Obama brother hating on Somalis


Obama love Somalia though.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
On a serious note tho- he hit a point! Why can't Somalis govn themselves if they can be so successful in other foreign governments? My answer is- Somalis are Africans. Low Brain. Governess and Management needs White man type evolved brain!


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
On a serious note tho- he hit a point! Why can't Somalis govn themselves if they can be so successful in other foreign governments? My answer is- Somalis are Africans. Low Brain. Governess and Management needs White man type evolved brain!
and that makes you?
This must be a ya'lls day job scouting the web to police random peoples opinions on Somalis and report about it. As if it should be relevant to us.

There is always going to be people that either love us or dislike us for whatever reason. It's not something to pay attention to. We have our own opinions and interests.

If we don't have money they will complain about it, if we have money they will complain about it. Are we going to be stay poor just service them or be rich to just hand over wealth to them?

So they are always speaking from their own point of view and line of interests. So even if they say good or bad it really doesn't have much to do with us but have much to do with them and their position.

In Kenya where Malik Obama is from Somalis form a middleman minority, other nationalities throughout the world face the same type of rethoric about their percieved wealth . Chinese in Malaysia, Lebanese in Nigeria , Muslims in India etc
There are numerous examples of such groups gaining eventual prosperity in their adopted country despite discrimination. Often, they will take on roles between producer and consumer, such as trading and moneylending. Famous examples such as Jews throughout Europe even at times when discrimination against them was high, Chinese throughout Southeast Asia and North America, Muslims and Parsis in India, Igbos in Nigeria, Indians in East Africa, Lebanese in West Africa, and many others
Middleman minorities usually provide an economic benefit to communities and nations and often start new industries. However, their economic aptitude, financial success and clannishness, combined with social prejudices by other groups against businesses and moneylending, can cause resentment among the native population of a country. Middleman minorities can be victims of racist violence, terrorists, bullying, genocide, racialist policy, or other forms of repression. Other ethnic groups often accuse them of plotting conspiracies against their nation or of stealing wealth from the native population

What's ironic is that compared to those other middlemen minority groups i mentioned Somalis are actually native to Kenya, we also create many job opportunities for other local Kenyans and hire them.

They would be even have less money and jobless without Somalis. So imagine how idiotic his complaining is.

Indians for example that have big lion share of the Kenyan economy don't even hire them. They don't even interact with them.
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This must be a ya'lls day job scouting the web to police random peoples opinions on Somalis and report about it. As if it should be relevant to us.

There is always going to be people that either love us or dislike us for whatever reason. It's not something to pay attention to. We have our own opinions and interests.

If we don't have money they will about it, if we have money they will about it. Are we going to be stay poor just service them or be rich to just hand over wealth to them?

So they are always speaking from their own point of view and line of interests. So even if they say good or bad it really doesn't have much to do with us but have much to do with them and their position.

In Kenya where Malik Obama is from Somalis form a middleman minority, other nationalities throughout the world face the same type of rethoric about their percieved wealth . Chinese in Malaysia, Lebanese in Nigeria , Muslims in India etc

What's ironic is that compared to those other middlemen minority groups i mentioned Somalis are actually native to Kenya, we also create many job opportunities for other local Kenyans and hire them.

They would be even more poor and jobless without Somalis.

Indians for example that have big lion share of the Kenyan economy don't even hire them. They don't even interact with them.
This forum is filled with low self-esteem losers. They're caught up in the dopamine-filled positive feedback loop of bad press about Somalis on Twitter.
This forum is filled with low self-esteem losers. They're caught up in the dopamine-filled positive feedback loop of bad press about Somalis on Twitter.
These Kenyans complaining about Somalis on twitter for having wealth should be important lesson for them not to be concerned with outside opinions and their image.

For example In Kenya, the other tribes they are so obsessed over image and what other people believe about them that the minute they get a little bit of money they buy fancy cars, and expensive stuff, houses and other stuff and blow their money away. Just so they can appear wealthy and look good on the outside to other people. Then spend the remainder of their time talking crap on twitter and social platforms about why others have more money then them. It's always looking outwards. Never inwards for them.

They have a poor peoples mindset and low self-interest.

Somalis on the other hand either distribute the money among eachother or re-invest it. Because we are not overly concerned with outside opinions or controlling how people perceive us in a favorable way. We rarely show off or brag about what we have.
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On a serious note tho- he hit a point! Why can't Somalis govn themselves if they can be so successful in other foreign governments? My answer is- Somalis are Africans. Low Brain. Governess and Management needs White man type evolved brain!

First of all he is talking about the wealth of the Somali business class in Kenya they are not necessarily all involved in government.

If Somalis are allowed to govern themselves, they have historically a proven track record of being highly organized and enterprising people in their home country of Somalia.
I read it. The assumptions I'M Lewis is taking in this study is particularly unfounded like ''Uncentralized Somali Legacy'' kulaha, throughout the middle ages 900-1600 large parts of Somalia from west to north to south was governed under a highly centralized and bureaucratic system. And it was in large parts the reason for it's stability and development. Under those unitary governments, they appointed governors and functionaries over different districts and regions.

