Nimrod the Cushite from Kish (Sumer, present-day Iraq)

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Also the Quran unlike the Bible doesn’t mention these inaccuracies like time period for example which is why Christian and Jews derive the incorrect notion that the earth is a certain amount of years old, it also doesn’t mention these sons, they possibly did not exist in Islam other than the one who got flooded while in judeochristian books they go into detail( fabrications) and talk about how they think Abraham got so drunk that he was raped by his son, which is beilived by bible scholars that not only did it not happen or this son probably not exist but it was written thousands of years later to justify a genocide,
In Islam we don’t believe in these stories of children not mention in the Quran for Noah or lut or other wicked story’s and fabrications in the Bible
Actually many of bible stories are supported and also published by many classical islamic hostorians tabari in tarikh alrusul wal miluk. Dhababi, mas'udi, suyuudi, and basically every other ancient islamic historians. The ruling is that if those biblical athar dont contradict hadith and quran, like prescribing horrendous defilement of character to prophets such Lud, Noah etc than its okay to take such athar.


Actually many of bible stories are supported and also published by many classical islamic hostorians tabari in tarikh alrusul wal miluk. Dhababi, mas'udi, suyuudi, and basically every other ancient islamic historians. The ruling is that if those biblical athar dont contradict hadith and quran, like prescribing horrendous defilement of character to prophets such Lud, Noah etc than its okay to take such athar.
Not really when bible all contradicts the Quran because it isn’t the Torah or injeel given to musa and Issa at all, its been proven to be a collection compiled over a thousand years by several authors most unknown, if that were the case if I make a fake story today that doesn’t contradict the Quran and Hadith can it be taken also?

Samaalic Era

No one knows how many sons Nuh pbuh had nor their names. They lived in prehistoric era before their was any civilisation. Also the biblical stories which are full of lies were written long after Musa and Isa. The injeel of Isa pbuh was not written down and was taught orally and none of his disciples could read or write. The New Testemant is a pile of lies
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal narrated from the route of Samurah, the son of Jundub that the Prophet said, “Sam is the forefather of the Arabs, Ham is the forefather of the Abyssinians, and Yafith is the forefather of the first Romans.”

(Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
were not Abyssinians :manny: they came from South Yemen and we have no relation
They are mostly East African/Cushitic ancestrally. So yes we are related. Besides, theyre just an example. Thousands of groups descend from these three guys.


They are mostly East African/Cushitic ancestrally. So yes we are related. Besides, theyre just an example. Thousands of groups descend from these three guys.
sahib according to islam it was a local flood so humanity didn't come from theses three
The biblical characters that are the sons and grandsons of Nuh are allegorical representations of whole nations, not individuals. Cush is Kish, a city in Iraq and represents the Sumerian nation, who's first dynasty is the Kish dynasty. Nimrod is Enmerkar who was the founder of the Uruk dynasty, the successor dynasty to the Kish dynasty. As the Bible is allegorical this is portrayed as a son.

Enmerkar founded Uruk as Nimrod does, The ancient story "Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta" is the original version of the Tower of Babel story, of which the Biblical version is a distorted and much shortened account.
"The Bible" means "the books" or a library.

The Jewish Bible, or Tanach, has 24 books.

The Protestant Bible has 66 books.

The Catholic Bible has 73 books.

The Ethiopic Bible has 81 books.

The Protestant version was written in three languages, on three continents by about 40 authors over a period of about 2000 years. Plus, it has been variously translated many, many times.

In all of them, it is Noah and not Abraham that plants a vineyard and gets drunk. In the standard text he is not raped, but his nakedness is uncovered by Ham and maybe Canaan, as it is Canaan that is cursed.

Also in the standaard text, Shem and Japheth walk backwards with a shawl to cover him and not see their father's nakedness. They are not cursed.


Genesis 9:20-25

20 Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard.
21 When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent.
22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father naked and told his two brothers outside.
23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders; then they walked in backward and covered their father’s naked body. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father naked.
24 When Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him,
25 he said, “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.”


Ham / Hamite in the Bible refers to Semitic Levantines (Canaan), not Africans.

In the past, some people claimed that the "curse of Ham" was a biblical justification for imposing slavery or racism upon black people, although this concept is essentially an ideologically driven misconception.[34] Regarding this matter, the Christian leader Martin Luther King Jr. called such an attempt "a blasphemy" that "is against everything that the Christian religion stands for."[35]

Libaaxseendheer stop with the fake history.
sahib according to islam it was a local flood so humanity didn't come from theses three
"And We saved him and his family from the great affliction
And We made his descendants those remaining [on the earth]"

Surah As-Saffat (77-78)

Do some research sxb. The flood being local makes no difference when Quran says we descend from Nuh (AS) offspring.
Some oral accounts of the Dir clan incorporated Cush, Ham and Noah into their lineage.

Abibakar (Dir)
Cabdiraxman (Irir)
Ismaaciil (Aji)
Cusmaan (Soomali)
Jibriil (Waarid)
Xassan (Lugaam)
Xuseen (Dalmar)
Harruun (Kamaal)
Ismaaciil (Kooshin/Kush)
Ridwaan (Xaam)
Nuux (Noah)

Abu Talib

Its crazy because the old Cushitic lineage was incorporated into the fake redundant Haeshemite lineage created in the early 1900's.

Samaalic Era

Some oral accounts of the Dir clan incorporated Cush, Ham and Noah into their lineage.

Abibakar (Dir)
Cabdiraxman (Irir)
Ismaaciil (Aji)
Cusmaan (Soomali)
Jibriil (Waarid)
Xassan (Lugaam)
Xuseen (Dalmar)
Harruun (Kamaal)
Ismaaciil (Kooshin/Kush)
Ridwaan (Xaam)
Nuux (Noah)

Abu Talib

Its crazy because the old Cushitic lineage was incorporated into the fake redundant Haeshemite lineage created in the early 1900's.

This Lineage makes no sense. How can Nuh pbuh be before Abu Talib? Also Aji is the Son of Irir, not Son of Samaale
This Lineage makes no sense. How can Nuh pbuh be before Abu Talib? Also Aji is the Son of Irir, not Son of Samaale

It's fake obviously...

However the point is that Dir recognised Cush as their ancestor and Somalis still name their children Kooshin (Cush) till this very day.
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