I reconnected with an old mate (Habash) from school and his family in a recent trip, and the conversation turned to the Horn, civil war raging in .Et, and the desolate state of the region. His parents further expressed [concerns] nomads had been the only ethnicity to have survived, now on the rise, eventually becoming [the] dominant ethnicity in the Horn, starting with .Et, in the next century through trade, innovation, and culture. They are well-briefed as to the irredentism concept of greater .So connecting mainland to Jibouti to DDS to NFD and farther afield.
It was as if they had been shadowing my thoughts, for I have been thinking** along those same lines ever since I visited and extensively travelled through the region.
They further expressed no other group could compete with the nomads offering examples as in Kenya, and in the West.
** Whilst many have been blowing the horn about an imminent Habasha, and by proximity Oromo invasion, I have been incubating the opposite where nomads, through culture, trade, and innovation, could embark upon a Western expansion instead of being concerned with ingress eastern invasion by way of forging alliances with Anfar, Oromo and other ethnicities in .Et.
* Nomads = Somalis
Food for thought.
It was as if they had been shadowing my thoughts, for I have been thinking** along those same lines ever since I visited and extensively travelled through the region.
They further expressed no other group could compete with the nomads offering examples as in Kenya, and in the West.
** Whilst many have been blowing the horn about an imminent Habasha, and by proximity Oromo invasion, I have been incubating the opposite where nomads, through culture, trade, and innovation, could embark upon a Western expansion instead of being concerned with ingress eastern invasion by way of forging alliances with Anfar, Oromo and other ethnicities in .Et.
* Nomads = Somalis
Food for thought.
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