Non-Somalis who fetishize and lust one Somali gender but hate the other!

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Anyone who compliments the MGTOW community is a fkin loser. FACTS
MGTOW is a hilarious community. They say they aren't interested in women romantically, but ironically, they talk about them all the time. However, some of the subject they touch upon are quite interesting, specifically about the female psychology.
They got Bantu genes though.

You might marry a Cushitic looking one, but end up getting Bantu looking children or grandchildren (looking like her ancestors).

You're right too risky.:wowsweat:

Bantu with high percentage cushitic mix can look kinda cute though, but our genes might turn out recessive with some of the kids:deadosama:

Vanessa Mdee(ancient tanzanian south cush with bantu admixture)and Hudah Monroe(Half somali-half kikuyu) are bantu with heavy cush admixture and are fine asf
You made another lying attempt again. Those what you shown were forums but I have shown you known article news with sources listed from model companies and votings done from African females. I don't know if you're either trolling or lying but either way I'll debunk you.

Somali Canadian population was recorded to be 200 thousand in 2010. 44,995 official NHS figure while 150,000 (unofficial estimate) because they didn't take a healthcare register. I've already shown you the source and majority of them live in the Ontaria region specifically in Toronto. I'm from here and Somalis are a very large community here you dumb f*ck!

Firstly Mo-G made an april fool picture in April 1st 2016 you fucking moron! You believe that shit? LOL! He isn't even considered top 20 Somali rappers and yes there are plenty of Somali rappers like Puffy L'z in the OVO and even Mo-G joined back. Don't forget Drake beat producers are Somalis and also his ghost writers are Somalis and in his song he brags about Somalis defending him. All the top known Canadian rappers mention Somalis killing for them and shooting for them. Anjabis will tell you Somalis run this city you idiot and many street gangs are dominated by Somalis. Somalis literally run the drug trade, gun trade and even human trafficking which is why they are listed by the Police as most dangerous people but at the same time Somali men are doing well in the business sector and in education. It just shows you how blessed we are over here.

Again, I do not like repeating myself but Somali men are worshipped in North America and Scandinavia and if you were here, you would know what the hell I'm talking about.

Majority of Somali women stick with their men. The only problem of Somali marrying out is in the U.K specifically in Salafi masjids where they are considered cheap and clean so they marry reverts. I've seen on Twitter how Somali women are bashed being ugly by Anjabis in the U.K and I will show it to you.

I'm honestly starting to feel like you are retarded or at least mentally deficient. You cannot possibly be this stupid can you?. Where did I post a single forum? I posted answersafrica , beauty-around , and africa cradle. All three listing their most handsome men in Africa, not a single Somali guy was listed. NONE of these websites, and I mean NONE are "forums" like you said you filthy liar. Your bullshit razzonline article got debunked instantly by me, it doesn't have any "sources listed from African females" nor "sources listed from model companies". Speaking of model companies you never addressed the fact that there's not a single somali male model but plenty of somali female models. I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that somali women are far more in demand than somali guys, and there's nothing wrong with that. A few of us in this thread already admitted it but you keep arguing for some reason.

Somali population was NEVER recorded to be 200,000 in 2010. It was only unofficially Estimated to be 150,000 in 2013 but there was never anything that said it was 200,000 in 2010.

And that wasn't an April fools joke, Mo-G got his ass trampled and fucked up by some real Toronto gangsters. Puffy L'z doesn't even have one music video with over a million views, don't mention that struggle rapper to me. Roy Woods, Party Next Door, Drake, run the rap scene in Toronto. And drakes producers are not Somalis .
Here's a list of all his producers, point out one Somali guy
Another Toronto guy already told you to stop being delusional so I will stop right here

The majority of Somali women today have unlimited access to all kinds of men at the touch of a button, you think they're going to settle for you? Even this Somali girl said it:


Hahahaha, I can taste your tears already

Especially the non-Muslim somali girls 10x out of 10 they're not gonna be with a Somali guy. Somali girls in the U.K. Are so alluring, exquisite and elegant that they have men REVERTING TO ISLAM JUST TO MARRY A SOMALI GIRL. Can you say the same about Somali guys?

