Now you can order food online in Somalia

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I didn't really care until he implied people who are pro independence aren't somali, only he done that. The rest was extra.

So I take it you're an atheist, do you really buy that Shaykh Isahaq/Shaykh Darood bullshit? :lol:


I actually prefer the Isaaqs who are over-protective and vigilant about their homeland. Not to sound overly paranoid but you are surrounded by clans (excluding the blessed Hawiya) who pray for your downfall. Get rid of Siilaanyo, secure your borders to avoid Puntland and Amisom and for the love of God can someone hire a hitman to take out General Morgan. I don't understand how someone who has openly killed Isaaqs in the thousands walks free today.

Puntland is not a threat, they are actually good allies in containing the Khatuumo project also they are a wall against Al shabab,
Puntland's existence is in the interest of Somaliland. At the moment the only enemy Somaliland has is Mogadishu Gov who refuses
to sign the divorce papers.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Mercury is the most retarded nigga on Ss, the same hutu he defends called him a the other day!

Nacala iyo Oromoda aad tahayba was
Behave or I'll make you choke on this dick and why you call yourself xayd do you smell like it?
I only see this @Bahal nigga on somaliland threads abaha iyo cugadada was.:camby: Someone should tell him to worry about his people istead of being comedian and ass licker for others
I actually prefer the Isaaqs who are over-protective and vigilant about their homeland. Not to sound overly paranoid but you are surrounded by clans (excluding the blessed Hawiya) who pray for your downfall. Get rid of Siilaanyo, secure your borders to avoid Puntland and Amisom and for the love of God can someone hire a hitman to take out General Morgan. I don't understand how someone who has openly killed Isaaqs in the thousands walks free today.
No reason to Kiss their ass at the end of the Day you are just a dirty walaweyn in their eyes you and the marehan are the same in their eyes. Next time you are in Somaliland remember your id Papers otherwise you will get a One way ticket to ugandhiso.
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