That legacy of that centralized structure survived amongst the Eastern Harti's that continued to rule most of the Northern-Eastern region after the collapse of other regions in the modern period and can also be seen in the later successful formation of Hobyo sultanate that ruled most of central part of Somalia in late 1800s and early 1900s

What impedes Somalia today is a colonial legacy that divived people, historical amnesia, and chronic foreign imperialism and meddling. Not an ''Uncentralized legacy''

Even made mentions of the revolutionary government in the 1970s, how they were progressing in the right direction:
The first 10 years of his regime Somalia was rapidly making progress , in so many different industries, education, literacy, health care, environmental protection, drought prevention, animal care, cultural/literary production, energy boost, nationwide electricity, infrastructure and manufacturing and was self sufficient in terms of food agriculture with food surpluses. The economy diversified more. Corruption was low, fiscal performance high and they had a budget surplus which they allocated to development projects. It also didn't place heavy restriction or prevent private trade or investment either and encouraged private enterprises in some sectors and built a commercial malls with dozens of shops to boost free trade , and the GNP of the economy was growing at high rate of 6%-7%. Somalia in general was safe with high security, Mogadishu was voted as a safe city. High score in sovereignty and a capable army and a navy, airforce etc.

Things only started to tumble with the introduction of IMF and World Bank structural programs introduced after the Ogaden war.
My fascination with the first 10 years of the kacaan regime goes beyond Siad Barre

What the first 10 years signifies to me is that with a centralized unitary rule if Somalis are left to manage and decide for themselves without external meddling and disruption they are capable of making real progress and changes in the right direction.

We are even denied of governing ourselves in NFD in Kenya and are being economically undermined by the Kenyan government. That's what lead to Somalis going to Nairobi and establishing a commercial base in Eastleigh. And other areas of Kenya.

People don't seem to realize that NFD is essentially classified as a non-self-governing territory:
4.3 Systemic Economic Marginalization of the Region
NFD being a non-self-governing territory because of her distinct geographically, ethnically and culturally nature was to benefit from the provisions of this Article. All the essential elements to consider in the identification of non-self-governing territories are
elaborated in the Annex provisions of Resolution 1541 (XV) as the region remains largely underdeveloped because of successive governments neglect and denial of basic infrastructure development. The colonial policies of neglect and exclusion remained extended thus resulting in increasing inequality166. Yash Ghai contends “subsequent regimes have used central power selectively, to reward its communities and punish those opposed to or outside to it”.167

According to a recent study on “Regional Disparities and Marginalization in Kenya”,
the level of underdevelopment in the counties constituting the former NFD region is
severe and unparalleled.168
These trends prove the continued strategy of marginalization pursued by the
government. On 6th November 2019, all Somali Members of Parliament (MPs) and
their county governor’s converged for a press conference in Nairobi to protest

Which is why on legal grounds Somalis in NFD have the right to persue self-determination. As this study by a Somali legal expert in Finland underscores.
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
First of all he is talking about the wealth of the Somali business class in Kenya they are not necessarily all involved in government.

If Somalis are allowed to govern themselves, they have historically a proven track record of being highly organized and enterprising people in their home country of Somalia.

Even made mentions of the revolutionary government in the 1970s, how they were progressing in the right direction:

We are even denied of governing ourselves in NFD in Kenya and are being economically undermined by the Kenyan government. That's what lead to Somalis going to Nairobi and establishing a commercial base in Eastleigh. And other areas of Kenya.

People don't seem to realize that NFD is essentially classified as a non-self-governing territory:

Which is why on legal grounds Somalis in NFD have the right to persue self-determination. As this study by a Somali legal expert in Finland underscores.

Yep Highly organised Banana republic just like any other African country!

Yep Highly organised Banana republic just like any other African country!


That's not what Somalia was during the 70s or before the colonial period. You should read what i layed out. It's just disproves this Low Brain . African mumbo jumbo bec

And African nations much like the ones in the middle east , south and central america have the same root problem: I layed out the root cause of these so called ''Banana Republics'' in another thread:

North Africa is poor as well. In the Middle East plenty of countries are poor(Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon) except for the artificial Gulf states, and Oman

Them and along with Africa all have one thing in common colonial legacy and exploitation through the democratic process.

Oman is one of the only formerly colonized countries to break the yoke through a revolution & a coup, and it used to be the same for Somalia during the revolutionary government 1969-1985 made massive leaps and progress until those same colonial corrupt forces brought it back to square 1.

Africa will be richer and more developed when they choose revolution over democracy.

The Oman success example i mentioned in another thread:

Why Yemen is Dying & Oman is Booming: The Economic dichotomy between two related neighbors.

I have seen people make a big deal out of the culture, Gegraphy/Climate, Tribal culture, the IQ intelligence of a people to explain disparities between stability and wealth you see between nations. When in reality the main difference between the state of a country is the leadership/governance and the economic policies they undertake.
Take for example Oman hosts similar demographic and tribal structure as in Yemen, with the same Yemeni Mahra clan and even the Darod Somali clan from it's other regionally poor distraught neighbor Somalia being represented in the political leadership and economic structure. Culturally similar as well. Which renders such explanations insufficient. Yemen v Oman is just 1 example, you can find other dichotomous examples like Taiwan v China, North v South Korea , East v West Germany etc