NFD and Ogadenia are not eligible for National ID Card

Abdi Hashi Abdulahi already got his and birthplace ” babille”, secondly HSM literally is dependent on Ahmed Madoobe who is also born in Ethiopia + most of the parliament got a foreign passport and some are born outside Somali border.

But let’s say this become reality, then what’s the point of wanting Somaliland to be part of Somalia? If people have become so tribalist that they dont believe in Somaliweyn.
Somaliland is not going anywhere, their defeat at Goojacade was the final nail in the coffin. Their whole claim on independence was rested on the fact that they claimed to want to return to pre-union post-independence borders.

On the subject of somalinimo, if you in the future want to vote, run for office or get access to national services (limited as they may be atm) as a somali from NFD/DDS/Djibouti/Diaspora then just apply for somali citizenship, which you'll get as you're an ethnic somali.
Fair enough let’s put them to the side.
Now sxb tell me a little bit about the warrior-like history of the Somali people EXCLUDING Ogadens.
Adam Scott Laughing GIF by FOX TV
Show me a clan that fought an army of 15,000 well equipped Amhara raiders led by Menelik on their own. Even the Italians were in awe of us. This is just 1 such battle. I can show more.




Millions of people from NFD and Galbeed wouldn’t vote in the election. Only clans that straddle between Somalia/Ethiopia.


Okay so? What’s the point in him even saying this? We do have missing lands and for the president of the nation to not only dismiss that but also dismiss the fact that those Somalis are being colonised is mental. Kulaha they are the same as American Somalis or British Somalis. It’s almost as if he’s purposely trying to reinforce the idea that they aren’t supposed to be Somali citizens and they are just like other Ethiopians or other Kenyans that the colonialist have been running with for so long.

If you want to say he can’t say that those lands are missing for diplomatic reasons, then fine let him keep his mouth shut. Why does he have to yap on about it?
Because Hawiye/Abgaal live inside Somalia, they don’t live in Ethiopia or Kenya. In an election where Somalis outside of Somalia can participate, HSM would be less likely to win.
Because Hawiye/Abgaal live inside Somalia, they don’t live in Ethiopia or Kenya. In an election where Somalis outside of Somalia can participate, HSM would be less likely to win.
Those people are somali, they can apply for citizenship and get their IDs and they'll be able to vote. Oromo's in SL and PL can't get citizenship as easily and therefore won't be able to vote which is why he said looking somali and speaking somali won't be enough.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I wouldn’t be so sure. After listening to the whole speech, I could be wrong, but he was implying that only Somalis within the borders of the Federal republic of Somalia will be recognized as ‘muwaadin Soomaaliyeed’ AKA Somali citizens.

Otherwise, he surely wouldn’t reference ‘Ethiopian-Somalis’ or ‘Kenyan-Somalis’ if he was only referring to sheegato ajnabis. He’s also made his stance clear before, where he wanted to push forward with this exact same measure. Seems to be clear as day to me what his message is.
Culusow has realized something we all have. Where do these people outside our border’s loyalty lie? They can and will be used as double agents against our state. Look at that Mahdi Guleed guy or Madoobe. They serve Kenya and Erhiopia before their own
Okay so? What’s the point in him even saying this? We do have missing lands and for the president of the nation to not only dismiss that but also dismiss the fact that those Somalis are being colonised is mental. Kulaha they are the same as American Somalis or British Somalis. It’s almost as if he’s purposely trying to reinforce the idea that they aren’t supposed to be Somali citizens and they are just like other Ethiopians or other Kenyans that the colonialist have been running with for so long.

If you want to say he can’t say that those lands are missing for diplomatic reasons, then fine let him keep his mouth shut. Why does he have to yap on about it?
Doesnt djibouti have the same thing were people from other parts of somalia cant have IDs?
Millions of people from NFD and Galbeed wouldn’t vote in the election. Only clans that straddle between Somalia/Ethiopia.
They will get a chance to vote. If HSM cant get Karanle, degodia, ajuran , garre and many others who live in those areas to vote for him why stand up for election? The blue flag represent Somaliweyn, the day we exclude people from those areas means SL should be allowed too secede and there’s no reason to keep them, atleast they are upfront with their tribalism👍
Culusow has realized something we all have. Where do these people outside our border’s loyalty lie? They can and will be used as double agents against our state. Look at that Mahdi Guleed guy or Madoobe. They serve Kenya and Erhiopia before their own
Ahmed Madoobe the man who fought in 2006 with Hassan turki in Mogadishu against Ethiopians? who then got sent to prison and Sheikh sharif got him released & wanted to make him a MP, but he refused went too recapture Jubbada from Al shabab. With your argument Siyad barre would never became president🤦🏿‍♂️
I agree with HSM. Are these people ok with paying income taxes to the Somali Nation?
Soon there will be no more aid money.
To store the data of these people alone costs a lot of money, if they travel abroad with the Somali passport they may need service from the Somali embassy there that also costs money.
Unless these people are paying their fair share to the republic they shouldn't be given passports and ID cards.
They should be eligible to apply the Somali passport when they permanently move to Somalia and become a contributing citizen.
The BIG question: The more than a third of Mogadishu residents now have an Ethiopian passports that they bought between 2015 and now, which country's citizens are they?
Show me a clan that fought an army of 15,000 well equipped Amhara raiders led by Menelik on their own. Even the Italians were in awe of us. This is just 1 such battle. I can show more.

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A sub clan of reer cabdille ended 6000 ethios in one battle not just one time they usually raided them as well. Keep in mind reer cabdille is a sub sub sub clan of Ogaden. I would say if they were well equipped they would’ve ended more than 15k lives at that time.
He was born in babile raised in harar then in the 1977 war he moved to xamar and he stayed there the entire time even during 1991 and he is still there today. So does every somali politicians have a ethiopian passport? :farmajoyaab:

Many of the current and former high ranking politicians in Somalia are either from Ethiopia or from border areas with Ethiopia. Same thing with Djibouti. IOG was born in Dir Dhaba. I guess, we have to let the tradition continue 😏

The funny thing is that neither Ethiopia or Somalia allows double nationalities, but they are not oftentimes enforced. Especially by Somalia.


They had to make a fake birthplace for this puppet. Kismayo kulaha I bet you he never stepped foot in Kismayo pre 2011. His real passport is Itoobiya

If only you knew the Irony behind this:cosbyhmm:

Hamze Barre is Rer Cabdille
Doqonki Ogaden Doolo laga qaadye is Rer Cabdille
2023 they are denying themselves Somali citizenship


Indeed, what's with the calaacal? This is a good thing. People from NFD/DDS/Djibouti can still apply for somali citizenship as they're ethnic somalis. If they want to vote and want access to governmental services they'll have to apply for a somali citizenship.

Not having an ID won't impede freedom of movement, as somalis without citizenship will be carrying their foreign IDs. It will be useful for catching murderers who kill people in people in DDS/NFD then try to hide out in Somalia. In fact it will improve cross-border interactions.

Indeed, the-not yet-kenyans are some of the weirdest niggas I've ever met.
They apply for ID like everyone else not citizenship. There is no legislation even in the works regarding this topic.

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Why are you still discussing this
And Babile isnt even in Somali Region the real irony is most of this fantasy is held by Diaspora Somalis :drakekidding: