NSFW: Is this dead man Somali?

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Does death frighten you? I sense most atheists are terrified of death
When you've worked with cadavers, there's so much to take in at some point u become accustomed and u sometimes forget they were once people, they become like pieces of meat. Details of their past lives humanizes them in a way that isn't helpful. Also, if u lose ppl in your life to the process and u see their dead body that also has it's effect on how you view dead bodies.

I have a problem with pictures of dead bodies like that, it upsets me. But in a clinical setting or in a morgue, they're supposed to be in a morgue so it doesn't somehow.

I don't know if most atheists are terrified of death, but certainly most ppl are terrified of death, so it would follow that we are. The only difference is we don't believe there's anything beyond it, which isn't any scarier...just empty, but that doesn't mean I want to die.
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