Nilotic, come in


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Well, the guy was traumatised and clearly isn't thinking straight; we don't need to be muling for any other demographic.

Yes, the Israelis provided us with weapons, ammunition and equipment to fight the "Ayrabs" of Sudan in the 60s, but that's because those "Ayrab" geniuses in Khartoum declared war on Israel in 1967

To quote a politician whose name I forget, "Take money from everyone who will give it to you then vote however you actually want to vote and see who donates again next time."

To quote a politician whose name I forget, "Take money from everyone who will give it to you then vote however you actually want to vote and see who donates again next time."


There will be no next time though; we won't need Israel to give us weapons if we have to fight the "Arabs" of Sudan again.

South Sudan should have established a proper military industrial complex as soon as we gained independence, but that death-deserving moron (Salva Kiir) has made us weak and vulnerable.

The death of our Moses (Garang) has robbed us of decades of economic and military strength.

If I had it my way, that alternative pipeline idea (conceived by Garang) would have been put into motion in 2005; and I know that it's not tenable or optically justifiable, but all those that continue to make us weak through corruption really should be lined up and shot with 30mm autocannons until there is nothing left but hair, teeth and eyeballs.

