Obama essay: "This is what a feminist looks like". :susp:

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Obama embarrassing beesha barakaysan by praising the destructive western institution of feminism.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a "feminist" looks like:


From commander in chief and elected leader of the free world to an emasculated simp. :susp:

If he wrote this estrogen-filled piece when he was younger, there is no way a young Michelle would have been interested in him as a limp-wristed, feminist yes-man in the first place.

"As a parent, helping your kids to rise above these constraints is a constant learning process. Michelle and I have raised our daughters to speak up when they see a double standard or feel unfairly judged based on their gender or race—or when they notice that happening to someone else. It’s important for them to see role models out in the world who climb to the highest levels of whatever field they choose. And yes, it’s important that their dad is a feminist, because now that’s what they expect of all men".

When Malia ends up dating a rapper or athlete that keeps the pimp hand strong, i.e the last vestiges of masculinity in the emasculated black community, we will see if she cares about his opinion on intersectionality and the alleged social construction of gender. More importantly, all those Jewish politicians who were applauding and cheering him but are not themselves "feminists" when it comes to their daughters and are being groomed to bring a Jewish investment banker from Goldman Sachs home and nothing less. Meanwhile, Malia is more known for being a twerking sensation rather than her writing and promising future career in law that would have ideally outshone her father and mother and their illustrious careers.

Beesha Barakaysan takes a major L with this. :susp:
He was raised by a single mother. :manny:

I would say young Obama was definitely no feminist. Maybe paid lip service every now and again or believed in equal rights but not at all be aligned to this radical mutated feminist movement of today. There is nothing more pathetic and off-putting to woman than a servile, weak yes-man that agrees with everything that comes out of their mouth and he would have taken the L from Michelle if he was anything like he is portraying himself to be today. :susp:
At one time, feminism was a real movement that represented the struggle for equal rights. Now it's a corporate gravy train that everyone is jumping on. I also heard Justin Trudeau say that he was a feminist. Wtf is that? Feminism is cancer and should be eradicated.
At one time, feminism was a real movement that represented the struggle for equal rights. Now it's a corporate gravy train that everyone is jumping on. I also heard Justin Trudeau say that he was a feminist. Wtf is that? Feminism is cancer and should be eradicated.

We need to make America great again by electing a leader who will tell it like it is with no filter and promotes traditional and family-friendly values.
Yeah that's not happening. :russ:


We will see. Americans want their jobs back. They want lower taxes and more jobs to be created. They don't want further expansion of the welfare state. Well at least the 53%.

As the deceased Rob Ford who was beloved by Somalis and came out in droves to vote him in office once said:


"The best social program is a job".
f*ck that shit.

Trump on Gay Marriage:

TRUMP: No, I'm saying this. It has been ruled up. It has been there. If I'm a, you know, if I'm elected, I would be very strong on putting certain judges on the bench that I think maybe could change things.

Time to bring some socially conservative judges on the supreme court who believe in traditional and family values and will help turn back the dial on this nihilistic and decadent culture America has been spiraling into over the past 16 years.
We will see. Americans want their jobs back. They want lower taxes and more jobs to be created. They don't want further expansion of the welfare state. Well at least the 53%.

As the deceased Rob Ford who was beloved by Somalis and came out in droves to vote him in office once said:


"The best social program is a job".

Rob Ford was a good man.

Trump is a fraud though. He really doesn't believe in the shit he says.

Rob Ford was a good man.

Trump is a fraud though. He really doesn't believe in the shit he says.

We both know if Rob Ford was alive he would have endorsed Trump.

Trump is a politician at the end of the day. He is still preferable to Clinton who will continue the job-destroying and economically disastrous leftist policies of Obama and will be in the lap of all the major corporations, while Trump is only beholden to his base. We also don't need her "short-circuiting" and deploying nukes in Crimea against the Russians. "Oops" and "sorry" won't cut it when the white house is turned into a glass parking lot.
@Jubba_Man Trump is more pro LGBTQQIPS2AA than crooked Hilary.

Mr. Trump is far more accepting of sexual minorities than his party’s leaders have been. On Thursday, he startled some Republicans by saying on NBC’s “Today” show that he opposed a recently passed North Carolina law that prohibits people from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to the gender they were born with, striking down a Charlotte ordinance.

Transgender people should “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate,” Mr. Trump said, putting him at odds with amajority of Republicans in North Carolina.

But it is his views on gay rights and gay people that most distinguish Mr. Trump from previous Republican standard-bearers. He has nurtured long friendships with gay people, employed gay workers in prominent positions, and moved with ease in industries where gays have long exerted influence, like entertainment.

“He will be the most gay-friendly Republican nominee for president ever,” said Gregory T. Angelo, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans, a group that supports gay rights.

Mr. Trump, who has inflamed tensions with almost every group, from Hispanics to women to African-Americans, has avoided attacking or offending gay men and lesbians during the campaign

His history with the gay community is a long one. He donated to charities focused on the AIDS crisis in the late 1980s and early ’90s. In 2000, when he briefly considered running for president, he gave an interview to The Advocate, a gay magazine, in which he supported amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act to “include a ban of discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

“I live in New York. I know many, many gay people. Tremendous people,” Mr. Trump said in an interview in 2011.

Mr. Trump was believed to be the first private club owner in Palm Beach, Fla., to admit an openly gay couple, according to Laurence Leamer, the author of “Madness Under the Royal Palms,” a book about Palm Beach society.

Mr. Wallach said that he and his husband would fly on Mr. Trump’s jet to Florida or Atlantic City on weekends. “I found him to be very friendly to my spouse,” he said. “He would often ask about my spouse, how his dental practice was doing.”

Mr. Trump’s foundation has given over the years to groups like the AIDS Service Center and the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Some of those donations came more recently in connection with his reality television show “The Celebrity Apprentice,” whose winners got to select the recipient charities. But as early as 1987, Mr. Trump made a $25,000 contribution to the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, from profits generated by his company’s operation of the Wollman Memorial Rink in Central Park. And in 1992, the Trump Taj Mahal held an event that raised $60,000 for AIDS research.

In 2012, Mr. Trump attended the wedding of Jordan Roth, a Broadway producer, and Richie Jackson, in a ceremony at the Al Hirschfeld Theater.

Elton John and his longtime boyfriend, David Furnish, entered a civil partnership on Dec. 21, 2005, in England under a law the country had just enacted granting recognition to same-sex couples. The congratulations poured in as the two men appeared at a joyous ceremony at Windsor Guildhall, amid a crush of paparazzi.Donald J. Trump, who had known the couple for years, took to his blog to express his excitement.

“I know both of them, and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other.”
We both know if Rob Ford was alive he would have endorsed Trump.

Trump is a politician at the end of the day. He is still preferable to Clinton who will continue the job-destroying and economically disastrous leftist policies of Obama and will be in the lap of all the major corporations, while Trump is only beholden to his base. We also don't need her "short-circuiting" and deploying nukes in Crimea against the Russians. "Oops" and "sorry" won't cut it when the white house is turned into a glass parking lot.

Trump is not a politician, he's a "businessman".

Russia already occupies Crimea how will the US deploy nukes there?
I'm honestly tired of discussing feminism with insecure teenage boys who have never taken the time to actually study the topic and understand why it's so crucial to women world wide.
Lmaoo you want all men to be exterminated. :umad:
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