NoFap (female version)

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yasmin lan

Satans step daughter
I don’t understand why men are hating on this thread :wow::wow: I didn’t see no women hate on the the No Fap thread! Why must you guys come here and share your unnecessary opinions :what1:

yasmin lan

Satans step daughter
I saw you posting in few Somaliland threads I will search your posts kkkkk.
Okay :manny: I promised myself I’d never talk about my qabil and anyways why do you care so much about it:camby: so you can put o whole stereotype on our girls because we pleasure ourselves :cosbyhmm:


I don’t understand why men are hating on this thread :wow::wow: I didn’t see no women hate on the the No Fap thread! Why must you guys come here and share your unnecessary opinions :what1:
They are jobless worthless idiots that's why
Don't waste your time on them abaayo

yasmin lan

Satans step daughter
Masturbation is 10x better than going around sleeping with people you don’t intend to be with :kanyeshrug: id advise all the somalis I know but they all got themselves into shitty marriages just to have sex while I’m actually doing something with my life so y’all can complain about my openness :obama: my sin is my sin not yours and it’s between me and Allah not somalispot trolls
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