Northern Somalis from the 19–20th century



El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
No homo these niggas look good. Baasto, bariis, mouth breathing, lack of exercise and meat have destroyed our looks. Modernity screwed men.
Smh, this is what a somali man is suppose to look like, nothing like the weak jawlined people we have today.
Heyyy, why are you downvoting my comment? Wallah it was an innocent remark. I think they look great! I mentioned their high cheekbones, strong jaw line and straight noses. Those are amazing features I wish we still had in abundance.
They all from berbera they have never had slaves there
I know they are pure Somalis. I was merely saying that some resemble some modern day African ethnicities. I wasn’t saying this as a slight or to cast aspersions on their Somalinimo.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Heyyy, why are you downvoting my comment? Wallah it was an innocent remark. I think they look great!
Im just fed up with the hyperfixation somalis online have with madows. Also on the commentary of our looks. Im constantly shocked that somalis who clearly look somali are labeled non-somali online.
Im just fed up with the hyperfixation somalis online have with madows. Also on the commentary of our looks. Im constantly shocked that somalis who clearly look somali are labeled non-somali online.
Come on El Nino. I’ve been on this forum for a long time. Do I strike you as a racist? Or someone who looks down on certain features?

I said that only some looked that way and it has nothing to do with having a strong jawline ect. For instance abshir boyah who has a very strong jawline and high cheekbones looks incredibly Somali. If anything i’d say he is the archetypal classic Somali male look.

Btw I’m also not a self-hater who think that Somalis can’t possible be a certain way. A week ago I was defending Somali men’s ability to gain muscle and grow thick beards.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
2,4,5 and 8 have clearly used butter on their heads, you can see butter on couple of others ones too. This dhaqan seems to have lost sadly.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
Come on El Nino. I’ve been on this forum for a long time. Do I strike you as a racist? Or someone who looks down on certain features?

I said that only some looked that way and it has nothing to do with having a strong jawline ect. For instance abshir boyah who has a very strong jawline and high cheekbones looks incredibly Somali. If anything i’d say he is the archetypal classic Somali male look.

Btw I’m also not a self-hater who think that Somalis can’t possible be a certain way. A week ago I was defending Somali men’s ability to gain muscle and grow thick beards.
My post was not meant for you abaayo lol, I was letting out my frustrations. Had to double take when I saw your post, you are one of the few people here I wouldn’t have expected that comment kkkk.
2,4,5 and 8 have clearly used butter on their heads, you can see butter on couple of others ones too. This dhaqan seems to have lost sadly.
A lot of our dhaqan has died. Most if not all have long hair, yet my mum is always going in on my bro for his long hair and they act like it’s the worst thing even though I wager my own grandfather and his father had long hair in their youth.

It’s strange. When I look at pictures and read about Somalis of old, they seem entirely unrecognizable but at the same time exactly the same. I felt that way when I read Burton. In some instances they were very familiar and in many ways alien. So much has changed, even our own ayeeyo’s childhood would feel foreign to modern day Somalis back home.


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