NOT AGAIN! Here comes another xaliimo soliciting your sympathy b/c her child has been removed from her after giving birth to the child

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East Africa UNUKA LEH
Nine times out of ten, these women kick out the man because they think they don’t need him.
You not a man if you are being kicked out of your own house. Either that was never your house and you treated the home like an airbnb and neglecting your duties or your the woman owned/paid for the home.

Kulaha a woman kicks a man out of his home. Do you here yourself?
He is being raised by gaalad female. What do you want my son to turn out to be. I have to install masculinity in him. I want him to hunt for females. I just don’t want him coming to me to say “daddy I’m in love with @AbdiGaalDoon ”.
This I won’t let it happen.

How do you expect a woman to teach your son about masculinity. Just say you are not interested in parenting. Honesty is courageous.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
She likes to blame men for everything like a typical feminist when she has no concept of diin and Dhaqan. Her kind of mentality is why we have an epidemic of single mother garoobs and over 30 gumeeys. A lot of Somali women in the west don’t have the Dhaqan, loyalty to husband and family as women back home. If the father is not present, nine times out of ten the woman kicked him out.
Typical feminist? you fcking -promoting ass should not even be speaking.
You are able to be a extremist because of dumb feminists. You love what they created.
fckin hypocrites everywhere I gooooooooo.
Warya for how much you love , you should be a feminist. Yahuu
It is the man's fault if the government gets to the stage of taking your children into custody, it means the man is also an absentee or faulty parent.
Men don’t have super powers where they can see everything the woman does. If the kids are with her and she leave them alone unsupervised, probably went to aroos or just out with her friends. Then how is it the mans fault?

We're supposed to believe that happily married men have the time or energy to care about what single, unmarried or divorced women do or think about. 'The math is not mathing'
I’m only 1/4th married so far. I still have 3 spots available. But I have no spinster policy. I don’t want to be all up in the Sahara desert.

@Angelina i never said the father is not responsible for raising children. But in the west, gaalo society favours women even if she’s not fit, so they end up raising most of the kids who end up being dysfunctional. The question is what did this woman do wrong to drive the man away. That’s the root of the problem and why there are issues with Somali family structure in the west. No man will leave a good woman who works hard at home and brings in money to help with finances. What makes you better than your grandmother who not only took care of the kids but built a home. This selfish mentality by modern women who need to be equal to men is causing serious harm
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
She likes to blame men for everything like a typical feminist when she has no concept of diin and Dhaqan. Her kind of mentality is why we have an epidemic of single mother garoobs and over 30 gumeeys. A lot of Somali women in the west don’t have the Dhaqan, loyalty to husband and family as women back home. If the father is not present, nine times out of ten the woman kicked him out.
Loyalty to husband???? What husbands? Women are meant to be loyal to their kids! Somali moms running all the warehouses working 2 shifts with their big jilbaabs while they have 6 kids. Come to minnesota you fakkit. You see the same number of moms working their ass off as the number of men sitting around karamel/24 mall, any starbucks with a 30 mile radius to minneapolis and your bond to find 5 odheys sitting around like they ain’t got no families.
Stop lying!


East Africa UNUKA LEH
What exactly is disgusting about my comment? Women have a habit of lying to themselves and don’t want to take responsibility for their poor decision making. You are the ones who get pregnant and are responsible for children and household. Feminism is the reason there is so much dysfunction in Somali households. Just compare your mother or grandmothers marriage to modern marriages. Those women knew their roles and never complained.
68 IQ, talking about feminism, what feminism is present in Somalia? The country where 98% of women have had their genitals sewn together as little girls? Who never experience pleasure? Of which they have an islamic right too? The same somalia where sheikhs spend more time telling men they have the right to r*pe their wives and spending 24/7 talking about women, than worrying about the state of our men? Who can’t even hold one damn country together? No economy? No jobs? What feminism???! Women don’t even have their islamic rights in Somalia, are you gonna blame feminists???? 70% of somali homes in america are single-mother homes. Are you gonna blame the habars for their kids father being neglectful???? Do you know what SINGLE MOTHER means? It means the mother is doing her DUTIES and going above and beyond to do the father duties as well.
fckin loser!
Men don’t have super powers where they can see everything the woman does. If the kids are with her and she leave them alone unsupervised, probably went to aroos or just out with her friends. Then how is it the mans fault?

