Bob Marley
You think everyone back in the day married when they were 18 and above? Now you want to swing some beastial insults at me like some monkey slinging his smelly doo doo? You are so fucking sad. Do we have to shun people who
marry under 18, instead of being adulterous situations now? Nigga, my grandma got married when she was 16 years old ain't no beastial, hebdefile, wtf u want to label it problem with that nigga. LOL, stop slinging your shit at me.
was this your way of calling me a monkey. I see..
Btw Aisha RA was a very special child not only was she married at a young age but she led a battle of you follow that ahadith. @Bob Marley, could you lead a battle at 10? Lol
I think that same narrated said she was 20, 16 and 30 but regardless that's irrelevant to muslims as Aisha's age does not cancel out that you have to be of a mature age to be married. Most scholars have to determine that to be 15 min.
Okay that's interesting. Never knew that.
After-all there is alot of hateful propaganda about Islam so it makes sense that they would want to portray Muhammad as a pedophile.
One question, can you tell me what Islam says about marrying a child as young as 9 or under?
Or @Hafez
Do you realise that the Hadith is more than likely incorrect? She was at least over 15 if not older.