Obamas daughter looks Xabashi

The Luo groups believe that anyone can become Luo provided they discard their old identity and ethnically convert; the Luo have absorbed large groups of Nuba, Central Sudanics, Funj and Bantu groups in and outside Sudan. The Gajaak Nuer even accepted some Habeshas into their group.

The Dinka are the opposite; we believe that you must be born Dinka in order to be Dinka, and will always remind you that you're an outsider -- even after generations.

The Nuer will offer wives, land and prominent positions; they even give inductees the permission to fight (and possibly kill) any Nuer that questions their new-found Nuer identity.


This could explain why the most common haplogroup among a Nuer sample group (n = 50) in Gambela was e1b1b (32%).


I assumed it was because of an ancient assimilation seeing that Shilluk, Dinka and Nuer samples all carried e1b1b at a 15 -20% rate in a previous study (Hassan, 2008).

Then again, this Dinka is an e1b1b V32 carrier, impossible to tell by his appearance.