You misunderstand my point.

I said that if the Government takes children into custody, it means both the father and mother are deemed unfit. That's the truth.
I’m only 1/4th married so far. I still have 3 spots available. But I have no spinster policy. I don’t want to be all up in the Sahara desert.

@Angelina i never said the father is not responsible for raising children. But in the west, gaalo society favours women even if she’s not fit, so they end up raising most of the kids who end up being dysfunctional. The question is what did this woman do wrong to drive the man away. That’s the root of the problem and why there are issues with Somali family structure in the west. No man will leave a good woman who works hard at home and brings in money to help with finances. What makes you better than your grandmother who not only took care of the kids but built a home. This selfish mentality by modern women who need to be equal to women is causing serious haram.

Finances? Women bringing in money in a relationship is generally Western as in Islam even if she was rich, you still have no rights.

Isn't it ironic that you complain about Westernization but you have a Western mindset when it comes to a woman's money?

Do you know that you have to 100% provide right?

I'm now at a point where I think you're just trolling me. You can't possibly be serious.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Maybe pay attention to what the majority of men are telling you instead of being so aggressive? There is a serious problem of unmarried women and garoobs in our society because women are not behaving like women anymore. Then you get angry because majority of men who are not simps reject your angry argumentative type of women. I’m speaking from experience as a married person, while youre quoting feminist manifesto. There are a few good obedient Somali girls in the west but majority need to be rehabilitated.
Majority of men? When the majority of somali men are able to run somalia I will take their opinions, till then
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East Africa UNUKA LEH
He is being raised by gaalad female. What do you want my son to turn out to be. I have to install masculinity in him. I want him to hunt for females. I just don’t want him coming to me to say “daddy I’m in love with @AbdiGaalDoon ”.
This I won’t let it happen.
You are a troll. I will report you to shariah court when we muslims successfully take over the court. Marry gaal women in this day and age is literally haram. 99% chance they don’t fit the requirements to marry ahlul kitab, forget your “affair”.
This is why you can’t have serious conversation with women. They attack you on a personal level like a pack of hyena’s. everything I’ve said is based on our diin and Dhaqan. If you don’t like it go ahead and ignore me. These same women will also complain about their lack of finding good Somali men. Maybe you’re the problem?
I think so too, because how can one defend p0rnography and in the same breath, talk about Islam and Somali Culture? This is all some sort of sick game for him.

Sis he talks about Islam, but believes that husbands doesn't have to provide.

He also believes that he can marry multiple times and not have to spend equal time with them.

These are basic Islamic rulings the average misogynist wouldn't argue against. Even @TekNiKo came to my defense once debating with him, so that is a clear indication that this troll was taking his stupidity too far.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Too much going on in this thread. Bal breathe and relax all of you.

The father is not absent. He is very much present and did not abandon his family. He couldn’t have custody because he was waa bila sharci. He has sharci now and is able to petition for custody. The case is still pending. The 3 boys are all with different families and the hooyo has supervised visits.

Some of you really revel in the misery of your own people. Pretty sad. I hope the children are placed with the father and the case is reviewed.
This is why you can’t have serious conversation with women. They attack you on a personal level like a pack of hyena’s. everything I’ve said is based on our diin and Dhaqan. If you don’t like it go ahead and ignore me. These same women will also complain about their lack of finding good Somali men. Maybe you’re the problem?

I asked you to show me proof time and time again, but you can't.

What deen allows you to not provide and take your wife's money.

You always ignore me when I said show me proof.
Too much going on in this thread. Bal breathe and relax all of you.

The father is not absent. He is very much present and did not abandon his family. He couldn’t have custody because he was waa bila sharci. He has sharci now and is able to petition for custody. The case is still pending. The 3 boys are all with different families and the hooyo has supervised visits.

Some of you really revel in the misery of your own people. Pretty sad. I hope the children are placed with the father and the case is reviewed.
Exactly. The feminist harpy’s ripped the poor father to pieces when all this time he was fighting for custody
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