When are you going to admit that you can't compete with this goddess?


Death Awaits You
due to anti muslim sentiments having roots worldwide, ajanabis don't desire muslim women who cover up and (arabs, muslim Asians) usually stick to their own.


I'm honestly starting to feel like you are retarded or at least mentally deficient. You cannot possibly be this stupid can you?. Where did I post a single forum? I posted answersafrica , beauty-around , and africa cradle. All three listing their most handsome men in Africa, not a single Somali guy was listed. NONE of these websites, and I mean NONE are "forums" like you said you filthy liar. Your bullshit razzonline article got debunked instantly by me, it doesn't have any "sources listed from African females" nor "sources listed from model companies". Speaking of model companies you never addressed the fact that there's not a single somali male model but plenty of somali female models. I'm trying to get it through your thick skull that somali women are far more in demand than somali guys, and there's nothing wrong with that. A few of us in this thread already admitted it but you keep arguing for some reason.

Somali population was NEVER recorded to be 200,000 in 2010. It was only unofficially Estimated to be 150,000 in 2013 but there was never anything that said it was 200,000 in 2010.

And that wasn't an April fools joke, Mo-G got his ass trampled and fucked up by some real Toronto gangsters. Puffy L'z doesn't even have one music video with over a million views, don't mention that struggle rapper to me. Roy Woods, Party Next Door, Drake, run the rap scene in Toronto. And drakes producers are not Somalis .
Here's a list of all his producers, point out one Somali guy
Another Toronto guy already told you to stop being delusional so I will stop right here

Majority of Somali women stick with their men. The only problem of Somali marrying out is in the U.K specifically in Salafi masjids where they are considered cheap and clean so they marry reverts. I've seen on Twitter how Somali women are bashed being ugly by Anjabis in the U.K and I will show it to you.

The majority of Somali women today have unlimited access to all kinds of men at the touch of a button, you think they're going to settle for you? Even this Somali girl said it:

View attachment 42946

Hahahaha, I can taste your tears already

Especially the non-Muslim somali girls 10x out of 10 they're not gonna be with a Somali guy. Somali girls in the U.K. Are so alluring, exquisite and elegant that they have men REVERTING TO ISLAM JUST TO MARRY A SOMALI GIRL. Can you say the same about Somali guys?

When are you going to admit that you can't compete with this goddess?
View attachment 42947

I'll just debunk you again. It's been proven you're not a Somali and I've given you all the sources but you chose to ignore them but make lies. I know you're not stupid but just a troll and a compulsive liar with an agenda so I'll happily refute you again.

1. You've posted forums while I posted article news and there are over 20 of them saying the same thing that Somali men are ranked number one most handsome men in Africa and it's been published by the most famous news in Africa. Within those news articles show you sources of why Somali men are ranked number one handsome men in Africa because Somali men are one of tallest in Africa with soft hair and most caucasian facial feature.

2. Somali population was 200 thousand during 2010. The 50 thousand were registered in the health care but the 150 thousand weren't which was during 2010 but the estimation now is far higher. Why do you think Canada is the home to the largest Somali population in the west? You're being fucking stupid so check out the health statistics.

3. In the 1st of April 2016, he posted a fake editted picture and just two days later he's in Djibouti chilling with nothing on his face and he stated it as an april fool so don't show me a news because he fooled everyone and Drake even said he's joking so stop lying. If you're here from Toronto they'll tell you Mo-G is a joker and I know what's going on and the politics in the streets of Toronto so you cannot tell me shit.

4. Here is where I expose your ass. Puffy L'z hit more than 5 million or even more. He took them down because of ramadan but he'll re-upload them you buffoon and when he does and I'll be back here to expose your stupid lies.

5. Drake beat producer is Somali and he's one of the respected members of OVO.


6. Don't forget that his ghost writers were also Somalis for example Mo-G. heck the most famous rap YouTube channels such as M-Works and Toronto Ham are dominated by Somali rappers with millions of views and since when was Roy Woods a rapper LOL? Again, the famous rappers you mentioned also mentioned Somalis running the streets of Toronto in their music you dumb stupid shit!

