It has been like this in the past, like prior to WW2. But, in the past, there was no hypocrisy. It was direct. "Hey, I am stronger than you and I will invade you and occupy you and do as I please with you". I like that. Compare to, doing the same thing, while denying that you're doing the same thing. Just hypocritical. lolIt has always like that, it just codified now that we shouldn't do it
Greater area of Toronto is almost as big as Gambia not only that but they're already surrounded by Senegal, the fact that other countries
are joining in for the luls is what kills me, if they fail this wallahi it's going to be an epic embarrassment.
It has been like this in the past, like prior to WW2. But, in the past, there was no hypocrisy. It was direct. "Hey, I am stronger than you and I will invade you and occupy you and do as I please with you". I like that. Compare to, doing the same thing, while denying that you're doing the same thing. Just hypocritical. lol
So, in a nutshell, there is no such thing as "Sovereignty".But that's a false equivalence!
This is a UN backed military intervention against a man who rejected the results of an election he accepted to partake in. I mean, this is literally an attempt to preserve the security of the region and the democratic system in place in Gambia.
I dont like the idea of non Muslims invading Muslim countries, for all we know the West could be behind this because there are plenty long running non Muslim dictators in Africa and no one seem to bat an eyelid. That cowboy wannabe retard Museveni has been a president of Uganda since 1986 and he has been said to have done alot of horrible things to his people and yet he is still the president. Something doesnt smell right this and I pray Allah protects the women and children from those kuffar.
At least do what Kim Jong Un does, make sure that there's only one candidate to vote for that way you always win.
Not everything is about muslims being invaded! Yahya is the dumbest dictator of all who hold elections and lost, accepted defeat and refused to step down after! At least rig the election like Ismail Omar Guelleh But don't accept defeat and then try to cling to power
So, in a nutshell, there is no such thing as "Sovereignty".
Not everything is about muslims being invaded! Yahya is the dumbest dictator of all who hold elections and lost, accepted defeat and refused to step down after! At least rig the election like Ismail Omar Guelleh But don't accept defeat and then try to cling to power
IT IS about Muslims being invaded there are longer running presidents and regimes like the tigre who commit genocide and no one says a thing or try to over through or invade them; why a Muslim country and why this one in particular. Is it because they cant defend themselves, these kuffar we see what they do in Somalia, they have no business invading another Muslim country.
I don't know if you're aware of this, but this is an action being taken by countries who neighbour The Gambia. Simply put, this isn't a western intervention, this is an intervention by west African countries to ensure that the elected president of Gambia after midnight, takes office as was democratically decided.
The West doesnt have to invade when they have those dumb black slaves to do it for them, just like they did Somalia. I dont care whether they neighbour Gambia or not they have no business invading that country.
When you put it that way... I'm beginning to hope that Gambia wins this. This would be a bigger embarrassment then when pretty much all the Arabs tried and failed to invade Israel.
That wasn't really an embarrassment to be honest. Judging by the circumstances at the time, a swift victory for the Juden was an inevitability.
Even when the West isn't involved they'll blame the West.
You people are so dogmatic it's insane! This man violated the election in which he accepted to partake in. He lost and has to recede power by midnight but that's not going to happen as he declared a state of emergency and for what?! He must give up power as the people have demanded in the election.
Even when the West isn't involved they'll blame the West.
You people are so dogmatic it's insane! This man violated the election in which he accepted to partake in. He lost and has to recede power by midnight but that's not going to happen as he declared a state of emergency and for what?! He must give up power as the people have demanded in the election.
It is the Wests fault because these dumb bantus cant fart in their own land without the white mans says so.
Or in this case neighbours of those who neighbour the neighbouring country Senegal and its neighbours and their neighbours..I don't know if you're aware of this, but this is an action being taken by countries who neighbour The Gambia.