to you in somalia. I remember you even saying that eelays genocided darods.
I'm not from hiiraan but I find kinda funny youve never mentioned what happened to your hooyo's subclan there and even said you like hawaadles the most. I know why.

Edit: give me the info on HG having mps I never knew about this.
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