7. My own cousin is a model, it's not that difficult to get. Here is another Somali model I know from Toronto and there are plenty which is why Somali men are ranked number one most handsome men in Africa.

8. Why are you posting dusty twitter Xaarlimos from the U.K bragging about marrying reverts? All I said was Somali men are desired especially in North America and Scandinavia but Somali men have confidence and aren't self haters. If they were black men, Somali women would be singles. Yes, there are Somali men in the U.K married with reverts but not much because Somali men mostly reject them since they are cheap and clean.

You should me a single Somali model and to be honest she doesn't look all that. I've seen better tbh.

Again, you have been debunked now quit lying about us. :camby:
Blue pills are feel good lies, red pills are brutal truths and reality


Which one will you take? Hmmmmmm?

Blue-pill = "hey my fellow geeljire, on Dixon Bloods we farax get all the xalimos, they stay loyal to us and marry somali men, wallahi bro!"

Red-pill =






Blue pills are feel good lies, red pills are brutal truths and reality

View attachment 42962

Which one will you take? Hmmmmmm?

Blue-pill = "hey my fellow geeljire, on Dixon Bloods we farax get all the xalimos, they stay loyal to us and marry somali men, wallahi bro!"

Red-pill =
View attachment 42958
View attachment 42959
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View attachment 42961

Keep posting lies but Somali women marrying out in Canada is very rare and they mostly marry with their own men. In fact, Somali men marry date/marry out more in Canada than they do.

The only insecure s that marry out is in the UK but don't paint that shit with the rest of Somali diaspora and also, most Somalis don't even live in Dixon but many neighbourhoods across Toronto you dullard dolt!

I can show you Somali men making tweets in North America bashing them. They're a tiny minority and completely irrelevent, it's not the majority thinking. Keep choosing a small bad apple, but you know and I know they are rare so GTFOH
Keep posting lies but Somali women marrying out in Canada is very rare and they mostly marry with their own men. In fact, Somali men marry date/marry out more in Canada than they do.

The only insecure s that marry out is in the UK but don't paint that shit with the rest of Somali diaspora and also, most Somalis don't even live in Dixon but many neighbourhoods across Toronto you dullard dolt!

How much of the brutal red pill can you take factz?




Tbh, there is something very strange about desiring every other race except yours. Those people have underlying issues that they have yet to resolve.

In Toronto, there seems to be a trend of Somali guys marrying ajanabis but they tend to be on the religious side.

Exactly, Somalis need to stick together and this idiot @Ahmed Alawi doesn't know how Somali men are different in North America compare to the U.K. He's painting every community the same just because of their ethnicity or maybe he's an Anjabo troll but either way we all know he's a compulsive liar and a troll.

@Ahmed Alawi A Xalimo right here is telling you facts about Somali men in Toronto doqonyo

All you're posting are rare tweets made by Somali women in North America or maybe they're from the U.K except for one of them but either way they mostly marry with their own men so stop posting fake shit that I previously refuted.


@Factz Take a joke you pussy

Just stay on the religious section and don't waste my time again. All you're doing is ruining our reputation in front of Anjabis reading the largest Somali forum and they believe anything they see so use your brain next time you fool.
Yo, is @Ahmed Alawi for real? Does he actually think that the vast majority of west African males are 6”5, ripped and good looking? Bro, you’re arguing from a individual point of view. Most of these men who are desired have the backing of the media and Hollywood. And even if there is a good looking Somali guy out there, he’s not some that’s going around proving it, he’s doing him. You know damn well that most Africans don’t look like the cast of black panther but look like this.

This is an incel, I’m telling you. :mjlol:
Yo, is @Ahmed Alawi for real? Does he actually think that the vast majority of west African males are 6”5, ripped and good looking? Bro, you’re arguing from a individual point of view. Most of these men who are desired have the backing of the media and Hollywood. And even if there is a good looking Somali guy out there, he’s not some that’s going around proving it, he’s doing him. You know damn well that most Africans don’t look like the cast of black panther but look like this.

This is an incel, I’m telling you. :mjlol:

still taking the bait even after I said I was joking?


Who the fuck am I? ギくェズー
I warned y'all about the bait. But y'all didn't listen. These trolls keep fishing.
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