Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
I think its a win win, these single mother Halimos need love too. And Faarax needs some anjeero and beer and laundry done. Shoutout to all the single mothers helping these brothers out they are a godsentTekniko was kidding but there is some truth to this stereotype. Many Farah bachelors and those with wives abroad, especially the more Somali type, seek out low maintenance Single Mothers to satisfy their need for a lover in a Xalal manner and a mother figure who cooks, cleans for them etc. If an exchange is mutually beneficial, let them be!
It is a tough world out there for these poor lonesome souls who dine on oily Maqaxi food with no woman to attend to their halal carnal and worldly needs. My heart goes out to them whenever I catch a glimpse of their poorly ironed shirts and malnourished Luugo Baasto frames. This one goes out to them: